// Copyright (c) 2014 The Dash developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "keepass.h" #include // #include #include #include // #include #include "json/json_spirit_writer_template.h" #include "json/json_spirit_reader_template.h" #include "crypter.h" #include "clientversion.h" #include "random.h" #include "rpcprotocol.h" // Necessary to prevent compile errors due to forward declaration of //CScript in serialize.h (included from crypter.h) #include "script/script.h" #include "script/standard.h" #include "util.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" using boost::asio::ip::tcp; CKeePassIntegrator keePassInt; CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassIntegrator() :sKeyBase64(" "), sKey(" "), sUrl(" ") // Prevent LockedPageManagerBase complaints { sKeyBase64.clear(); // Prevent LockedPageManagerBase complaints sKey.clear(); // Prevent LockedPageManagerBase complaints sUrl.clear(); // Prevent LockedPageManagerBase complaints bIsActive = false; nPort = KEEPASS_KEEPASSHTTP_PORT; } // Initialze from application context void CKeePassIntegrator::init() { bIsActive = GetBoolArg("-keepass", false); nPort = boost::lexical_cast(GetArg("-keepassport", KEEPASS_KEEPASSHTTP_PORT)); sKeyBase64 = SecureString(GetArg("-keepasskey", "").c_str()); sKeePassId = GetArg("-keepassid", ""); sKeePassEntryName = GetArg("-keepassname", ""); // Convert key if available if(sKeyBase64.size() > 0) { sKey = DecodeBase64Secure(sKeyBase64); } // Construct url if available if(sKeePassEntryName.size() > 0) { sUrl = SecureString("http://"); sUrl += SecureString(sKeePassEntryName.c_str()); sUrl += SecureString("/"); //sSubmitUrl = "http://"; //sSubmitUrl += SecureString(sKeePassEntryName.c_str()); } } void CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassRequest::addStrParameter(std::string sName, std::string sValue) { requestObj.push_back(json_spirit::Pair(sName, sValue)); } void CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassRequest::addStrParameter(std::string sName, SecureString sValue) { std::string sCipherValue; if(!EncryptAES256(sKey, sValue, sIV, sCipherValue)) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to encrypt Verifier"); } addStrParameter(sName, EncodeBase64(sCipherValue)); } std::string CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassRequest::getJson() { return json_spirit::write_string(json_spirit::Value(requestObj), false); } void CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassRequest::init() { SecureString sIVSecure = generateRandomKey(KEEPASS_CRYPTO_BLOCK_SIZE); sIV = std::string(&sIVSecure[0], sIVSecure.size()); // Generate Nonce, Verifier and RequestType SecureString sNonceBase64Secure = EncodeBase64Secure(sIVSecure); addStrParameter("Nonce", std::string(&sNonceBase64Secure[0], sNonceBase64Secure.size())); // Plain addStrParameter("Verifier", sNonceBase64Secure); // Encoded addStrParameter("RequestType", sType); } void CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassResponse::parseResponse(std::string sResponse) { json_spirit::Value responseValue; if(!json_spirit::read_string(sResponse, responseValue)) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to parse KeePassHttp response"); } responseObj = responseValue.get_obj(); // retrieve main values bSuccess = json_spirit::find_value(responseObj, "Success").get_bool(); sType = getStr("RequestType"); sIV = DecodeBase64(getStr("Nonce")); } std::string CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassResponse::getStr(std::string sName) { std::string sValue(json_spirit::find_value(responseObj, sName).get_str()); return sValue; } SecureString CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassResponse::getSecureStr(std::string sName) { std::string sValueBase64Encrypted(json_spirit::find_value(responseObj, sName).get_str()); SecureString sValue; try { sValue = decrypt(sValueBase64Encrypted); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::string sErrorMessage = "Exception occured while decrypting "; sErrorMessage += sName + ": " + e.what(); throw std::runtime_error(sErrorMessage); } return sValue; } SecureString CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassResponse::decrypt(std::string sValueBase64Encrypted) { std::string sValueEncrypted = DecodeBase64(sValueBase64Encrypted); SecureString sValue; if(!DecryptAES256(sKey, sValueEncrypted, sIV, sValue)) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to decrypt value."); } return sValue; } std::vector CKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassResponse::getEntries() { std::vector vEntries; json_spirit::Array aEntries = json_spirit::find_value(responseObj, "Entries").get_array(); for(json_spirit::Array::iterator it = aEntries.begin(); it != aEntries.end(); ++it) { SecureString sEntryUuid(decrypt(json_spirit::find_value((*it).get_obj(), "Uuid").get_str().c_str())); SecureString sEntryName(decrypt(json_spirit::find_value((*it).get_obj(), "Name").get_str().c_str())); SecureString sEntryLogin(decrypt(json_spirit::find_value((*it).get_obj(), "Login").get_str().c_str())); SecureString sEntryPassword(decrypt(json_spirit::find_value((*it).get_obj(), "Password").get_str().c_str())); CKeePassEntry entry(sEntryUuid, sEntryUuid, sEntryLogin, sEntryPassword); vEntries.push_back(entry); } return vEntries; } SecureString CKeePassIntegrator::generateRandomKey(size_t nSize) { // Generates random key SecureString key; key.resize(nSize); RandAddSeedPerfmon(); RAND_bytes((unsigned char *) &key[0], nSize); return key; } // Construct POST body for RPC JSON call std::string CKeePassIntegrator::constructHTTPPost(const std::string& strMsg, const std::map& mapRequestHeaders) { std::ostringstream s; s << "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" << "User-Agent: dash-json-rpc/" << FormatFullVersion() << "\r\n" << "Host: localhost\r\n" << "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" << "Content-Length: " << strMsg.size() << "\r\n" << "Connection: close\r\n" << "Accept: application/json\r\n"; BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string, std::string)& item, mapRequestHeaders) s << item.first << ": " << item.second << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n" << strMsg; return s.str(); } // Send RPC message to KeePassHttp void CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost(const std::string& sRequest, int& nStatus, std::string& sResponse) { // Prepare communication boost::asio::io_service io_service; // Get a list of endpoints corresponding to the server name. tcp::resolver resolver(io_service); tcp::resolver::query query(KEEPASS_KEEPASSHTTP_HOST, boost::lexical_cast(nPort)); tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query); tcp::resolver::iterator end; // Try each endpoint until we successfully establish a connection. tcp::socket socket(io_service); boost::system::error_code error = boost::asio::error::host_not_found; while (error && endpoint_iterator != end) { socket.close(); socket.connect(*endpoint_iterator++, error); } if(error) { throw boost::system::system_error(error); } // Form the request. std::map mapRequestHeaders; std::string strPost = constructHTTPPost(sRequest, mapRequestHeaders); // Logging of actual post data disabled as to not write passphrase in debug.log. Only enable temporarily when needed //if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - send POST data: %s\n", strPost.c_str()); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - send POST data\n"); boost::asio::streambuf request; std::ostream request_stream(&request); request_stream << strPost; // Send the request. boost::asio::write(socket, request); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - request written\n"); // Read the response status line. The response streambuf will automatically // grow to accommodate the entire line. The growth may be limited by passing // a maximum size to the streambuf constructor. boost::asio::streambuf response; boost::asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n"); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - request status line read\n"); // Receive HTTP reply status int nProto = 0; std::istream response_stream(&response); nStatus = ReadHTTPStatus(response_stream, nProto); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - reading response body start\n"); // Read until EOF, writing data to output as we go. while (boost::asio::read(socket, response, boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), error)) { if (error != boost::asio::error::eof) { if (error != 0) { // 0 is success throw boost::system::system_error(error); } } } if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - reading response body end\n"); // Receive HTTP reply message headers and body std::map mapHeaders; ReadHTTPMessage(response_stream, mapHeaders, sResponse, nProto, std::numeric_limits::max()); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::doHTTPPost - Processed body\n"); } void CKeePassIntegrator::rpcTestAssociation(bool bTriggerUnlock) { CKeePassRequest request(sKey, "test-associate"); request.addStrParameter("TriggerUnlock", std::string(bTriggerUnlock ? "true" : "false")); int nStatus; std::string sResponse; doHTTPPost(request.getJson(), nStatus, sResponse); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::rpcTestAssociation - send result: status: %d response: %s\n", nStatus, sResponse.c_str()); } std::vector CKeePassIntegrator::rpcGetLogins() { // Convert key format SecureString sKey = DecodeBase64Secure(sKeyBase64); CKeePassRequest request(sKey, "get-logins"); request.addStrParameter("addStrParameter", std::string("true")); request.addStrParameter("TriggerUnlock", std::string("true")); request.addStrParameter("Id", sKeePassId); request.addStrParameter("Url", sUrl); int nStatus; std::string sResponse; doHTTPPost(request.getJson(), nStatus, sResponse); // Logging of actual response data disabled as to not write passphrase in debug.log. Only enable temporarily when needed //if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::rpcGetLogins - send result: status: %d response: %s\n", nStatus, sResponse.c_str()); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::rpcGetLogins - send result: status: %d\n", nStatus); if(nStatus != 200) { std::string sErrorMessage = "Error returned by KeePassHttp: HTTP code "; sErrorMessage += boost::lexical_cast(nStatus); sErrorMessage += " - Response: "; sErrorMessage += " response: ["; sErrorMessage += sResponse; sErrorMessage += "]"; throw std::runtime_error(sErrorMessage); } // Parse the response CKeePassResponse response(sKey, sResponse); if(!response.getSuccess()) { std::string sErrorMessage = "KeePassHttp returned failure status"; throw std::runtime_error(sErrorMessage); } return response.getEntries(); } void CKeePassIntegrator::rpcSetLogin(const SecureString& strWalletPass, const SecureString& sEntryId) { // Convert key format SecureString sKey = DecodeBase64Secure(sKeyBase64); CKeePassRequest request(sKey, "set-login"); request.addStrParameter("Id", sKeePassId); request.addStrParameter("Url", sUrl); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::rpcSetLogin - send Url: %s\n", sUrl.c_str()); //request.addStrParameter("SubmitUrl", sSubmitUrl); // Is used to construct the entry title request.addStrParameter("Login", SecureString("dash")); request.addStrParameter("Password", strWalletPass); if(sEntryId.size() != 0) { request.addStrParameter("Uuid", sEntryId); // Update existing } int nStatus; std::string sResponse; doHTTPPost(request.getJson(), nStatus, sResponse); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::rpcSetLogin - send result: status: %d response: %s\n", nStatus, sResponse.c_str()); if(nStatus != 200) { std::string sErrorMessage = "Error returned: HTTP code "; sErrorMessage += boost::lexical_cast(nStatus); sErrorMessage += " - Response: "; sErrorMessage += " response: ["; sErrorMessage += sResponse; sErrorMessage += "]"; throw std::runtime_error(sErrorMessage); } // Parse the response CKeePassResponse response(sKey, sResponse); if(!response.getSuccess()) { throw std::runtime_error("KeePassHttp returned failure status"); } } SecureString CKeePassIntegrator::generateKeePassKey() { SecureString sKey = generateRandomKey(KEEPASS_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE); SecureString sKeyBase64 = EncodeBase64Secure(sKey); return sKeyBase64; } void CKeePassIntegrator::rpcAssociate(std::string& sId, SecureString& sKeyBase64) { sKey = generateRandomKey(KEEPASS_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE); CKeePassRequest request(sKey, "associate"); sKeyBase64 = EncodeBase64Secure(sKey); request.addStrParameter("Key", std::string(&sKeyBase64[0], sKeyBase64.size())); int nStatus; std::string sResponse; doHTTPPost(request.getJson(), nStatus, sResponse); if(fDebug) LogPrintf("CKeePassIntegrator::rpcAssociate - send result: status: %d response: %s\n", nStatus, sResponse.c_str()); if(nStatus != 200) { std::string sErrorMessage = "Error returned: HTTP code "; sErrorMessage += boost::lexical_cast(nStatus); sErrorMessage += " - Response: "; sErrorMessage += " response: ["; sErrorMessage += sResponse; sErrorMessage += "]"; throw std::runtime_error(sErrorMessage); } // Parse the response CKeePassResponse response(sKey, sResponse); if(!response.getSuccess()) { throw std::runtime_error("KeePassHttp returned failure status"); } // If we got here, we were successful. Return the information sId = response.getStr("Id"); } // Retrieve wallet passphrase from KeePass SecureString CKeePassIntegrator::retrievePassphrase() { // Check we have all required information if(sKey.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("keepasskey parameter is not defined. Please specify the configuration parameter."); } if(sKeePassId.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("keepassid parameter is not defined. Please specify the configuration parameter."); } if(sKeePassEntryName == "") { throw std::runtime_error("keepassname parameter is not defined. Please specify the configuration parameter."); } // Retrieve matching logins from KeePass std::vector entries = rpcGetLogins(); // Only accept one unique match if(entries.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("KeePassHttp returned 0 matches, please verify the keepassurl setting."); } if(entries.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error("KeePassHttp returned multiple matches, bailing out."); } return entries[0].getPassword(); } // Update wallet passphrase in keepass void CKeePassIntegrator::updatePassphrase(const SecureString& sWalletPassphrase) { // Check we have all required information if(sKey.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("keepasskey parameter is not defined. Please specify the configuration parameter."); } if(sKeePassId.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("keepassid parameter is not defined. Please specify the configuration parameter."); } if(sKeePassEntryName == "") { throw std::runtime_error("keepassname parameter is not defined. Please specify the configuration parameter."); } SecureString sEntryId(""); std::string sErrorMessage; // Lookup existing entry std::vector vEntries = rpcGetLogins(); if(vEntries.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error("KeePassHttp returned multiple matches, bailing out."); } if(vEntries.size() == 1) { sEntryId = vEntries[0].getUuid(); } // Update wallet passphrase in KeePass rpcSetLogin(sWalletPassphrase, sEntryId); }