86d8505 Refactor CActiveMasternode
+ move strMasterNodeAddr to CActiveMasternode
a005c79 Refactor InstantSend
+ new lock cs_instantsend to protect maps on CleanTransactionLocksList()
d24182c Refactor Privatesend
+ decouple from util.h and version.h
+ more functions for CDarksendBroadcastTx: constructors, signing, serialization
+ move from rand() to insecure_rand() in general but to GetRand() for session id
+ fix defaults
- mn hash compatibility with 70103
- ignore some requests while syncing
- fix locking/initializing in sync
- do not ban for old mnw
- split budget/governance messages/invs
487674f Governance object/vote syncing fixes
- disable fCached values
- use two maps for storing votes, by hash and parent-hash/type
- disable part of flatdb.dump (still overwriting)
- fixed govobj/votes relay and sync
15821fe various fixes
- Added const where possible
- Uncommented sync block
- Protocol min 70201
- Fixed bug which flags invalid votes incorrectly
- Formatting
aa8fdd7 fix curly braces
d8e39b1 Fix GetTypeHash bug
- Should not collide based on the outcome
732a8a3 fixed mismatched index for vote map
- Syncing process is now event based, rather than timeout based. This means the system can tell when it's done with each step and moves on between phases much faster. In initial testing it seems to be about 10-15x faster and has synced everytime successfully.
- Please remove print debugging when the syncing system is proven to be debugged.
- higher wait MASTERNODE_SYNC_TIMEOUT*2 and fail MASTERNODE_SYNC_TIMEOUT*5 timeouts for each step
- ask at most MASTERNODE_SYNC_THRESHOLD*3 nodes for sync data
- sync again 1 minute after last fail
So we will ask at most 6 nodes and stop updating lastTime...s when we had data from at least 2 of them but will fail if we had nothing in 25 sec since current step start.
In case of fail resync again faster.
- use map.insert instead of [] (should be safer)
- debug output / comments / spaces / names
- fix few long strings / make translatable one more label in UI