AboutDialog About Darkcoin Core Giới thiệu về Darkcoin Core <b>Darkcoin Core</b> version <b>Darkcoin Core</b> phiên bản This is experimental software. Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard. AddressBookPage Double-click to edit address or label Nháy đúp để sửa địa chỉ hoặc nhãn Create a new address Tạo một địa chỉ mới &New &Mới Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Chép địa chỉ đã được chọn vào vùng đệm clipboard &Copy Delete the currently selected address from the list Xoá địa chỉ đang được chọn khỏi danh sách &Delete &Xoá Export the data in the current tab to a file &Export C&lose AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog Enter passphrase New passphrase Repeat new passphrase Serves to disable the trivial sendmoney when OS account compromised. Provides no real security. For anonymization only CoinControlDialog Coin Control Address Selection Quantity: Bytes: Amount: Priority: Fee: Low Output: After Fee: Change: (un)select all Tree mode List mode Amount Address Darksend Rounds Date Confirmations Confirmed Priority EditAddressDialog Edit Address &Label The label associated with this address list entry &Address The address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses. HelpMessageDialog Darkcoin Core - Command-line options Intro Welcome Welcome to Darkcoin Core. As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where Darkcoin Core will store its data. Darkcoin Core will download and store a copy of the Darkcoin block chain. At least %1GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. The wallet will also be stored in this directory. Use the default data directory Use a custom data directory: OpenURIDialog Open URI Open payment request from URI or file URI: Select payment request file OptionsDialog Options &Main Automatically start Darkcoin after logging in to the system. &Start Darkcoin on system login Size of &database cache MB Number of script &verification threads (0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free) <html><head/><body><p>This setting determines the amount of individual masternodes that an input will be anonymized through. More rounds of anonymization gives a higher degree of privacy, but also costs more in fees.</p></body></html> Darksend rounds to use Amount of Darkcoin to keep anonymized W&allet Optional transaction fee per kB that helps make sure your transactions are processed quickly. Most transactions are 1 kB. Pay transaction &fee Expert Whether to show coin control features or not. Enable coin &control features If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed. &Spend unconfirmed change &Network Automatically open the Darkcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled. Map port using &UPnP Connect to the Darkcoin network through a SOCKS proxy. &Connect through SOCKS proxy (default proxy): Proxy &IP: IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1) &Port: Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050) SOCKS &Version: SOCKS version of the proxy (e.g. 5) &Window Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window. &Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Quit in the menu. M&inimize on close &Display User Interface &language: The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting Darkcoin. &Unit to show amounts in: Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins. Whether to show Darkcoin addresses in the transaction list or not. &Display addresses in transaction list Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |. Third party transaction URLs Active command-line options that override above options: Reset all client options to default. &Reset Options &OK &Cancel OverviewPage Form Wallet The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Darkcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet. Available: Your current spendable balance Pending: Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance Immature: Mined balance that has not yet matured Total: Your current total balance Status: Enabled/Disabled Completion: Darksend Balance: 0 DRK Amount and Rounds: 0 DRK / 0 Rounds Submitted Denom: The denominations you submitted to the Masternode. To mix, other users must submit the exact same denominations. n/a Darksend Start/Stop Mixing (Last Message) Try to manually submit a Darksend request. Try Mix Reset the current status of Darksend (can interrupt Darksend if it's in the process of Mixing, which can cost you money!) Reset <b>Recent transactions</b> RPCConsole Debug window &Information Masternode Count General Name Client name N/A Number of connections Open the Darkcoin debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files. &Open Startup time Network Last block time Debug log file Using OpenSSL version Build date Current number of blocks Client version Block chain &Console Clear console &Network Traffic &Clear Totals In: Out: ReceiveCoinsDialog Reuse one of the previously used receiving addresses. Reusing addresses has security and privacy issues. Do not use this unless re-generating a payment request made before. R&euse an existing receiving address (not recommended) An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Darkcoin network. &Message: An optional label to associate with the new receiving address. Use this form to request payments. All fields are <b>optional</b>. &Label: An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount. &Amount: &Request payment Clear all fields of the form. Clear Requested payments history Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry) Show Remove the selected entries from the list Remove ReceiveRequestDialog QR Code Copy &URI Copy &Address &Save Image... SendCoinsDialog Send Coins Coin Control Features Inputs... automatically selected Insufficient funds! Quantity: Bytes: Amount: Priority: Fee: Low Output: After Fee: Change: If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address. Custom change address Confirm the send action S&end Clear all fields of the form. Clear &All Send to multiple recipients at once Add &Recipient Darksend InstantX Balance: SendCoinsEntry This is a normal payment. Pay &To: The address to send the payment to (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Choose previously used address Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Alt+P Remove this entry &Label: Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses A&mount: Message: A message that was attached to the darkcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Darkcoin network. This is an unverified payment request. Pay To: Memo: This is a verified payment request. SignVerifyMessageDialog Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message &Sign Message You can sign messages with your addresses to prove you own them. Be careful not to sign anything vague, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to. The address to sign the message with (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Choose previously used address Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Alt+P Enter the message you want to sign here Signature Copy the current signature to the system clipboard Sign the message to prove you own this Darkcoin address Sign &Message Reset all sign message fields Clear &All &Verify Message Enter the signing address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack. The address the message was signed with (e.g. XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg) Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Darkcoin address Verify &Message Reset all verify message fields TransactionDescDialog Transaction details This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction