2014-12-09 02:17:57 +01:00
# include "core.h"
# include "protocol.h"
# include "activemasternode.h"
# include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
using namespace std ;
using namespace boost ;
// Bootup the masternode, look for a 1000DRK input and register on the network
void CActiveMasternode : : RegisterAsMasterNode ( bool stop )
if ( ! fMasterNode ) return ;
//need correct adjusted time to send ping
bool fIsInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload ( ) ;
if ( fIsInitialDownload ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Sync in progress. Must wait until sync is complete to start masternode. \n " ) ;
return ;
std : : string errorMessage ;
CKey key2 ;
CPubKey pubkey2 ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . SetKey ( strMasterNodePrivKey , errorMessage , key2 , pubkey2 ) )
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Invalid masternodeprivkey: '%s' \n " , errorMessage . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
if ( isCapableMasterNode = = MASTERNODE_INPUT_TOO_NEW | | isCapableMasterNode = = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE | | isCapableMasterNode = = MASTERNODE_SYNC_IN_PROCESS ) {
if ( isCapableMasterNode = = MASTERNODE_NOT_PROCESSED ) {
if ( strMasterNodeAddr . empty ( ) ) {
if ( ! GetLocal ( masterNodeSignAddr ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Can't detect external address. Please use the masternodeaddr configuration option. \n " ) ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE ;
return ;
} else {
masterNodeSignAddr = CService ( strMasterNodeAddr ) ;
if ( ( Params ( ) . NetworkID ( ) = = CChainParams : : TESTNET & & masterNodeSignAddr . GetPort ( ) ! = 19999 ) | | ( ! ( Params ( ) . NetworkID ( ) = = CChainParams : : TESTNET ) & & masterNodeSignAddr . GetPort ( ) ! = 9999 ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Invalid port \n " ) ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE ;
return ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Checking inbound connection to '%s' \n " , masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ConnectNode ( ( CAddress ) masterNodeSignAddr , masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) {
masternodePortOpen = MASTERNODE_PORT_OPEN ;
} else {
masternodePortOpen = MASTERNODE_PORT_NOT_OPEN ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Port not open. \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( pwalletMain - > IsLocked ( ) ) {
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Not capable. \n " ) ;
return ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE ;
CKey SecretKey ;
// Choose coins to use
if ( GetMasterNodeVin ( vinMasternode , pubkeyMasterNode , SecretKey ) ) {
if ( GetInputAge ( vinMasternode ) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Input must have least %d confirmations - %d confirmations \n " , MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS , GetInputAge ( vinMasternode ) ) ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_INPUT_TOO_NEW ;
return ;
int protocolVersion = PROTOCOL_VERSION ;
masterNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime ( ) ;
std : : string vchPubKey ( pubkeyMasterNode . begin ( ) , pubkeyMasterNode . end ( ) ) ;
std : : string vchPubKey2 ( pubkey2 . begin ( ) , pubkey2 . end ( ) ) ;
std : : string strMessage = masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( masterNodeSignatureTime ) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( protocolVersion ) ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . SignMessage ( strMessage , errorMessage , vchMasterNodeSignature , SecretKey ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Sign message failed \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . VerifyMessage ( pubkeyMasterNode , vchMasterNodeSignature , strMessage , errorMessage ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Verify message failed \n " ) ;
return ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Is capable master node! \n " ) ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_IS_CAPABLE ;
pwalletMain - > LockCoin ( vinMasternode . prevout ) ;
bool found = false ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( CMasterNode & mn , darkSendMasterNodes )
if ( mn . vin = = vinMasternode )
found = true ;
if ( ! found ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Adding myself to masternode list %s - %s \n " , masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) , vinMasternode . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
CMasterNode mn ( masterNodeSignAddr , vinMasternode , pubkeyMasterNode , vchMasterNodeSignature , masterNodeSignatureTime , pubkey2 , PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ;
mn . UpdateLastSeen ( masterNodeSignatureTime ) ;
darkSendMasterNodes . push_back ( mn ) ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Masternode input = %s \n " , vinMasternode . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
//relay to all
LOCK ( cs_vNodes ) ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( CNode * pnode , vNodes )
pnode - > PushMessage ( " dsee " , vinMasternode , masterNodeSignAddr , vchMasterNodeSignature , masterNodeSignatureTime , pubkeyMasterNode , pubkey2 , - 1 , - 1 , masterNodeSignatureTime , protocolVersion ) ;
return ;
if ( isCapableMasterNode ! = MASTERNODE_IS_CAPABLE & & isCapableMasterNode ! = MASTERNODE_REMOTELY_ENABLED ) return ;
masterNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime ( ) ;
std : : string strMessage = masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( masterNodeSignatureTime ) + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( stop ) ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . SignMessage ( strMessage , errorMessage , vchMasterNodeSignature , key2 ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Sign message failed \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . VerifyMessage ( pubkey2 , vchMasterNodeSignature , strMessage , errorMessage ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Verify message failed \n " ) ;
return ;
bool found = false ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( CMasterNode & mn , darkSendMasterNodes ) {
//LogPrintf(" -- %s\n", mn.vin.ToString().c_str());
if ( mn . vin = = vinMasternode ) {
found = true ;
mn . UpdateLastSeen ( ) ;
if ( ! found ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Darksend Masternode List doesn't include our masternode, Shutting down masternode pinging service! %s \n " , vinMasternode . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_STOPPED ;
return ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNode() - Masternode input = %s \n " , vinMasternode . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( stop ) isCapableMasterNode = MASTERNODE_STOPPED ;
//relay to all peers
LOCK ( cs_vNodes ) ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( CNode * pnode , vNodes )
pnode - > PushMessage ( " dseep " , vinMasternode , vchMasterNodeSignature , masterNodeSignatureTime , stop ) ;
// Bootup the masternode, look for a 1000DRK input and register on the network
// Takes 2 parameters to start a remote masternode
bool CActiveMasternode : : RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly ( std : : string strMasterNodeAddr , std : : string strMasterNodePrivKey )
if ( ! fMasterNode ) return false ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Address %s MasterNodePrivKey %s \n " , strMasterNodeAddr . c_str ( ) , strMasterNodePrivKey . c_str ( ) ) ;
std : : string errorMessage ;
CKey key2 ;
CPubKey pubkey2 ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . SetKey ( strMasterNodePrivKey , errorMessage , key2 , pubkey2 ) )
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Invalid masternodeprivkey: '%s' \n " , errorMessage . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
CService masterNodeSignAddr = CService ( strMasterNodeAddr ) ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( CMasterNode & mn , darkSendMasterNodes ) {
if ( mn . addr = = masterNodeSignAddr ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Address in use \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ( Params ( ) . NetworkID ( ) = = CChainParams : : TESTNET & & masterNodeSignAddr . GetPort ( ) ! = 19999 ) | | ( ! ( Params ( ) . NetworkID ( ) = = CChainParams : : TESTNET ) & & masterNodeSignAddr . GetPort ( ) ! = 9999 ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Invalid port \n " ) ;
return false ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Checking inbound connection to '%s' \n " , masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ConnectNode ( ( CAddress ) masterNodeSignAddr , masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Error connecting to port \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( pwalletMain - > IsLocked ( ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Wallet is locked \n " ) ;
return false ;
CKey SecretKey ;
CTxIn vinMasternode ;
CPubKey pubkeyMasterNode ;
int masterNodeSignatureTime = 0 ;
// Choose coins to use
while ( GetMasterNodeVin ( vinMasternode , pubkeyMasterNode , SecretKey ) ) {
// don't use a vin that's registered
BOOST_FOREACH ( CMasterNode & mn , darkSendMasterNodes )
if ( mn . vin = = vinMasternode )
continue ;
if ( GetInputAge ( vinMasternode ) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS )
continue ;
masterNodeSignatureTime = GetAdjustedTime ( ) ;
std : : string vchPubKey ( pubkeyMasterNode . begin ( ) , pubkeyMasterNode . end ( ) ) ;
std : : string vchPubKey2 ( pubkey2 . begin ( ) , pubkey2 . end ( ) ) ;
std : : string strMessage = masterNodeSignAddr . ToString ( ) + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( masterNodeSignatureTime ) + vchPubKey + vchPubKey2 + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . SignMessage ( strMessage , errorMessage , vchMasterNodeSignature , SecretKey ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Sign message failed \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! darkSendSigner . VerifyMessage ( pubkeyMasterNode , vchMasterNodeSignature , strMessage , errorMessage ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Verify message failed \n " ) ;
return false ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - Is capable master node! \n " ) ;
pwalletMain - > LockCoin ( vinMasternode . prevout ) ;
int protocolVersion = PROTOCOL_VERSION ;
//relay to all
LOCK ( cs_vNodes ) ;
BOOST_FOREACH ( CNode * pnode , vNodes )
pnode - > PushMessage ( " dsee " , vinMasternode , masterNodeSignAddr , vchMasterNodeSignature , masterNodeSignatureTime , pubkeyMasterNode , pubkey2 , - 1 , - 1 , masterNodeSignatureTime , protocolVersion ) ;
return true ;
2014-12-11 16:58:38 +01:00
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::RegisterAsMasterNodeRemoteOnly() - No suitable vin found \n " ) ;
2014-12-09 02:17:57 +01:00
return false ;
bool CActiveMasternode : : GetMasterNodeVin ( CTxIn & vin , CPubKey & pubkey , CKey & secretKey )
int64_t nValueIn = 0 ;
CScript pubScript ;
// try once before we try to denominate
if ( ! pwalletMain - > SelectCoinsMasternode ( vin , nValueIn , pubScript ) )
if ( fDebug ) LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::GetMasterNodeVin - I'm not a capable masternode \n " ) ;
return false ;
CTxDestination address1 ;
ExtractDestination ( pubScript , address1 ) ;
CBitcoinAddress address2 ( address1 ) ;
CKeyID keyID ;
if ( ! address2 . GetKeyID ( keyID ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::GetMasterNodeVin - Address does not refer to a key \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! pwalletMain - > GetKey ( keyID , secretKey ) ) {
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::GetMasterNodeVin - Private key for address is not known \n " ) ;
return false ;
pubkey = secretKey . GetPubKey ( ) ;
return true ;
// when starting a masternode, this can enable to run as a hot wallet with no funds
bool CActiveMasternode : : EnableHotColdMasterNode ( CTxIn & vin , int64_t sigTime , CService & addr )
if ( ! fMasterNode ) return false ;
vinMasternode = vin ;
masterNodeSignatureTime = sigTime ;
masterNodeSignAddr = addr ;
LogPrintf ( " CActiveMasternode::EnableHotColdMasterNode() - Enabled! You may shut down the cold daemon. \n " ) ;
return true ;