AboutDialog About Darkcoin Core Mogsch mea´ wissn? <b>Darkcoin Core</b> version <b>Darkcoin Koa</b> Wersion This is experimental software. Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard. Di Sofdware is manchmal a bissal waggelig. K´ört so. Wails a Ekschpärimend is. Aba ´s guad dasd da bischd und mithöifsd! Gschenkt is das woardn unter de so´gnoondn Em Ai Ti - Lizenz. Des kandscha HIER anschaung, oder du schaugschd im Netz unda: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Abropos, da ham no Andre vorhea mitgarbaited: Die vom Open ES ES EL-Projekt (http://www.openssl.org/), da Young Eric (eay@cryptsoft.com) und des Gfriggl mit die UPNP-Dingsns is vom Bernhard Thomas. Zua Übasezung: Ja mai, Jeda red andaschd, und koina kann song wi´s kört. Deshalb treffma uns imma Midwochs um zwangsg Ua (Wenn die Kirchnkoa-Probm rum is) in da Knaipn vom Schdorra-Wiad (Hintadupfing) und wea ois lezda no schdeed darf song wi´s gschriabm wead. Ände! Copyright Koppyraidt The Bitcoin Core developers Di Bitcoin Coa Ma´ha The Darkcoin Core developers Die Darkcoin Coa Ma´ha (%1-bit) (%1-bitzla) AddressBookPage Double-click to edit address or label Zwo mal drauf drugga, damitsch di Adressen oda des Baperl ändan kansch. Create a new address neue Adressn &New &Neu Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Di Adressn die groad haschd zwisch-en-spai-chan. Zum woandas hinkopian, woasdscho. &Copy &Kopian Delete the currently selected address from the list Di Adressn die groad ausguäald hoschd in´n Mülleima duan &Delete &undWegg! Export the data in the current tab to a file Di DADN dis grod gibd (- woaschscho, des wos ma hald so schbaichad-) schbaichan. So wi exl oda wi da grampf hoast. &Export &kanschHam C&lose und&Zumaha Choose the address to send coins to Wea solls griagn? (Di Adressn willi wissn) Choose the address to receive coins with Wo wilsch hihaba? (Dai Adressn willi wissn) C&hoose &und Etzad (was solls wean guada moa/mädle) Sending addresses fon da komds Receiving addresses da hin geds These are your Darkcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins. Däs son daine Darkcoin Adresssn fon denen du los-schicka konsch. Obachd gebn ob du au dem richdign des richdige Goild niabaschiabsd. (net z´vui!) These are your Darkcoin addresses for receiving payments. It is recommended to use a new receiving address for each transaction. Däs son daine Adressn wodu daine Monedn grischd. I dad ja füa jedes mal a Andere verwendn. &Copy Address &Adressn kopian Copy &Label &´S Baperl kopian &Edit &Ändan Export Address List Die gonzn Adressn wo andasch hinschbaichan Comma separated file (*.csv) ZE ES FAU - woaschtscho - zeigl, komma, zeigl, komma, undsowaida. (*.csv) Exporting Failed Weild a Depp bischd. Nix gehd, goarnix. There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Nix ankommen is im %1 - weild a Depp bischd. AddressTableModel Label Baperl Address Adressn (no label) (koi Baperl) AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog Dem Zauba-Schprücherl hiduan/wegduan/olles! Enter passphrase Zauba-Schprücherl aingebn New passphrase naies Zauba-Schprücherl Repeat new passphrase des naie Zauba-Schprücherl noh´amal Serves to disable the trivial sendmoney when OS account compromised. Provides no real security. Wänn ona an daim Kompjuta war, sold Darkcon nimma gehn. Bringd nix, aba bitte, mach dai Kroizerl wend drann glaubsch. For anonymization only nur füan Kapuzzn-Modus Enter the new passphrase to the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>10 or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>. Dai Zauba-Schprücherl ausdenkn und aingebn. Gib Obachd, das <b>zmindeschd 10 zuafällige buachstob</b> verwendeschd, oda <b>8 zuafällige wöarta</b>. Encrypt wallet Goidbaidl zuaschliaßn (mit Technik-woastscho) This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet. Damid des ma´ha kanschd, musd dain Goidbaidl mid daim Zauba-Schprücherl aufma´ha. Unlock wallet Goidbaidl aufma´ha This operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet. Damid des ma´ha kanschd, musd dain Goidbaidl mid daim Zauba-Schprücherl zuma´ha. Decrypt wallet Goidbaidl aufma´ha Change passphrase S´ Zauba-Schprücherl ändan Enter the old and new passphrase to the wallet. S´ alde und des noie Zauba-Schprücherl füa dain Goidbaidl aingebn. Confirm wallet encryption Mim Schprücherl zuma´hn! Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR DARKCOINS</b>! Wend dain Goidbaidl mim Schprücherl zumachsd, und du weischn dann nimma SAN OLLE DAINE DARKCONS FUTSCH ! Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet? Bischd da si´ha dassd dain Goidbaidl mim Schrücherl zuma´hn wilschd? Wallet encrypted Goidbaidl is zu. Darkcoin will close now to finish the encryption process. Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your darkcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer. Darkcoin wiard zua-gmocht damid des mit dem Schprücherl und so funktioniert. Weil ma groad dabei san: Wennd da so an Virus oda so was auf dain Kompjuta hoschd, dann hilfd da des fai nix, mid dem Sprücherl und so. IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet. OBACHT: Olle Kopi-en di du vorher schomal gmacht haschd, soldeschd weghaun und die noie "wallet" (dai Goidbaidl-Datai) da hinpflanzn. Wenn´d jezzad anfängsch den noin Goidbaild zu nuzzn dann gehd da alde nimma. Weils bessa so is. Wallet encryption failed Nix god, goarnix. Goidbaidl is ned zu. Weil´d a Depp bischd. Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted. Dai Goidbaidl hoad koan Schprücherl krigt, irgendwas mit disa Softwäh. Obacht: Goidbaidl is ned zua! The supplied passphrases do not match. Mai Burli/Mai Madl... Des erschdemal wo du dai Schprücherl aingebn hoast, und des zwodemal... sog ma mal so, ...glaich ausgschaugd ham die Schprücherl ned. Wallet unlock failed Goidbaild aufma´ha had ned klappd. The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect. Des Schrücherl und der Goidbaidl passa ned zam. Wallet decryption failed Goidbaild zuma´ha had ned klappd. Wallet passphrase was successfully changed. ´S noie Schprücherl gilded edzd! Warning: The Caps Lock key is on! Mai Burli, dai Olles-Gross-Mach-Taste is druggd. BitcoinGUI Darkcoin Core Darkcoin Koa Wallet Goidbaidl Node Knotn [testnet] [kindazimma] &Overview &Übasicht Show general overview of wallet Zaigma ois was zum Goidbaidl k´ört! &Send &Übawaisn Send coins to a Darkcoin address Di Darkcoins losschicka (A Adressn braichtma) &Receive &Kriag´ng Request payments (generates QR codes and darkcoin: URIs) Schicktsma Goid! (däs machda an KUH ÄR KOD und a Uri wo da Anda s Goid hischicka koa) &Transactions &Übawaisung´n Browse transaction history In di oidn Übawaisung´n rumschbuin E&xit &Zumaha Quit application &ZuaUndTschüss &About Darkcoin Core Üba Darkcoin Koa Show information about Darkcoin Zaigma wosd waischd üba den Darkcoin About &Qt mea´ üba &QT Show information about Qt zaigma wasd haschd üba Qt &Options... &Oischdellunga Modify configuration options for Darkcoin Di Oischdellunga ändan &Show / Hide &Zaigsma/Dusweg Show or hide the main Window Hauptfenschderl zaign / ned zeign &Encrypt Wallet... Goidbaidl a Kapuzzn aufsezzn Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet Ole Schlüssl von die Adressn a Kapuzzn aufsezzn &Backup Wallet... Goidbaidl sihahaitshoiba noamal hischbaichern Backup wallet to another location Goidbaidl sihahaitshoiba noamal woandaschd hischbaichern &Change Passphrase... &S´ Zaubaschprücherl ändan Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption Zaubaschprücherl wo zum Goidbaidl kört ändan &Unlock Wallet... &Goidbaidl aufmaha Unlock wallet Goidbaidl aufma´ha &Lock Wallet &Goidbaidl zumaha Sign &message... An &Servus drunta Sign messages with your Darkcoin addresses to prove you own them Dai Adressn konsch wie an Servus verwendn, dann wais da Andre, dos des DAI Adressn i´s. (Muschd di Messidsch fürn Andan mid da Adressn umanandaduan) &Verify message... &Messidsch übaprüfn Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Darkcoin addresses Du kansch schaun ob di Mesidsch vom Andan mid saina Adressn zambast (obs wirklich von iam is) &Information &Informäischn Show diagnostic information Zeigma olle "Informaischn" ob da Goidbaidl gsund is und so &Debug console &Undad Haubm schaun Open debugging console Zeigma wos unda da Haubm bassiad &Network Monitor &königlich-bayrische Netz-Obachtgeba-Stelln Show network monitor Zeigma wosd königlich-bayrische Netz-Obachtgeba-Stelln so sigd &Sending addresses... &Adressn wo was ausgebm woadn is Show the list of used sending addresses and labels Zeigma olle Adressn wo was ausgebm woadn is &Receiving addresses... &Adressn wo was naikomma is Show the list of used receiving addresses and labels Zeigma olle Adressn wo was naikomma is Open &URI... &Uri aufma´ha (ZEEEENS) Open a darkcoin: URI or payment request So a Darkcoin-Uri oda so aufmaha (damidsch zala kosch) &Command-line options &Huifä baim Zailn-Dingsn Show the Darkcoin Core help message to get a list with possible Darkcoin command-line options Zeigma des Gschraibsl wo ois drinnschded wos ma so baim Zailn-Dingsn ma´ha koa &File &Datai &Settings &Oischdellungen &Tools &S´ Werkzaigl &Help &Huifä (so huiftsma doch!) Tabs toolbar Tabs Tuhlbaa Darkcoin client Darkcoin Klaiänd %n active connection(s) to Darkcoin network Oanen sehma där au Darkcoin machd%n Laids sehma die au Darkcoin ma´ha Synchronizing with network... I schau grad wen i so seh... Importing blocks from disk... Überwaisungs-Kischdn von daina Blattn wean eingladn... Reindexing blocks on disk... Di aldn Überwaisungs-Kischdn di auf deina Blattn gschbaichad san wern durchgschaud... No block source available... Koine alden Überwaisungs-Kischdn gfundn.... Processed %1 blocks of transaction history. %1 von di aldn Überwaisungs-Kischdn durchgschaud. Up to date Ois ub tu däid! %n hour(s) &n Schdunde&n Schdundn %n day(s) %n Dog%n Dog %n week(s) %n wochä%n Wochn %1 and %2 %1 und %2 %n year(s) %n ja´r%n ja´re %1 behind %1 zrück Catching up... i komschono Last received block was generated %1 ago. da lezde Blogg deni sig is %1 gmachd woadn Transactions after this will not yet be visible. Überwaisungen danach sigschd ned. Darkcoin Darkcoin Error Nix god. (Weil´d a Depp bischd) Warning Obacht Information Informäischn Sent transaction Nausgsended(e) Incoming transaction Naikommen(de) Date: %1 Amount: %2 Type: %3 Address: %4 Vom: %1 so fui Goid: %2 wus: %3 Addressn: %4 Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b> D´Goidbaidl hod sai <b>Schprücherl drauf</b> und is <b>aufgschlossn</b> Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b> for anonimization only D´Goidbaidl hod sai <b>Schprücherl drauf</b> und is <b>aufgschlossn, aba nua zum Kapuzzngoid maha</b> Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b> D´Goidbaidl hod sai <b>Schprücherl drauf</b> und is <b>zuagschlossn</b> A fatal error occurred. Darkcoin can no longer continue safely and will quit. WEILD A DEPP BISCH. Däs gonze Programm is fürn Arsch gangen. Wird zugmachd, wails bessa is. ClientModel Network Alert Netzwärk obacht! CoinControlDialog Coin Control Address Selection ÜbalebensRADAH Quantity: Wih oft? Bytes: Baids Amount: wih fui? Priority: wih wichdig? Fee: Zoll Low Output: low audputt After Fee: Mim Zoll Change: Wexxlgoid (un)select all olle/kaine auswäin Tree mode Baum Modus List mode Lisdn Modus Amount Wie fui Address Adressn Darksend Rounds Wie ofd die Kapuzzn aufsezzn Date Datum Confirmations wie ofd bschaid griagn bis´s guid Confirmed Güid! Priority wih wichdig? Copy address Adressn kopian Copy label ´S Baperl kopian Copy amount wih-fuis-is kopian Copy transaction ID Des KFZ-Kennzaichn von dera Übawaisung schbaichan Lock unspent Wos no da iis abschberrn Unlock unspent Wos no da iis aufschbern Copy quantity Des "wih oft" kopian Copy fee dän Zoll kopian Copy after fee Nachm Zoll kopian Copy bytes Die Bizzlas kopian Copy priority Die Wichtigkait kopian Copy low output Däs lou-audputt kopian Copy change ´S Wegslgoid kopian highest Baim Karri gibts koi bia mea!!!!!!! higher Di Kirch brennd! high Presian duads scho. und zwar gschaid medium-high Oiso, war scho schean, wenns flodd gehd medium so inda-middn wichdig low-medium nimmsts halt mid, und machsts dann low naja, machs lower ja mai, irgendwann halt lowest is ma wuaschd (%1 locked) (%1 oigrasded) none nix/kains/ohnä Dust Übablaibsl yes si´ha no gwi´hs ned This label turns red, if the transaction size is greater than 1000 bytes. Des Baperl hia wiad rodd, wenn dai Übawaisung greasa wiad ois 1000 Bizzlas This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required. Des hoasd, dasd an Zoll fon mindeschdns %1 per dausnd Bizzlas zoin muschd. Can vary +/- 1 byte per input. Is ungnau. So um +/- Bizzlas. Transactions with higher priority are more likely to get included into a block. Tränsäctschns (Überwaisung´n) di wos wichdiga son, kimma warschainlich au früah dronn. This label turns red, if the priority is smaller than "medium". Des Baperl wiad rodd wenns zu unwichdig wiad. (muschd hald einschdelln) This label turns red, if any recipient receives an amount smaller than %1. Des Baperl wiad rodd, wenn irgändoina weniga ois %1 griggd. This means a fee of at least %1 is required. Däs hoasd dassd mindeschdns %1 Zoll zahla muschd. Amounts below 0.546 times the minimum relay fee are shown as dust. Ezad wiads kompliziad: Oiso, wenn däs, wos zruck kimmt kloana is ois 0.546 mal des wos du an Zoll zoid hosd, dann nenna di Amis des als "Dasd". Mia sogn Übableibsl. This label turns red, if the change is smaller than %1. Des Baperl hia wiad rodd, wenn dai Wexxlgoid kloana is wi %1. (no label) (koi Baperl) change from %1 (%2) Wexxlgoid vom %1 (%2) (change) (Wexxlgoid) DarksendConfig Configure Darksend Kapuzzngoid-Ainschdellunga (Darksend) Basic Privacy Oifache Kapuzzn (Bäisik) High Privacy Suppa Kapuzzn (Hai) Maximum Privacy Ultraste Kapuzzn (maximum) Please select a privacy level. Suchda aus, wih guud daine Kapuzzal sain solln.. Use 2 separate masternodes to mix funds up to 1000 DRK Zwo faschihdene Mastanoods füa Beträge bis 1000DRK Use 8 separate masternodes to mix funds up to 1000 DRK Achd faschihdene Mastanoods füa Beträge bis 1000DRK Use 16 separate masternodes Sechzähn faschihdene Mastanoods bnuzn !! (SO KÖRTS!) This option is the quickest and will cost about ~0.025 DRK to anonymize 1000 DRK S´ god am schnellsdn und kosst so umgfahr 0.025 DRK um 1000 DRK dih Kapuzzn aufzumsäzzn. This option is moderately fast and will cost about 0.05 DRK to anonymize 1000 DRK S´ god so middl schnell und kosst so umgfahr 0.05 DRK dih Kapuzzn aufzumsäzzn. 0.1 DRK per 1000 DRK you anonymize. kost zirka 0.1 DRK per 1000 Kapuzzn-DRK This is the slowest and most secure option. Using maximum anonymity will cost S´ beschde, dauad aba scho und kosst so umgfahr Darksend Configuration Kapuzzngoid-Ainschdellunga (Darksend+) Darksend was successfully set to basic (%1 and 2 rounds). You can change this at any time by opening Darkcoin's configuration screen. Di Kapuzzngoid-Ainschdellunga (Darksend+) sin edzd auf "Bäisik - Oifache Kapuzzn" (%1 and 2 rounds). Des kansch fai immä ändan, wendas nimma passd. Oifach auf di Ainschdellunga druggn. Darksend was successfully set to high (%1 and 8 rounds). You can change this at any time by opening Darkcoin's configuration screen. Di Kapuzzngoid-Ainschdellunga (Darksend+) sin edzd auf "Hai - Suppa Kapuzzn" (%1 and 8 rounds). Des kansch fai immä ändan, wendas nimma passd. Oifach auf di Ainschdellunga druggn. Darksend was successfully set to maximum (%1 and 16 rounds). You can change this at any time by opening Darkcoin's configuration screen. Di Kapuzzngoid-Ainschdellunga (Darksend+) sin edzd auf "Maximum" - mid da Ultrasdn Kapuzzn übahaupt (%1 and 8 rounds). Des kansch fai immä ändan, wendas nimma passd. Oifach auf di Ainschdellunga druggn. EditAddressDialog Edit Address Adressn bearbaidn &Label &Baperl The label associated with this address list entry Däs Baperl des wo zu der Adressn kört &Address &Adressn The address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses. Di Adressn di wo mid dem Aitäm in verbindung stahd. Des kamma nur ändan für wemma was sendn wui. Also vohea. New receiving address A noie Adressn zum Ämpfangn New sending address A noie Adressn zum sendn Edit receiving address Adressn wos hin geehd ändan Edit sending address Adressn von dem wo des weggehd ändan. The entered address "%1" is not a valid Darkcoin address. Depp, %1 is koi Darkcoin-Adressn! The entered address "%1" is already in the address book. Die Adressn %1 is scho im Adressbiachal. Could not unlock wallet. Goidbaidl gehd ned auf. New key generation failed. Depp. Igendwos passd ned. Kann kain noin Schlüssl ma´ha. FreespaceChecker A new data directory will be created. A nois DATA-DI-REK-TO-RI wiad gmachd. name Name Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here. Däs DI-REK-TO-RI gibds´scho. (Bessa?: %1) Path already exists, and is not a directory. Da ligt scho was, aba des is kai DI-REK-TO-RI Cannot create data directory here. Ged ned. Hia kanni kai DI-REK-TO-RI ma´ha. HelpMessageDialog Darkcoin Core - Command-line options Darkcoin Koa - Zailn-Dingsn-Opzionän Darkcoin Core Darkcoin Koa version Wersion Usage: brauchdma füa command-line options Zailn-Dingsn-Opzionän UI options Fenschderl-Opzionän Choose data directory on startup (default: 0) Suchda a DI-REK-TO-RI beim schdardn aus (kört: 0) Set language, for example "de_DE" (default: system locale) Suchda a Schbrachn aus (fürdi Schdodara "de_DE") (kört: system locale) Start minimized kloi Anfanga (des Programm, ned du!) Set SSL root certificates for payment request (default: -system-) S Es Es El wurzl zerdifikaat setzn (kört: -system-) Show splash screen on startup (default: 1) Zeigma des schöne Fenschdal wenns losged (kört: 1) Intro Welcome SERVUS ! Welcome to Darkcoin Core. Habe di Ehre. Binda Darkcoin Koa. Sezdi, bschdellda was! As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where Darkcoin Core will store its data. Weil des edzd des äarschde mal is, wo du des Programm aufma´ha duasd, kanschda aussu´ha wo du des Zeigl hi-schbaichan wuisch, des des Programm so brauchd. Darkcoin Core will download and store a copy of the Darkcoin block chain. At least %1GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. The wallet will also be stored in this directory. Darkcoin Koa wi´d an ganzn Bazn Zeigl nunderladn. Dazu kört die BLOGG-TSCHAIN ("wer, wann, was, wo - von ALLE") und natürlich schbaichads au dain Goidbaidl. Zam sin des mindeschdns %1GB Dadn. Und des wi´d grössa weadn. Gwies. Use the default data directory Da wos imma hikört. Use a custom data directory: Na, suchi ma bessa selba aus. Darkcoin Darkcoin Error: Specified data directory "%1" can not be created. Nix god. Weild a Depp bischd. Des Da-Ta-Di-Rec-To-Ri passd ned ins %1 Error Nix god. (Weil´d a Depp bischd) GB of free space available GigaBizl san frai (of %1GB needed) (von %1 GigaBizl di wo ma brauchd) OpenURIDialog Open URI Uri aufma´ha Open payment request from URI or file An Zahlschain aufmaha (Uri oda fona Datai) URI: Uri: Select payment request file Wälche Datai solsn sain? Select payment request file to open Du musd scho sang wo di Infos liag´ng... OptionsDialog Options Oischdellunga (Opzionän) &Main &HaubtFänschda Automatically start Darkcoin after logging in to the system. Darkcoin anma´ha sobald dun Kompjuda a-ma´ha duasd. &Start Darkcoin on system login &soford anma´ha Size of &database cache Grösse vom ZwischnSchbaicha MB MegaBizzlas Number of script &verification threads Ähhhhhh.... ("Number of script &verification threads") (0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free) (0 = auto, <0 = so fui Kerndal solln ned verwendet wean) <html><head/><body><p>This setting determines the amount of individual masternodes that an input will be anonymized through. More rounds of anonymization gives a higher degree of privacy, but also costs more in fees.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Mid der Ainschdellung schdellsch ain </br> wie ofd mid daine Kapuuzzerl-Darkcoin des <br>["Kappuzzerl auf, umanandatauschn, noch a Kapuzzn auf, und so weiter"-Schbiel]<br> gschbield wiad.<br><br>Je öfdas desto bessa (!!!), kost aber au mea. </p></body></html> Darksend rounds to use Kapuzznrundn di ham mogschd (Darksend rounds) Amount of Darkcoin to keep anonymized Wiefui Darkcoin solln imma im Goidbaidl sain, wo imma gschaud wiad, dasse a Kapuzzn aufham? W&allet &Goidbaidl Optional transaction fee per kB that helps make sure your transactions are processed quickly. Most transactions are 1 kB. Des wasd draufleng wuisch (per kiloBizzla) da mid die Übawaisung schnella raus gehd. (Die maistn Übwawaisungen sin so 1kiloBizzla groass) Pay transaction &fee Übaweisung und Zoll zoin Expert Ekschpärd Whether to show coin control features or not. Ob di KOIN KONTROLL FIHDSCHAS azaigd wean solln oda ned Enable coin &control features KOIN KONTROLL FIHDSCHAS anzeing/verstecka If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed. &Spend unconfirmed change &Network &Netzweark Automatically open the Darkcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled. Map port using &UPnP Connect to the Darkcoin network through a SOCKS proxy. Zum Darkcoin Netzwäark midm SOCKS Proxi fabindn. &Connect through SOCKS proxy (default proxy): &Verbindn durchn SOCKS Proxi (default proxy): Proxy &IP: Proxi &AiPi: IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1) Aipi-Adressn vom Proxi (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1) &Port: &Port: Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050) Port vom Proxi (e.g. 9050) SOCKS &Version: SOCKS &Wersion: SOCKS version of the proxy (e.g. 5) SOCKS Wersion vom Proxi (e.g. 5) &Window &Fändschdal Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window. Zeigma blohs so a mini Buidl wens Fenschdal kloi gmachd wiad. &Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar &minimian zum Träi-Aicän und ned ind Taskbahr Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Quit in the menu. Wenn ma aufs X druggd soll des Programmerl ned aufhöan sondern nur kloi wean. Wirklich zua geds ab dann nur no üba ´s ächde "ZuaUndTschüss" M&inimize on close K&loima´ha wennma aufs X druggd &Display &Anzaign User Interface &language: ´D &Schbroachn: The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting Darkcoin. Hia kansch aischdelln obsch des in am kschaidn Daidsch ham wouisch, oder lieba wi die Schdodara, oder glai englisch, oda was wus i.... &Unit to show amounts in: &wi sollma dia di Darkcoins anzaign: Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins. Magsch liaba ganze Darkcoins seng, oder lieaba "zehntl" oder glai "hundadstl".... Whether to show Darkcoin addresses in the transaction list or not. Soll di Adressn in da Listn imma zaigd wean? &Display addresses in transaction list &Zaigma die Adressn imma in da Listn Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |. "Gradlerinfo" san infos di wo sonsd irgndwo im Nedz stehn, und helfa solln zu wissen wem die Adressn so körd und so. (also wenns einer verräät). Des san dan URLs disd im Mehnü findschd. Und stadd %s sigsd dann an Hasch. Third party transaction URLs GraddlerInfo Active command-line options that override above options: Soll i da erlaubm dass du ois hia drüba aifach mid a komandlain-optschn übaschraibm darfsch: Reset all client options to default. Olle Ainschdellungen wida so zrück wi´s kört. &Reset Options &Ois zrucksetzn &OK &Basdchso &Cancel &Na, lieaba ned default kört none nix/kains/ohnä Confirm options reset Bischda sicha dass ois zrucksetzn wuisch? Client restart required to activate changes. Des Programmerl muschd zuma´ha damid di Ändarung wirggd. Client will be shutdown, do you want to proceed? S Programmerl wiad zuagmachd. Basd des? This change would require a client restart. Damid des gülded mussd des Programmerl danach zuma´ha... (und dann wieda auf) The supplied proxy address is invalid. Die Adressn vom Proxi is Quadsch. OverviewPage Form Bladdl Wallet Goidbaidl The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Darkcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet. Ois was hia schdaad is a bissal ald. Aba, wards ab, des wird. Brauchd bloss a Minudn bis der Darkcon Koa mid di andan Koas gred hod, und si wida alle ainig sin.... Available: Kansch ham: Your current spendable balance Des is des wosd ausgebm kansch. Pending: Brauchn no: Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance Des was da aigntlich scho kört, aber wosd no ned ausgebm darfsch, weil si no ned alle ainig san.... Immature: No ned gahr: Mined balance that has not yet matured Dai Kischdn-Prämie is no ned fraigebm. Total: Tuto kompletti: Your current total balance Tuto kompletti von alläm wosd haschd Status: Schdatus: Enabled/Disabled Scho/Ned Completion: Voländung: Darksend Balance: Kapuzzngoid tuto kompletti: 0 DRK koi oanziga DRK Amount and Rounds: Summä und Rundn: 0 DRK / 0 Rounds koi DRK / koine Rundn Submitted Denom: Aufgschblits Goid: The denominations you submitted to the Masternode. To mix, other users must submit the exact same denominations. S´ Augschblitzde Goid wiad zum Kapuzn-Ma´ha hibrachd. Und wenn no oina (oda bessa meah) s gloiche Goid hi-schiggd, dann ma´ma´s HüdchenSchbui. n/a woasined Darksend Darksend Start/Stop Mixing Aufhörn/Anfangn mim Kapuzzn-ma´ha (Last Message) (lasd Mesidsch) Try to manually submit a Darksend request. Versuschsd hald per Hond a Darksend-Za-lungs-an-wai-sung zu ma´ha Try Mix Hüttchenschbui veasuach Reset the current status of Darksend (can interrupt Darksend if it's in the process of Mixing, which can cost you money!) S´ Kapuzzn-ma´ha und Hüdchen-Schbuin [Darksend] aufhörn (auf die harte Tua). OBACHT, kann toija wean! Reset Ois Zruck seza <b>Recent transactions</b> <b>S´ lezde rain und naus</b> out of sync ned auf da selbm Höhe wi da Reschd Disabled Ausgmachd Start Darksend Mixing ´S Kapuzzal-Hütchenschbui starten Stop Darksend Mixing Kapuzzal-Schbui schdoppn No inputs detected Found unconfirmed denominated outputs, will wait till they confirm to recalculate. A paar kloine Kapuzzal san da drausn unbeafsichdigd. I ward no a bissal bis di alle wida im Käfig san. (Dan wissma wida wifuis insgsamd san) Rounds Rundn Enabled Angmachd Last Darksend message: Läzde Darksänd Mässidsch: Darksend is idle. Da Darksend hadn Finga im Bauchnabl und duad goanix... Darksend request complete: Your transaction was accepted into the pool! Huiiiii, und Losgäds! S´ Kapuzzal is ankomm´n und wiad ezd gmischd! ("accepted into pool") Submitted following entries to masternode: Dise Kappuzzal sin aufm Weg zur Mastanode: Submitted to masternode, Waiting for more entries Kapuzzal sin bai da Masternode - "wäiting for plaija tu"! Found enough users, signing ... Olle da, ezd kimd da Servus drunnta.... Found enough users, signing ( waiting. ) Olle da, ezd kimd da Servus drunnta.... (dauad a bissal) Found enough users, signing ( waiting.. ) Olle da, ezd kimd da Servus drunnta.... (dauad a bissal) Found enough users, signing ( waiting... ) Olle da, ezd kimd da Servus drunnta.... (dauad a bissal) Transmitting final transaction. lezde Kapuzzal/Übawaisung is naus. Finalizing transaction. Kapuzzal/Übawaisung grigd grad n Schdempl und passd. Darksend request incomplete: Darksend kann no ned gschdarded wean: Will retry... i porbiars glai nommal... Darksend request complete: Darksend gehd richdig los: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue . Kapuzzal is bai da Mastanode und wartät bis´s drann is. Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .. Kapuzzal is bai da Mastanode und wartät bis´s drann is. Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ... Kapuzzal is bai da Mastanode und wartät bis´s drann is. Unknown state: Äh, i wais ezd au ned was grod gehd... äh.... moment... N/A woasi ned Darksend was successfully reset. Di Darksend (Kapuzzn-ma´ha)-Eischdellunga san wida zruck gsezd woan. Darksend requires at least %1 to use. Zum Kapuzzn-ma´ha brauchsch mindeschdns %1. Wallet is locked and user declined to unlock. Disabling Darksend. Da Goidbaidl is zua und der Depp willn auned aufma´ha. Kapuzzn wean ezd koine mea gmachd. PaymentServer Payment request error Nix bast. ("Payment request error") Cannot start darkcoin: click-to-pay handler Net manager warning Da Manager von di Nätz-Jungs sagd: "Obachd" Your active proxy doesn't support SOCKS5, which is required for payment requests via proxy. Där Proxi den da ausgsuchd hasd kann ga kaine SOCKS5 und die fünfa Sockn brauchtma damid des funktioniad. URI handling Umgang mim Uri Payment request fetch URL is invalid: %1 URI can not be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Darkcoin address or malformed URI parameters. Payment request file handling Payment request file can not be read or processed! This can be caused by an invalid payment request file. Unverified payment requests to custom payment scripts are unsupported. Requested payment amount of %1 is too small (considered dust). Refund from %1 Zruckkriegd vom %1 Error communicating with %1: %2 Där verschded die ned: %1: %2 Payment request can not be parsed or processed! Bad response from server %1 Bleds glaber sonsd nix kommt vom %1 Network request error Payment acknowledged QObject Darkcoin Darkcoin Error: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist. OBACHD: S gehd ned! Des Da-Ta-Di-Rec-To-Ri %1 gibds goa ned. Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1. Only use key=value syntax. Error reading masternode configuration file: %1 Error: Invalid combination of -regtest and -testnet. Depp, im Kindazimma gibds koin "-regtest" Darkcoin Core didn't yet exit safely... Enter a Darkcoin address (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) A Darkcoin-Adressn aingebn (z.B XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) QRImageWidget &Save Image... &Buidl schbaichan &Copy Image &Buidl kopian Save QR Code Kuh-Ärr-Kod schbaichan PNG Image (*.png) Pä Än Geh (*.png) RPCConsole Tools window Werkzaigkofferl &Information &Informäischn Masternode Count So fui Mastanodes sans General Dschänärel (Ois) Name Name Client name da Name fon dem saim Kliäntn N/A woasi ned Number of connections I sigg Open the Darkcoin debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files. &Open &Aufma´ha Startup time Gschdarded um Network Last block time ´D naieste Überwaisungs-Kischdn gabs um Debug log file Using OpenSSL version Build date Gmachd woan is´s um/am Current number of blocks Anzahl Überwaisungs-Kischdn Client version Wersion vom Klaiänd Block chain Überwaisungs-Kischdn-Regal ("Bloggtschäin") &Console &Konsoln Clear console Konsoln saubama´ha &Network Traffic &Clear &Saubama´ha Totals Tuto Kompletti: In: Nai: Out: Naus: Welcome to the Darkcoin RPC console. Servus inda Darkcoin Är Pe ZE Konsoln Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and <b>Ctrl-L</b> to clear screen. Mid die Zaigerl-Tastn aufm Kihboad kansch hoch und nunda und mid <b>Ctrl-L</b> ois saubama´ha. Type <b>help</b> for an overview of available commands. Wend <b>help</b> schraibsch zaigida was ma so ma´ha kann hia. %1 B %1 Bizzla %1 KB %1 KiloBizzla %1 MB %1 MegaBizzla %1 GB %1 GigaBizzla %1 m %1 Minudn %1 h %1 Schdund(n) %1 h %2 m %1 Schdundn %2 Minudn ReceiveCoinsDialog Reuse one of the previously used receiving addresses. Reusing addresses has security and privacy issues. Do not use this unless re-generating a payment request made before. R&euse an existing receiving address (not recommended) An a &alde Adressn sendn. (DAD i NED !) An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Darkcoin network. &Message: Mässidsch An optional label to associate with the new receiving address. Use this form to request payments. All fields are <b>optional</b>. Mid dem Dingsl hia kansch a Zahlungsauffoadarung genarian. Alle Felda kansch ausfülln <b>musch aba ned</b>. &Label: &Baperl An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount. &Amount: &Wie fui: &Request payment Clear all fields of the form. Olle Foider sauba ma´ha. Clear Sauba ma´ha Requested payments history Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry) Show Zeig Remove the selected entries from the list Remove Wegg Copy label ´S Baperl kopian Copy message &Mösidsch kopian Copy amount wih-fuis-is kopian ReceiveRequestDialog QR Code Kuh-Ärr-Kod Copy &URI Copy &Uri Copy &Address &Adressn kopian &Save Image... &Buidl schbaichan Request payment to %1 Payment information URI Uri Address Adressn Amount Wie fui Label Baperl Message Mässidsch Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message. Error encoding URI into QR Code. RecentRequestsTableModel Date Datum Label Baperl Message Mässidsch Amount Wie fui (no label) (koi Baperl) (no message) (koi messidsch) (no amount) (koi Betrag) SendCoinsDialog Send Coins Coins schickga Coin Control Features KOIN KONTROLL FIHDSCHAS Inputs... Eingänge automatically selected audomadisch ausgwähld Insufficient funds! Raichd ned - Zwenig haschd! Quantity: Wih oft? Bytes: Baids Amount: wih fui? Priority: wih wichdig? Fee: Zoll Low Output: low audputt After Fee: Mim Zoll Change: Wexxlgoid If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address. Wend hia kain Bimperl hi-machsd, dann wiad imma wens kai Adressn gibd, wos Wexxlgoid hisoi, oifach a noie Adressn gmachd. Custom change address Confirm the send action S&end Clear all fields of the form. Olle Foider sauba ma´ha. Clear &All &Ois sauba ma´ha Send to multiple recipients at once Add &Recipient No an &Ämpfänga dazuduan Darksend Darksend InstantX InstantX Balance: Tuto Kompletti: Copy quantity Des "wih oft" kopian Copy amount wih-fuis-is kopian Copy fee dän Zoll kopian Copy after fee Nachm Zoll kopian Copy bytes Die Bizzlas kopian Copy priority Die Wichtigkait kopian Copy low output Däs lou-audputt kopian Copy change ´S Wegslgoid kopian (darksend requires this amount to be rounded up to the nearest %1). (darksend brauchd den Betrag damids zum nägschdn %1 aufgrunded werdn kann) %1 to %2 %1 bis %2 Are you sure you want to send? Bischda si´ha das däs so naus soll? are added as transaction fee kimmd als Zoll dazu Total Amount %1 (= %2) Ois komplett %1 (= %2) or oda Confirm send coins Übawaisung fraigebm Payment request expired Invalid payment address %1 Die Adressn di koi Darkcoin-Adressn is %1 The recipient address is not valid, please recheck. The amount to pay must be larger than 0. Also nix kamma ned zahln..... The amount exceeds your balance. So fui Goid hasd du garned. The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included. So fui Goid hasd du gar ned (Vergisss ned den Zoll von %1) Duplicate address found, can only send to each address once per send operation. Transaction creation failed! The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here. Error: The wallet was unlocked only to anonymize coins. Fehla: Da Goidbaidl is nur zum Kapuzzn-ma´ha aufgmachd woan. Was anders is ned alaubdt. Warning: Invalid Darkcoin address Obachd du Depp, des is koi Darkcoin-Adressn! Warning: Unknown change address Obachd: kaina woas wo des Wexxlgoid higeed. (no label) (koi Baperl) SendCoinsEntry This is a normal payment. A Schdandard Übawaisung is des. Pay &To: The address to send the payment to (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) An di Darkcoin-Adressn soll dann übawisn wean (z.B XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Choose previously used address A Adressn aus da Lisdn raussuchn. Alt+A Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Adressn ausm Zwischnschbaicha ladn Alt+P Alt+P Remove this entry &Label: &Baperl Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses A&mount: S&umme: Message: Mässidsch: A message that was attached to the darkcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Darkcoin network. This is an unverified payment request. Pay To: Memo: KlebeZeddl: This is a verified payment request. Enter a label for this address to add it to your address book Gib der Adressn a Baperl damitst´se ins Adressbüchal neischiabn kansch. ShutdownWindow Darkcoin Core is shutting down... Darkcoin Koa wiad zugmachd... Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears. Mach fai ja dain Kompjuta ned aus, befoa des Fenschdal hia wida wegg is !!!!! SignVerifyMessageDialog Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message Mim Servus schaun obsch mim richdign redesd / selba unterschreib´m &Sign Message &Servus drunta You can sign messages with your addresses to prove you own them. Be careful not to sign anything vague, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to. The address to sign the message with (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Di Adressn die wo zum Unterschraibm von der Mässidsch vawendet weadn soll (z.B. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Choose previously used address Oide Adressn aus da Lisdn aussuchn Alt+A Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Adressn ausm Zwischnschbaicha ladn Alt+P Alt+P Enter the message you want to sign here Di Messidsch aingebn (di an ofizielln Servus von dia krign soll) Signature Servus Copy the current signature to the system clipboard N aktuelln Servus in´n Zwischnschbaicha ladn Sign the message to prove you own this Darkcoin address An Servus unterd Mässidsch damid klaar is das des dai Adressn is.... Sign &Message Servus &drunta Reset all sign message fields Clear &All &Ois sauba ma´ha &Verify Message &Schaun ob da Servus au echd is Enter the signing address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack. The address the message was signed with (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Di Adressn die wo zum Unterschraibm von der Mässidsch vawendet woadn is (z.B. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Darkcoin address Du kansch schaun ob di Mesidsch vom Andan mid saina Adressn zambast (obs wirklich von iam is) Verify &Message Schaun ob da &Servus au echd is Reset all verify message fields Click "Sign Message" to generate signature Enter a Darkcoin address (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) A Darkcoin-Adressn aingebn (z.B XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) The entered address is invalid. Depp, des is koi Darkcoin-Adressn! Please check the address and try again. So, ezd gugsch nommal di Adressn an, und gibsches richdig ai. The entered address does not refer to a key. Wallet unlock was cancelled. ´S Goidbaidl-aufma´ha is abbrochn woan. Private key for the entered address is not available. Den Gehaim-Schlüssl füa di Adressn habi ned. Message signing failed. Baim Servus-sezn is was schiaf gang´n. Message signed. Mässidsch hodd ezd an Servus. The signature could not be decoded. Please check the signature and try again. The signature did not match the message digest. Message verification failed. Message verified. SplashScreen Darkcoin Core Darkcoin Koa Version %1 The Bitcoin Core developers Di Bitcoin Coa Ma´ha The Darkcoin Core developers Die Darkcoin Coa Ma´ha [testnet] [kindazimma] TrafficGraphWidget KB/s KiloBizzla di Sekund TransactionDesc Open for %n more block(s) Unerledigd bis no %n Überwaisungs-Kischdn kommdUnerledigd bis no %n Überwaisungs-Kischdn komma Open until %1 conflicted %1/offline (verified via instantx) %1/confirmed (verified via instantx) %1 confirmations (verified via instantx) %1/offline %1/unconfirmed %1 confirmations Status , has not been successfully broadcast yet , broadcast through %n node(s) Date Datum Source Generated From unknown To own address label Credit matures in %n more block(s) Gild als stabihl in %n Überwaisungs-KischdnGild als stabihl in %n Überwaisungs-Kischdn not accepted Debit Transaction fee Net amount Message Mässidsch Comment Transaction ID Merchant Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours. So Überwaisungs-Kischdn diesd selba gmachd hosd [des gehd mid dem MAINEN, oda wi des hoasd] gellten als "unstabil" bis %1 andre Kischdn danach kimma san. Und easd dann kansch des Goid des wos grigschd hasd fürs Kischdn-ma´ha ausgebm. Wenn dai Kischdn rechd schiach ausschaugd, dann sagen di Andan "bäh" und du grigst an Schaiss. Musd hald wartn und gugng wi sihs nausgehd. Debug information Transaction Inputs Amount Wie fui true Scho/Richdig/An false Ned/Quadsch/Aus TransactionDescDialog Transaction details This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction TransactionTableModel Date Datum Type Tüpp Address Adressn Amount Wie fui Open for %n more block(s) Unerledigd bis no %n Überwaisungs-Kischdn kommdUnerledigd bis no %n Überwaisungs-Kischdn komma Open until %1 G´öffned bis %1 Offline Ned am Nezz Unconfirmed Unbeschdädigd Confirming (%1 of %2 recommended confirmations) Confirmed (%1 confirmations) Conflicted Immature (%1 confirmations, will be available after %2) This block was not received by any other nodes and will probably not be accepted! Dai Kischdn is so schiach, wi will koina anschaun. Des sigd so aus wih wenn des nix wiad! Generated but not accepted Received with Grigd habis auf welche Adressn Received from Received via Darksend Sent to Gigd hads da Payment to yourself Mined fom Kisdn ma´ha Darksend Denominate Zum Kapuzzal-ma´ha kloina gmachd Darksend Collateral Payment Darksend Split Up Large Inputs Darksent mit Kappuzal gschickd (n/a) Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations. Date and time that the transaction was received. Type of transaction. Destination address of transaction. Amount removed from or added to balance. TransactionView All Olleh Today Haid This week Di Wo´hn This month Den Monad Last month Lezdn Monad This year Haia Range... Von ... bis Received with Grigd habis auf welche Adressn Sent to Gigd hads da Darksent mit Kappuzal gschickd Darksend Denominate Zum Kapuzzal-ma´ha kloina gmachd To yourself An mi Selba Mined fom Kisdn ma´ha Other Woasned Enter address or label to search Gib a Baperl ai, dann suchi Min amount Mindeschdns Copy address Adressn kopian Copy label ´S Baperl kopian Copy amount wih-fuis-is kopian Copy transaction ID Des KFZ-Kennzaichn von dera Übawaisung schbaichan Edit label ´S Baperl ändan Show transaction details Zaigma des wo-und-wea Export Transaction History Däs Wer-Was-Wann schbaichan Comma separated file (*.csv) ZE ES FAU - woaschtscho - zeigl, komma, zeigl, komma, undsowaida. (*.csv) Confirmed Güid! Date Datum Type Tüpp Label Baperl Address Adressn Amount Wie fui ID KFZ-Kennzaichn Exporting Failed Weild a Depp bischd. Nix gehd, goarnix. There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1. Hod ned glabd, des schbaichan von dem Was-Wan-Wo! (sold aigendlich da: %1 ankomm´n) Exporting Successful Kappd hads! (Da schaugsd oda?) The transaction history was successfully saved to %1. Dai Was-Wann-Wo liagd ezd baim %1. Range: Schbanne: to bis WalletFrame No wallet has been loaded. I sigg kain Goidbaidl ned. WalletModel Send Coins Coins schickga WalletView &Export &kanschHam Export the data in the current tab to a file Di DADN dis grod gibd (- woaschscho, des wos ma hald so schbaichad-) schbaichan. So wi exl oda wi da Grampf hoast. Backup Wallet Goidbaidl BÄGG-UPPN Wallet Data (*.dat) Wa-, wa- , Wal-l .. ACH LIAS DOCH SÄIBA: "Wallet Data (*.dat)", ezad Backup Failed A Grampf is des. There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1. Hod ned glabd, des schbaichan von daim Goidbaidl! (sold aigendlich da: %1 ankomm´n sain) Backup Successful ERFOLGRAICH soggi. The wallet data was successfully saved to %1. Dai Goidbaidl liagd ezd zusäzlich unta %1. darkcoin-core %s, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file: %s It is recommended you use the following random password: rpcuser=darkcoinrpc rpcpassword=%s (you do not need to remember this password) The username and password MUST NOT be the same. If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions. It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems; for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s "Darkcoin Alert" admin@foo.com Acceptable ciphers (default: TLSv1.2+HIGH:TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES:@STRENGTH) Tschippas di wo gehn (kört: TLSv1.2+HIGH:TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES:@STRENGTH) An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv4: %s An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv6, falling back to IPv4: %s Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6 Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Darkcoin Core is probably already running. Continuously rate-limit free transactions to <n>*1000 bytes per minute (default:15) Disable all Masternode and Darksend related functionality (0-1, default: 0) Ois was mid die Kapuzzn zum duan hod (Mastanodes und Darksend) ausmaha (0-1, kört 0) Enable instantx, show confirmations for locked transactions (bool, default: true) InstantX (subba schnois Übawaisn) anmaha. Sigsch dann au auf da Haupdsaitn. (ja/nein, kört JA) Enable use of automated darksend for funds stored in this wallet (0-1, default: 0) Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly. This is intended for regression testing tools and app development. Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly. Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s) Error: The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here. Error: This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds! Error: Wallet unlocked for anonymization only, unable to create transaction. Execute command when a relevant alert is received or we see a really long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message) Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID) Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash) Fees smaller than this are considered zero fee (for transaction creation) (default: Flush database activity from memory pool to disk log every <n> megabytes (default: 100) Found unconfirmed denominated outputs, will wait till they confirm to continue. How thorough the block verification of -checkblocks is (0-4, default: 3) In this mode -genproclimit controls how many blocks are generated immediately. Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 9998 or testnet: 19998) Für den Jäison sai Er Pe Ze hörma auf <port> Numma.... (kört: 9998 und fürs Kindazimma: 19998) Name to construct url for KeePass entry that stores the wallet passphrase Number of seconds to keep misbehaving peers from reconnecting (default: 86400) Output debugging information (default: 0, supplying <category> is optional) Provide liquidity to Darksend by infrequently mixing coins on a continual basis (0-100, default: 0, 1=very frequent, high fees, 100=very infrequent, low fees) Query for peer addresses via DNS lookup, if low on addresses (default: 1 unless -connect) Set external address:port to get to this masternode (example: address:port) Set maximum size of high-priority/low-fee transactions in bytes (default: %d) Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d) Set the processor limit for when generation is on (-1 = unlimited, default: -1) Show N confirmations for a successfully locked transaciton (0-9999, default: 1) This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications Unable to bind to %s on this computer. Darkcoin Core is probably already running. Unable to locate enough Darksend non-denominated funds for this transaction that are not equal 1000 DRK Unable to locate enough Darksend non-denominated funds for this transaction Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services (default: -proxy) Warning: -paytxfee is set very high! This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction. Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong Darkcoin will not work properly. Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues. Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade. Warning: error reading wallet.dat! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect. Warning: wallet.dat corrupt, data salvaged! Original wallet.dat saved as wallet.{timestamp}.bak in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup. You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file: %s If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions. You must specify a masternodeprivkey in the configuration. Please see documentation for help. (default: 1) (kört: 1) (default: wallet.dat) (kört: wallet.dat) <category> can be: <category> sold sai: Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands Accept connections from outside (default: 1 if no -proxy or -connect) Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open Allow DNS lookups for -addnode, -seednode and -connect Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP address Already have that input. Always query for peer addresses via DNS lookup (default: 0) Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat Block creation options: Can't denominate: no compatible inputs left. Cannot downgrade wallet Cannot resolve -bind address: '%s' Cannot resolve -externalip address: '%s' Cannot write default address Clear list of wallet transactions (diagnostic tool; implies -rescan) Collateral is not valid. Collateral not valid. Connect only to the specified node(s) Connect through SOCKS proxy Connect to JSON-RPC on <port> (default: 9998 or testnet: 19998) Dem Jäison sai Er Pe Ze schraima auf <port> Numma.... (kört: 9998 und fürs Kindazimma: 19998) Connect to KeePassHttp on port <port> (default: 19455) Dem Ki Pass sai Ha Te Te Pe ma´ma auf <port> Numma.... (kört: 19455) Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect Connection options: Corrupted block database detected Dai Kischdn-Regal schaugd schiach aus ("Corrupted block database detected") Darkcoin Core Daemon Darkcoin Core RPC client version Darksend is disabled. Darksend options: Debugging/Testing options: Disable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0) Äh: "Disable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0)" Discover own IP address (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip) Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls Do you want to rebuild the block database now? Sollma däs Regal nommal baun. So in grood und ohne Lö´ha? Done loading Enable the client to act as a masternode (0-1, default: 0) Entries are full. Error connecting to masternode. Error initializing block database Weild a Depp bisch. "Error initializing block database" Error initializing wallet database environment %s! Error loading block database Weild a Depp bisch. "Error loading block database" Error loading wallet.dat Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corrupted Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of Darkcoin Error opening block database Weild a Depp bisch. "Error opening block database" Error reading from database, shutting down. Error recovering public key. Error Nix god. (Weil´d a Depp bischd) Error: Disk space is low! Error: Wallet locked, unable to create transaction! Error: You already have pending entries in the Darksend pool Error: system error: Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this. Failed to read block info Weild a Depp bisch. "Failed to read block info" Failed to read block Weild a Depp bisch. "Failed to read block" Failed to sync block index Weild a Depp bisch. "Failed to sync block index" Failed to write block index Weild a Depp bisch. "Failed to write block index" Failed to write block info Weild a Depp bisch. "Failed to write block info" Failed to write block Weild a Depp bisch. "Failed to write block" Failed to write file info Failed to write to coin database Failed to write transaction index Failed to write undo data Fee per kB to add to transactions you send Fees smaller than this are considered zero fee (for relaying) (default: Force safe mode (default: 0) Generate coins (default: 0) Get help for a command How many blocks to check at startup (default: 288, 0 = all) If <category> is not supplied, output all debugging information. Ignore masternodes less than version (example: 70050; default : 0) Masternodes mitna Version di wo älter is als X ignorian (zB.: 70050, standart: 0) Importing... Bin am einladen... Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file Incompatible mode. Incompatible version. Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network? Da "Genesis Block" schaugd nacham Gschmarri aus. is dai "datadir" richdig? Information Informäischn Initialization sanity check failed. Darkcoin Core is shutting down. Dai Programmerl schaugsd ungsund aus. Darkcoin Koa wiad ezd zua-gmachd. Input is not valid. InstantX options: InstantX Optschns: Insufficient funds Ned gnug Dari-Dari Invalid -onion address: '%s' D´ "onion"-Adressn is Murx: '%s' Invalid -proxy address: '%s' D´ Proxy-Adressn is Murx: '%s' Invalid amount for -minrelaytxfee=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -mintxfee=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount Den Betrag gibds ned Invalid masternodeprivkey. Please see documenation. Falscha masternodeprivkey. Schaugst am bestn ind Documäntaischn. Invalid private key. Invalid script detected. KeePassHttp id for the established association KeePassHttp key for AES encrypted communication with KeePass Keep N darkcoin anonymized (default: 0) Keep at most <n> unconnectable blocks in memory (default: %u) Keep at most <n> unconnectable transactions in memory (default: %u) Last Darksend was too recent. Last successful darksend action was too recent. Limit size of signature cache to <n> entries (default: 50000) List commands Listen for connections on <port> (default: 9999 or testnet: 19999) Zu höan du ma generall auf <port> Numma.... (kört: 9999 und fürs Kindazimma: 19999) Loading addresses... Loading block index... Loading wallet... (%3.2f %%) Loading wallet... Log transaction priority and fee per kB when mining blocks (default: 0) Maintain a full transaction index (default: 0) Maintain at most <n> connections to peers (default: 125) Masternode options: Masternode queue is full. Masternode: Maximum per-connection receive buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 5000) Maximum per-connection send buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 1000) Missing input transaction information. No compatible masternode found. No funds detected in need of denominating. No masternodes detected. No matching denominations found for mixing. Non-standard public key detected. Not compatible with existing transactions. Not enough file descriptors available. Not in the masternode list. Only accept block chain matching built-in checkpoints (default: 1) Only connect to nodes in network <net> (IPv4, IPv6 or Tor) Options: Password for JSON-RPC connections Prepend debug output with timestamp (default: 1) Print block on startup, if found in block index Print block tree on startup (default: 0) RPC SSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions) RPC client options: RPC server options: Randomly drop 1 of every <n> network messages Randomly fuzz 1 of every <n> network messages Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions Rescanning... Run a thread to flush wallet periodically (default: 1) Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands SSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions) Select SOCKS version for -proxy (4 or 5, default: 5) Send command to Darkcoin Core Send commands to node running on <ip> (default: Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file Server certificate file (default: server.cert) Server private key (default: server.pem) Session not complete! Session timed out (30 seconds), please resubmit. Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d) Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100) Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d) Set minimum block size in bytes (default: 0) Set the masternode private key Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4) Sets the DB_PRIVATE flag in the wallet db environment (default: 1) Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug) Show benchmark information (default: 0) Shrink debug.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug) Signing failed. Signing timed out, please resubmit. Signing transaction failed Specify configuration file (default: darkcoin.conf) Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000) Specify data directory Specify masternode configuration file (default: masternode.conf) Specify pid file (default: darkcoind.pid) Specify wallet file (within data directory) Specify your own public address Spend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: 1) Start Darkcoin Core Daemon System error: This help message This is intended for regression testing tools and app development. This is not a masternode. Threshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: 100) To use the %s option Transaction amount too small So klains Goid send ma ned raus... Sorry aba, irgendwo is dann au guad.... Transaction amounts must be positive Ma kann blos Goid übawaisn, ned Schuldn ... Also eahlich... Transaction created successfully. Transaction fees are too high. Transaction not valid. Transaction too large Unable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s) Unable to locate enough Darksend denominated funds for this transaction Unable to sign masternode payment winner, wrong key? Unknown -socks proxy version requested: %i Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s' Upgrade wallet to latest format Schraib n Goidbaidl so um das ma alles schön lesn kann... Usage (deprecated, use darkcoin-cli): Des gibds scho lang nimma, mai machsd hald "darkcoin-cli" wi sies kört. Usage: brauchdma füa Use KeePass 2 integration using KeePassHttp plugin (default: 0) Use N separate masternodes to anonymize funds (2-8, default: 2) X faschihdene Mastanoods fürs Kapuzzn-Schbui nuzn (2 bis 8, kört: 8) Use OpenSSL (https) for JSON-RPC connections Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 0) Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening) Use the test network Nur im Kindazimma spuin Username for JSON-RPC connections Wih magsch haisn wennd mim Jäison saim Er Pe Ze schbrichsd Value more than Darksed pool maximum allows. Mid so fui Goid kann der Pool goaned umgehn. S zfui! Verifying blocks... Kisdn a-schaung obs au guud sin... Verifying wallet... Goidbaidl wiad untersuchd... Wait for RPC server to start Wardsch kurz aufn Är Pe CE Sörfa damids logehd Wallet %s resides outside data directory %s Dai Goidbaidl %s is ned da wora hikört sondan is da: %s Wallet is locked. Goidbaidl is zua. Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart Darkcoin to complete Dai Darkcoin Koa - Programmal mussma kurz zuma´ha damit dai Goidbaidl final wida funzt. Wallet options: Aischdellungän fürn Goidbaidl: Warning Obacht Warning: Deprecated argument -debugnet ignored, use -debug=net Des gibds scho lang nimma des "-debugnet", mai machsd hald "-debug=net" wi sies kört. Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required! Obacht: Dai Wersion is so oid, da hodda Kini no glebd. Up-Da-Ten mussd - SOFORT! Wrong state. Im foischn Zuschdand. You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to change -txindex Dai databäis is im Oarsch. Machsdan "-reindex" dann gods daim -txindex wihda bessa Zapping all transactions from wallet... Olle Übawaisung´n wäan grod umbatschd bis mas nime a-käänd... on startup wenn da Kompjuda gschdardet wiad version Wersion wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failed Dai "walled.dat" is im Oarsch! Un´d gretted kanns au ned wäan.