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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Dash Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
from collections import namedtuple
from test_framework.mininode import *
from test_framework.test_framework import DashTestFramework
from test_framework.util import *
from time import *
Checks DIP4 merkle roots in coinbases
class TestNode(NodeConnCB):
def __init__(self):
self.last_mnlistdiff = None
def on_mnlistdiff(self, conn, message):
self.last_mnlistdiff = message
def wait_for_mnlistdiff(self, timeout=30):
self.last_mnlistdiff = None
def received_mnlistdiff():
return self.last_mnlistdiff is not None
return wait_until(received_mnlistdiff, timeout=timeout)
def getmnlistdiff(self, baseBlockHash, blockHash):
msg = msg_getmnlistd(baseBlockHash, blockHash)
return self.last_mnlistdiff
class LLMQCoinbaseCommitmentsTest(DashTestFramework):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(6, 5, [], fast_dip3_enforcement=True)
def run_test(self):
self.test_node = TestNode()
self.test_node.add_connection(NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], self.test_node))
NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
null_hash = format(0, "064x")
# Check if a diff with the genesis block as base returns all MNs
expectedUpdated = [mn.proTxHash for mn in self.mninfo]
mnList = self.test_getmnlistdiff(null_hash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), {}, [], expectedUpdated)
expectedUpdated2 = expectedUpdated + []
# Register one more MN, but don't start it (that would fail as DashTestFramework doesn't support this atm)
baseBlockHash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
new_mn = self.mninfo[self.mn_count]
# Now test if that MN appears in a diff when the base block is the one just before MN registration
expectedDeleted = []
expectedUpdated = [new_mn.proTxHash]
mnList = self.test_getmnlistdiff(baseBlockHash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), mnList, expectedDeleted, expectedUpdated)
assert(mnList[new_mn.proTxHash].confirmedHash == 0)
# Now let the MN get enough confirmations and verify that the MNLISTDIFF now has confirmedHash != 0
mnList = self.test_getmnlistdiff(baseBlockHash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), mnList, expectedDeleted, expectedUpdated)
assert(mnList[new_mn.proTxHash].confirmedHash != 0)
# Spend the collateral of the previously added MN and test if it appears in "deletedMNs"
expectedDeleted = [new_mn.proTxHash]
expectedUpdated = []
baseBlockHash2 = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
mnList = self.test_getmnlistdiff(baseBlockHash2, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), mnList, expectedDeleted, expectedUpdated)
# When comparing genesis and best block, we shouldn't see the previously added and then deleted MN
mnList = self.test_getmnlistdiff(null_hash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), {}, [], expectedUpdated2)
# Now start testing quorum commitment merkle roots
oldhash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
# Test DIP8 activation once with a pre-existing quorum and once without (we don't know in which order it will activate on mainnet)
for n in self.nodes:
first_quorum = self.test_dip8_quorum_merkle_root_activation(False)
self.nodes[0].spork("SPORK_17_QUORUM_DKG_ENABLED", 0)
# Verify that the first quorum appears in MNLISTDIFF
expectedDeleted = []
expectedNew = [QuorumId(100, int(first_quorum, 16))]
quorumList = self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(null_hash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), {}, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
baseBlockHash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
second_quorum = self.mine_quorum()
# Verify that the second quorum appears in MNLISTDIFF
expectedDeleted = []
expectedNew = [QuorumId(100, int(second_quorum, 16))]
quorums_before_third = self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(baseBlockHash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), quorumList, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
block_before_third = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
third_quorum = self.mine_quorum()
# Verify that the first quorum is deleted and the third quorum is added in MNLISTDIFF (the first got inactive)
expectedDeleted = [QuorumId(100, int(first_quorum, 16))]
expectedNew = [QuorumId(100, int(third_quorum, 16))]
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(block_before_third, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
# Verify that the diff between genesis and best block is the current active set (second and third quorum)
expectedDeleted = []
expectedNew = [QuorumId(100, int(second_quorum, 16)), QuorumId(100, int(third_quorum, 16))]
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(null_hash, self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), {}, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
# Now verify that diffs are correct around the block that mined the third quorum.
# This tests the logic in CalcCbTxMerkleRootQuorums, which has to manually add the commitment from the current
# block
mined_in_block = self.nodes[0].quorum("info", 100, third_quorum)["minedBlock"]
prev_block = self.nodes[0].getblock(mined_in_block)["previousblockhash"]
prev_block2 = self.nodes[0].getblock(prev_block)["previousblockhash"]
next_block = self.nodes[0].getblock(mined_in_block)["nextblockhash"]
next_block2 = self.nodes[0].getblock(mined_in_block)["nextblockhash"]
# The 2 block before the quorum was mined should both give an empty diff
expectedDeleted = []
expectedNew = []
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(block_before_third, prev_block2, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(block_before_third, prev_block, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
# The block in which the quorum was mined and the 2 after that should all give the same diff
expectedDeleted = [QuorumId(100, int(first_quorum, 16))]
expectedNew = [QuorumId(100, int(third_quorum, 16))]
quorums_with_third = self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(block_before_third, mined_in_block, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(block_before_third, next_block, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(block_before_third, next_block2, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
# A diff between the two block that happened after the quorum was mined should give an empty diff
expectedDeleted = []
expectedNew = []
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(mined_in_block, next_block, quorums_with_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(mined_in_block, next_block2, quorums_with_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(next_block, next_block2, quorums_with_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
# Using the same block for baseBlockHash and blockHash should give empty diffs
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(prev_block, prev_block, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(prev_block2, prev_block2, quorums_before_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(mined_in_block, mined_in_block, quorums_with_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(next_block, next_block, quorums_with_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
self.test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(next_block2, next_block2, quorums_with_third, expectedDeleted, expectedNew)
def test_getmnlistdiff(self, baseBlockHash, blockHash, baseMNList, expectedDeleted, expectedUpdated):
d = self.test_getmnlistdiff_base(baseBlockHash, blockHash)
# Assert that the deletedMNs and mnList fields are what we expected
assert_equal(set(d.deletedMNs), set([int(e, 16) for e in expectedDeleted]))
assert_equal(set([e.proRegTxHash for e in d.mnList]), set(int(e, 16) for e in expectedUpdated))
# Build a new list based on the old list and the info from the diff
newMNList = baseMNList.copy()
for e in d.deletedMNs:
newMNList.pop(format(e, '064x'))
for e in d.mnList:
newMNList[format(e.proRegTxHash, '064x')] = e
cbtx = CCbTx()
# Verify that the merkle root matches what we locally calculate
hashes = []
for mn in sorted(newMNList.values(), key=lambda mn: ser_uint256(mn.proRegTxHash)):
merkleRoot = CBlock.get_merkle_root(hashes)
assert_equal(merkleRoot, cbtx.merkleRootMNList)
return newMNList
def test_getmnlistdiff_quorums(self, baseBlockHash, blockHash, baseQuorumList, expectedDeleted, expectedNew):
d = self.test_getmnlistdiff_base(baseBlockHash, blockHash)
assert_equal(set(d.deletedQuorums), set(expectedDeleted))
assert_equal(set([QuorumId(e.llmqType, e.quorumHash) for e in d.newQuorums]), set(expectedNew))
newQuorumList = baseQuorumList.copy()
for e in d.deletedQuorums:
for e in d.newQuorums:
newQuorumList[QuorumId(e.llmqType, e.quorumHash)] = e
cbtx = CCbTx()
if cbtx.version >= 2:
hashes = []
for qc in newQuorumList.values():
merkleRoot = CBlock.get_merkle_root(hashes)
assert_equal(merkleRoot, cbtx.merkleRootQuorums)
return newQuorumList
def test_getmnlistdiff_base(self, baseBlockHash, blockHash):
hexstr = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(blockHash, False)
header = FromHex(CBlockHeader(), hexstr)
d = self.test_node.getmnlistdiff(int(baseBlockHash, 16), int(blockHash, 16))
assert_equal(d.baseBlockHash, int(baseBlockHash, 16))
assert_equal(d.blockHash, int(blockHash, 16))
# Check that the merkle proof is valid
proof = CMerkleBlock(header, d.merkleProof)
proof = proof.serialize().hex()
assert_equal(self.nodes[0].verifytxoutproof(proof), [d.cbTx.hash])
# Check if P2P messages match with RPCs
d2 = self.nodes[0].protx("diff", baseBlockHash, blockHash)
assert_equal(d2["baseBlockHash"], baseBlockHash)
assert_equal(d2["blockHash"], blockHash)
assert_equal(d2["cbTxMerkleTree"], d.merkleProof.serialize().hex())
assert_equal(d2["cbTx"], d.cbTx.serialize().hex())
assert_equal(set([int(e, 16) for e in d2["deletedMNs"]]), set(d.deletedMNs))
assert_equal(set([int(e["proRegTxHash"], 16) for e in d2["mnList"]]), set([e.proRegTxHash for e in d.mnList]))
assert_equal(set([QuorumId(e["llmqType"], int(e["quorumHash"], 16)) for e in d2["deletedQuorums"]]), set(d.deletedQuorums))
assert_equal(set([QuorumId(e["llmqType"], int(e["quorumHash"], 16)) for e in d2["newQuorums"]]), set([QuorumId(e.llmqType, e.quorumHash) for e in d.newQuorums]))
return d
def test_dip8_quorum_merkle_root_activation(self, with_initial_quorum):
if with_initial_quorum:
self.nodes[0].spork("SPORK_17_QUORUM_DKG_ENABLED", 0)
# Mine one quorum before dip8 is activated
self.nodes[0].spork("SPORK_17_QUORUM_DKG_ENABLED", 4070908800)
cbtx = self.nodes[0].getblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 2)["tx"][0]
assert(cbtx["cbTx"]["version"] == 1)
assert(self.nodes[0].getblockchaininfo()["bip9_softforks"]["dip0008"]["status"] != "active")
while self.nodes[0].getblockchaininfo()["bip9_softforks"]["dip0008"]["status"] != "active":
# Assert that merkleRootQuorums is present and 0 (we have no quorums yet)
cbtx = self.nodes[0].getblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 2)["tx"][0]
assert_equal(cbtx["cbTx"]["version"], 2)
assert("merkleRootQuorums" in cbtx["cbTx"])
merkleRootQuorums = int(cbtx["cbTx"]["merkleRootQuorums"], 16)
if with_initial_quorum:
assert(merkleRootQuorums != 0)
assert_equal(merkleRootQuorums, 0)
2019-08-09 01:14:11 +02:00
set_node_times(self.nodes, self.mocktime)
self.nodes[0].spork("SPORK_17_QUORUM_DKG_ENABLED", 0)
# Mine quorum and verify that merkleRootQuorums has changed
quorum = self.mine_quorum()
cbtx = self.nodes[0].getblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 2)["tx"][0]
assert(int(cbtx["cbTx"]["merkleRootQuorums"], 16) != merkleRootQuorums)
return quorum
def confirm_mns(self):
while True:
diff = self.nodes[0].protx("diff", 1, self.nodes[0].getblockcount())
found_unconfirmed = False
for mn in diff["mnList"]:
if int(mn["confirmedHash"], 16) == 0:
found_unconfirmed = True
if not found_unconfirmed:
if __name__ == '__main__':