// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "main.h" #include "db.h" #include "init.h" #include "activemasternode.h" #include "masternodeman.h" #include "masternode-payments.h" #include "masternode-budget.h" #include "masternodeconfig.h" #include "rpcserver.h" #include "utilmoneystr.h" #include #include using namespace json_spirit; using namespace std; Value mnbudget(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { string strCommand; if (params.size() >= 1) strCommand = params[0].get_str(); if (fHelp || (strCommand != "vote-many" && strCommand != "vote" && strCommand != "getvotes" && strCommand != "getinfo")) throw runtime_error( "mnbudget \"command\"... ( \"passphrase\" )\n" "Vote or show current budgets\n" "\nAvailable commands:\n" " vote-many - Vote on a Dash initiative\n" " vote - Vote on a Dash initiative\n" " getvotes - Show current masternode budgets\n" " getinfo - Show current masternode budgets\n" ); if(strCommand == "vote-many") { /* std::vector mnEntries; mnEntries = masternodeConfig.getEntries(); if (params.size() != 5) throw runtime_error("Correct usage of vote-many is 'mnbudget vote-many PROPOSAL-NAME BLOCKSTART BLOCKEND XADDRESS AMOUNT YEA|NAY'"); std::string strProposalName = params[1].get_str(); if(strProposalName.size() > 20) return "Invalid proposal name, limit of 20 characters."; int nBlockStart = params[2].get_int(); int nBlockEnd = params[3].get_int(); CBitcoinAddress address(params[4].get_str()); if (!address.IsValid()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid Dash address"); CAmount nAmount = AmountFromValue(params[5]); std::string strVote = params[6].get_str().c_str(); if(strVote != "yes" && strVote != "no") return "You can only vote 'yes' or 'no'"; int nVote = VOTE_ABSTAIN; if(strVote == "yes") nVote = VOTE_YES; if(strVote == "no") nVote = VOTE_NO; int success = 0; int failed = 0; Object resultObj; BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry mne, masternodeConfig.getEntries()) { std::string errorMessage; std::vector vchMasterNodeSignature; std::string strMasterNodeSignMessage; CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress; CKey keyCollateralAddress; CPubKey pubKeyMasternode; CKey keyMasternode; if(!darkSendSigner.SetKey(mne.getPrivKey(), errorMessage, keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)){ printf(" Error upon calling SetKey for %s\n", mne.getAlias().c_str()); failed++; continue; } CMasternode* pmn = mnodeman.Find(pubKeyMasternode); if(pmn == NULL) { printf("Can't find masternode by pubkey for %s\n", mne.getAlias().c_str()); failed++; continue; } if(!darkSendSigner.SetKey(strMasterNodePrivKey, errorMessage, keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)) return(" Error upon calling SetKey"); CBudgetVote vote(pmn->vin, strProposalName, nBlockStart, nBlockEnd, address, nAmount, nVote); if(!vote.Sign(keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)){ return "Failure to sign."; } success++; vote.Relay(); } return("Voted successfully " + boost::lexical_cast(success) + " time(s) and failed " + boost::lexical_cast(failed) + " time(s).");*/ } if(strCommand == "vote") { /* std::vector mnEntries; mnEntries = masternodeConfig.getEntries(); if (params.size() != 5) throw runtime_error("Correct usage of vote-many is 'mnbudget vote PROPOSAL-NAME BLOCKSTART BLOCKEND XADDRESS AMOUNT YEA|NAY'"); std::string strProposalName = params[1].get_str(); if(strProposalName.size() > 20) return "Invalid proposal name, limit of 20 characters."; int nBlockStart = params[2].get_int(); int nBlockEnd = params[3].get_int(); CBitcoinAddress address(params[4].get_str()); if (!address.IsValid()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid Dash address"); CAmount nAmount = AmountFromValue(params[5]); std::string strVote = params[6].get_str().c_str(); if(strVote != "yes" && strVote != "no") return "You can only vote 'yes' or 'no'"; int nVote = VOTE_ABSTAIN; if(strVote == "yes") nVote = VOTE_YES; if(strVote == "no") nVote = VOTE_NO; CPubKey pubKeyMasternode; CKey keyMasternode; std::string errorMessage; if(!darkSendSigner.SetKey(strMasterNodePrivKey, errorMessage, keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)) return(" Error upon calling SetKey"); CBudgetVote vote(activeMasternode.vin, strProposalName, nBlockStart, nBlockEnd, address, nAmount, nVote); if(!vote.Sign(keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)){ return "Failure to sign."; } vote.Relay();*/ } if(strCommand == "show") { std::string strProposalName = params[1].get_str(); CBudgetProposal* prop = budget.Find(strProposalName); if(prop == NULL) return "Unknown proposal name"; Object resultObj; int64_t nTotalAlloted = 0; std::vector winningProps = budget.GetBudget(); BOOST_FOREACH(CBudgetProposal* prop, winningProps) { nTotalAlloted += prop->GetAlloted(); CTxDestination address1; ExtractDestination(prop->GetPayee(), address1); CBitcoinAddress address2(address1); Object bObj; bObj.push_back(Pair("Name", prop->GetName().c_str())); bObj.push_back(Pair("BlockStart", (int64_t)prop->GetBlockStart())); bObj.push_back(Pair("BlockEnd", (int64_t)prop->GetBlockEnd())); bObj.push_back(Pair("PaymentAddress", address2.ToString().c_str())); bObj.push_back(Pair("Ratio", prop->GetRatio())); bObj.push_back(Pair("Yeas", (int64_t)prop->GetYeas())); bObj.push_back(Pair("Nays", (int64_t)prop->GetNays())); bObj.push_back(Pair("Abstains", (int64_t)prop->GetAbstains())); bObj.push_back(Pair("Alloted", (int64_t)prop->GetAlloted())); bObj.push_back(Pair("TotalBudgetAlloted", nTotalAlloted)); resultObj.push_back(Pair("masternode", bObj)); } return resultObj; } if(strCommand == "getinfo") { if (params.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("Correct usage of getinfo is 'mnbudget getinfo profilename'"); std::string strProposalName = params[1].get_str(); CBudgetProposal* prop = budget.Find(strProposalName); if(prop == NULL) return "Unknown proposal name"; CTxDestination address1; ExtractDestination(prop->GetPayee(), address1); CBitcoinAddress address2(address1); Object obj; obj.push_back(Pair("Name", prop->GetName().c_str())); obj.push_back(Pair("BlockStart", (int64_t)prop->GetBlockStart())); obj.push_back(Pair("BlockEnd", (int64_t)prop->GetBlockEnd())); obj.push_back(Pair("PaymentAddress", address2.ToString().c_str())); obj.push_back(Pair("Ratio", prop->GetRatio())); obj.push_back(Pair("Yeas", (int64_t)prop->GetYeas())); obj.push_back(Pair("Nays", (int64_t)prop->GetNays())); obj.push_back(Pair("Abstains", (int64_t)prop->GetAbstains())); obj.push_back(Pair("Alloted", (int64_t)prop->GetAlloted())); return obj; } if(strCommand == "getvotes") { if (params.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("Correct usage of getvotes is 'mnbudget getinfo profilename'"); std::string strProposalName = params[1].get_str(); CBudgetProposal* prop = budget.Find(strProposalName); if(prop == NULL) return "Unknown proposal name"; Object obj; int c = 0; /* map::iterator it = prop->mapVotes.begin(); for(it != prop->mapVotes.end()){ obj.push_back(Pair((*it).second.nProposalName.c_str(), (*it).second.GetVoteString().c_str())); }*/ return obj; } return Value::null; }