- Replaced coinbase cache in favor of using the masternode payments voting system only
- Syncing masternode payments now supports up to the syncing the entire payment list
- Client bump
- Improved syncing logic (sholud stop hanging issues)
- New spork for turning on super blocks
- Fixed issue with sending old/invalid finalized budgets
- Fixed issue with syncing clients and lack of confirmations with budget items (for IX)
-Syncing now happens in stages. Masternodes and Sporks, then Masternode winners, then proposals. Some of these require the masternode signatures, otherwise there are race conditions within the syncing process itself.
-Resigning - When a proposal is sent to the network initially it's signed by a masternode, if that masternode goes inactive the proposal becomes invalid. Resigning allows other masternodes to update proposal keep it valid with the coming and going of masternodes.
-Resigning compatibility - non masternodes will scan and flag proposals as invalid to accept updated owners.
-Invalid votes are now actively removed from the proposals when they go inactive
- Remove budgets with negative votes of more than 10% of network
- Only allow proposals into budget that have more than 10% of network support
- Faster removal of inactive masternodes
- Masternode nLastPaid is removed and a new caching system that keeps the last 30 days of coinbase payees replaces it
- To deal with some significant attack vectors, the masternode donation feature was removed. The donation feature was added to support developement anyway, so this will be replaced by the budgeting code.
- This code should allow the network to come to consensus about who should be paid pretty effectively
- Added FindProposal and FindFinalBudget to budgeting class
- Added 2 new sporks for Proposals and Budget payment enforcement. This is outside of the decentralized code so we can turn it off if there's a problem.
- Detect budget blocks and pay correct amounts in super blocks
- All budgeting code seems to be rather stable now. Serialization/caching is working rather well.
- Fixed some ambiguous variable names within the budgeting system that were causing the file caching to not work all of the time
- Added commands for using budgets "mnbudget" and "mnfinalbudget"
- Supports 100% decentralized budget control and view-only site with json meta data object
- Removed of reference node and replaced with decentralized quorums that pick the masternodes who get paid each block.
- Made a budgeting system, where masternodes can vote on individual budgets and the data is stored perminently on each clients computer
- Added new CMasterBroadcast/CmasternodePing objects, with all of the code required to check each new message. SHould be much easier to tell what's going on now.