- do not keep track of a single time variable for whole structure change
- save to masternode.dat and clear on checks:
- who's asked for the masternode list and the last time
- who we asked for the masternode list and the last time (will help to prevent dseg ban when restart wallet several times in short period of time)
- which masternodes we've asked for
- do not use timeout for CheckAndRemove (played with that - doesn't make sense actually)
- add number of rounds to outputs
- cache rounds calculation results of GetInputDarksendRounds
- select shortest rounds chain instead of the first found
vecMasternodes.size() == 0 is a nearly impossible condition due to the behavior
of dseep. Each time a node receives a ping where it's unaware of the masternode
it will ask for the dsee from it's peer.
- if(c % 5 == 0 && (RequestedMasterNodeList <= 2 || vecMasternodes.size()
+ if(c % 5 == 0 && RequestedMasterNodeList < 3){
Darksend defaults to a new mode which enables inputs/outputs
of each session to be different. For example 10DRK can be input
and 1DRKx10 can be output. This strengthens the anonymity of
Darksend greatly, which also increasing the usability (Users who
run out of .1DRK denominations can simply turn on Darksend to
split up larger inputs).
- When attempting to connect to a masternode for submission into the pool a recursive call to DoAutoDenominate was used. This could possibly take more than 1 minute to complete if it found a string of bad masternodes, in which case the correct masternode was overwritten and replaced with an invalid one. Upon submission, the DS TX was given to the incorrect node causing collateral to be charged.
- To fix this I've removed the recursion and added a critical section to DoAutoDenominate.
- Exact input denominations are matched in PrepareDarksendDenominate to remove the possibility of having change in the pool
- Removed disabled denominations, not needed anymore
Exact amounts are now allocated directly to denominated
funds then submitted to the pool. This improves anonymity
by never having non-denomination inputs enter or exit the pool.
Randomness has also been added to the amount of each session to
improve anonymity.
LiteMode disables Darksend/Masternodes/InstantX for clients
who want speed and don't need access to these features. UI
for Darksend is also hidden while in this mode.