2011-05-12 14:49:42 +02:00
# include "mainoptionspage.h"
2011-05-12 14:44:52 +02:00
# include <QHBoxLayout>
# include <QVBoxLayout>
# include <QCheckBox>
# include <QLabel>
# include <QLineEdit>
MainOptionsPage : : MainOptionsPage ( QWidget * parent ) :
QWidget ( parent )
QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout ( ) ;
QCheckBox * bitcoin_at_startup = new QCheckBox ( tr ( " &Start Bitcoin on window system startup " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( bitcoin_at_startup ) ;
QCheckBox * minimize_to_tray = new QCheckBox ( tr ( " &Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( minimize_to_tray ) ;
QCheckBox * map_port_upnp = new QCheckBox ( tr ( " Map port using &UPnP " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( map_port_upnp ) ;
QCheckBox * minimize_on_close = new QCheckBox ( tr ( " M&inimize on close " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( minimize_on_close ) ;
QCheckBox * connect_socks4 = new QCheckBox ( tr ( " &Connect through socks4 proxy: " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( connect_socks4 ) ;
QHBoxLayout * proxy_hbox = new QHBoxLayout ( ) ;
proxy_hbox - > addSpacing ( 18 ) ;
QLabel * proxy_ip_label = new QLabel ( tr ( " Proxy &IP: " ) ) ;
proxy_hbox - > addWidget ( proxy_ip_label ) ;
QLineEdit * proxy_ip = new QLineEdit ( ) ;
proxy_ip - > setMaximumWidth ( 140 ) ;
proxy_ip_label - > setBuddy ( proxy_ip ) ;
proxy_hbox - > addWidget ( proxy_ip ) ;
QLabel * proxy_port_label = new QLabel ( tr ( " &Port: " ) ) ;
proxy_hbox - > addWidget ( proxy_port_label ) ;
QLineEdit * proxy_port = new QLineEdit ( ) ;
proxy_port - > setMaximumWidth ( 55 ) ;
proxy_port_label - > setBuddy ( proxy_port ) ;
proxy_hbox - > addWidget ( proxy_port ) ;
proxy_hbox - > addStretch ( 1 ) ;
layout - > addLayout ( proxy_hbox ) ;
QLabel * fee_help = new QLabel ( tr ( " Optional transaction fee per KB that helps make sure your transactions are processed quickly. Most transactions are 1KB. Fee 0.01 recommended. " ) ) ;
fee_help - > setWordWrap ( true ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( fee_help ) ;
QHBoxLayout * fee_hbox = new QHBoxLayout ( ) ;
fee_hbox - > addSpacing ( 18 ) ;
QLabel * fee_label = new QLabel ( tr ( " Pay transaction &fee " ) ) ;
fee_hbox - > addWidget ( fee_label ) ;
QLineEdit * fee_edit = new QLineEdit ( ) ;
fee_edit - > setMaximumWidth ( 70 ) ;
fee_label - > setBuddy ( fee_edit ) ;
fee_hbox - > addWidget ( fee_edit ) ;
fee_hbox - > addStretch ( 1 ) ;
layout - > addLayout ( fee_hbox ) ;
layout - > addStretch ( 1 ) ; /* Extra space at bottom */
setLayout ( layout ) ;