#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2014 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Dash developers # Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Test wallet backup / dump / restore functionality # Test case is: # 4 nodes. 1 2 3 and send transactions between each other, # fourth node is a miner. # 1 2 3 and each mine a block to start, then # miner creates 100 blocks so 1 2 3 each have 50 mature # coins to spend. # Then 5 iterations of 1/2/3 sending coins amongst # themselves to get transactions in the wallets, # and the miner mining one block. # # Wallets are backed up using dumpwallet/backupwallet. # Then 5 more iterations of transactions, then block. # # Miner then generates 101 more blocks, so any # transaction fees paid mature. # # Sanity checks done: # Miner balance >= 150*50 # Sum(1,2,3,4 balances) == 153*150 # # 1/2/3 are shutdown, and their wallets erased. # Then restore using wallet.dat backup. And # confirm 1/2/3/4 balances are same as before. # # Shutdown again, restore using importwallet, # and confirm again balances are correct. # if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 path_to_binaries" echo "e.g. $0 ../../src" exit 1 fi BITCOIND=${1}/darkcoind CLI=${1}/darkcoin-cli DIR="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" SENDANDWAIT="${DIR}/send.sh" if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi . "$DIR/util.sh" D=$(mktemp -d test.XXXXX) echo "Starting nodes..." # "Miner": D4=${D}/node4 CreateDataDir $D4 port=11030 rpcport=11031 B4ARGS="-datadir=$D4" $BITCOIND $BITCOINDARGS $B4ARGS & B4PID=$! # Want default keypool for 1/2/3, and # don't need send-and-wait functionality, # so don't use CreateDataDir: function CreateConfDir { DIR=$1 mkdir -p $DIR CONF=$DIR/darkcoin.conf echo "regtest=1" >> $CONF echo "rpcuser=rt" >> $CONF echo "rpcpassword=rt" >> $CONF echo "rpcwait=1" >> $CONF shift while (( "$#" )); do echo $1 >> $CONF shift done } # "Spenders" 1/2/3 D1=${D}/node1 CreateConfDir $D1 port=11000 rpcport=11001 addnode= B1ARGS="-datadir=$D1" $BITCOIND $B1ARGS & B1PID=$! D2=${D}/node2 CreateConfDir $D2 port=11010 rpcport=11011 addnode= B2ARGS="-datadir=$D2" $BITCOIND $B2ARGS & B2PID=$! D3=${D}/node3 CreateConfDir $D3 port=11020 rpcport=11021 addnode= addnode= B3ARGS="-datadir=$D3" $BITCOIND $BITCOINDARGS $B3ARGS & B3PID=$! # Wait until all nodes are at the same block number function WaitBlocks { while : do sleep 1 BLOCKS1=$( GetBlocks "$B1ARGS" ) BLOCKS2=$( GetBlocks "$B2ARGS" ) BLOCKS3=$( GetBlocks "$B3ARGS" ) BLOCKS4=$( GetBlocks "$B4ARGS" ) if (( BLOCKS1 == BLOCKS4 && BLOCKS2 == BLOCKS4 && BLOCKS3 == BLOCKS4 )) then break fi done } # Wait until all nodes have the same txns in # their memory pools function WaitMemPools { while : do sleep 1 MEMPOOL1=$( $CLI "$B1ARGS" getrawmempool | sort | shasum ) MEMPOOL2=$( $CLI "$B2ARGS" getrawmempool | sort | shasum ) MEMPOOL3=$( $CLI "$B3ARGS" getrawmempool | sort | shasum ) MEMPOOL4=$( $CLI "$B4ARGS" getrawmempool | sort | shasum ) if [[ $MEMPOOL1 = $MEMPOOL4 && $MEMPOOL2 = $MEMPOOL4 && $MEMPOOL3 = $MEMPOOL4 ]] then break fi done } echo "Generating initial blockchain..." # 1 block, 50 XBT each == 50 BTC $CLI $B1ARGS setgenerate true 1 WaitBlocks $CLI $B2ARGS setgenerate true 1 WaitBlocks $CLI $B3ARGS setgenerate true 1 WaitBlocks # 100 blocks, 0 mature $CLI $B4ARGS setgenerate true 100 WaitBlocks CheckBalance "$B1ARGS" 50 CheckBalance "$B2ARGS" 50 CheckBalance "$B3ARGS" 50 CheckBalance "$B4ARGS" 0 echo "Creating transactions..." function S { TXID=$( $CLI -datadir=${D}/node${1} sendtoaddress ${2} "${3}" 0 ) if [[ $TXID == "" ]] ; then echoerr "node${1}: error sending ${3} btc" echo -n "node${1} balance: " $CLI -datadir=${D}/node${1} getbalance "*" 0 exit 1 fi } function OneRound { A1=$( $CLI $B1ARGS getnewaddress ) A2=$( $CLI $B2ARGS getnewaddress ) A3=$( $CLI $B3ARGS getnewaddress ) if [[ $(( $RANDOM%2 )) < 1 ]] ; then N=$(( $RANDOM % 9 + 1 )) S 1 $A2 "0.$N" fi if [[ $(( $RANDOM%2 )) < 1 ]] ; then N=$(( $RANDOM % 9 + 1 )) S 1 $A3 "0.0$N" fi if [[ $(( $RANDOM%2 )) < 1 ]] ; then N=$(( $RANDOM % 9 + 1 )) S 2 $A1 "0.$N" fi if [[ $(( $RANDOM%2 )) < 1 ]] ; then N=$(( $RANDOM % 9 + 1 )) S 2 $A3 "0.$N" fi if [[ $(( $RANDOM%2 )) < 1 ]] ; then N=$(( $RANDOM % 9 + 1 )) S 3 $A1 "0.$N" fi if [[ $(( $RANDOM%2 )) < 1 ]] ; then N=$(( $RANDOM % 9 + 1 )) S 3 $A2 "0.0$N" fi $CLI "$B4ARGS" setgenerate true 1 } for i in {1..5}; do OneRound ; done echo "Backing up..." $CLI "$B1ARGS" backupwallet "$D1/wallet.bak" $CLI "$B1ARGS" dumpwallet "$D1/wallet.dump" $CLI "$B2ARGS" backupwallet "$D2/wallet.bak" $CLI "$B2ARGS" dumpwallet "$D2/wallet.dump" $CLI "$B3ARGS" backupwallet "$D3/wallet.bak" $CLI "$B3ARGS" dumpwallet "$D3/wallet.dump" echo "More transactions..." for i in {1..5}; do OneRound ; done WaitMemPools # Generate 101 more blocks, so any fees paid # mature $CLI "$B4ARGS" setgenerate true 101 BALANCE1=$( $CLI "$B1ARGS" getbalance ) BALANCE2=$( $CLI "$B2ARGS" getbalance ) BALANCE3=$( $CLI "$B3ARGS" getbalance ) BALANCE4=$( $CLI "$B4ARGS" getbalance ) TOTAL=$( dc -e "$BALANCE1 $BALANCE2 $BALANCE3 $BALANCE4 + + + p" ) AssertEqual $TOTAL 5700.00000000 function StopThree { $CLI $B1ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 $CLI $B2ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 $CLI $B3ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 wait $B1PID wait $B2PID wait $B3PID } function EraseThree { rm $D1/regtest/wallet.dat rm $D2/regtest/wallet.dat rm $D3/regtest/wallet.dat } function StartThree { $BITCOIND $BITCOINDARGS $B1ARGS & B1PID=$! $BITCOIND $BITCOINDARGS $B2ARGS & B2PID=$! $BITCOIND $BITCOINDARGS $B3ARGS & B3PID=$! } echo "Restoring using wallet.dat" StopThree EraseThree # Start node3 with no chain rm -rf $D3/regtest/blocks rm -rf $D3/regtest/chainstate rm -rf $D3/regtest/database cp $D1/wallet.bak $D1/regtest/wallet.dat cp $D2/wallet.bak $D2/regtest/wallet.dat cp $D3/wallet.bak $D3/regtest/wallet.dat StartThree WaitBlocks AssertEqual $BALANCE1 $( $CLI "$B1ARGS" getbalance ) AssertEqual $BALANCE2 $( $CLI "$B2ARGS" getbalance ) AssertEqual $BALANCE3 $( $CLI "$B3ARGS" getbalance ) echo "Restoring using dumped wallet" StopThree EraseThree # Start node3 with no chain rm -rf $D3/regtest/blocks rm -rf $D3/regtest/chainstate rm -rf $D3/regtest/database StartThree AssertEqual 0 $( $CLI "$B1ARGS" getbalance ) AssertEqual 0 $( $CLI "$B2ARGS" getbalance ) AssertEqual 0 $( $CLI "$B3ARGS" getbalance ) $CLI "$B1ARGS" importwallet $D1/wallet.dump $CLI "$B2ARGS" importwallet $D2/wallet.dump $CLI "$B3ARGS" importwallet $D3/wallet.dump WaitBlocks AssertEqual $BALANCE1 $( $CLI "$B1ARGS" getbalance ) AssertEqual $BALANCE2 $( $CLI "$B2ARGS" getbalance ) AssertEqual $BALANCE3 $( $CLI "$B3ARGS" getbalance ) StopThree $CLI $B4ARGS stop > /dev/null 2>&1 wait $B4PID echo "Tests successful, cleaning up" trap "" EXIT rm -rf $D exit 0