// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Dash developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef MASTERNODE_BUDGET_H #define MASTERNODE_BUDGET_H #include "main.h" #include "sync.h" #include "net.h" #include "key.h" #include "util.h" #include "base58.h" #include "masternode.h" #include #include "init.h" using namespace std; extern CCriticalSection cs_budget; class CBudgetManager; class CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast; class CFinalizedBudget; class CFinalizedBudgetVote; class CBudgetProposal; class CBudgetProposalBroadcast; class CBudgetVote; class CTxBudgetPayment; #define VOTE_ABSTAIN 0 #define VOTE_YES 1 #define VOTE_NO 2 static const CAmount BUDGET_FEE_TX = (0.5*COIN); static const int64_t BUDGET_FEE_CONFIRMATIONS = 6; static const int64_t BUDGET_VOTE_UPDATE_MIN = 60*60; extern std::vector vecImmatureBudgetProposals; extern std::vector vecImmatureFinalizedBudgets; extern CBudgetManager budget; void DumpBudgets(); // Define amount of blocks in budget payment cycle int GetBudgetPaymentCycleBlocks(); //Check the collateral transaction for the budget proposal/finalized budget bool IsBudgetCollateralValid(uint256 nTxCollateralHash, uint256 nExpectedHash, std::string& strError, int64_t& nTime, int& nConf); /** Save Budget Manager (budget.dat) */ class CBudgetDB { private: boost::filesystem::path pathDB; std::string strMagicMessage; public: enum ReadResult { Ok, FileError, HashReadError, IncorrectHash, IncorrectMagicMessage, IncorrectMagicNumber, IncorrectFormat }; CBudgetDB(); bool Write(const CBudgetManager &objToSave); ReadResult Read(CBudgetManager& objToLoad, bool fDryRun = false); }; // // Budget Manager : Contains all proposals for the budget // class CBudgetManager { private: //hold txes until they mature enough to use map mapCollateral; public: // critical section to protect the inner data structures mutable CCriticalSection cs; // keep track of the scanning errors I've seen map mapProposals; map mapFinalizedBudgets; std::map mapSeenMasternodeBudgetProposals; std::map mapSeenMasternodeBudgetVotes; std::map mapOrphanMasternodeBudgetVotes; std::map mapSeenFinalizedBudgets; std::map mapSeenFinalizedBudgetVotes; std::map mapOrphanFinalizedBudgetVotes; CBudgetManager() { mapProposals.clear(); mapFinalizedBudgets.clear(); } int sizeFinalized() {return (int)mapFinalizedBudgets.size();} int sizeProposals() {return (int)mapProposals.size();} void Sync(CNode* node, uint256 nProp); void Calculate(); void ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv); void NewBlock(); CBudgetProposal *FindProposal(const std::string &strProposalName); CBudgetProposal *FindProposal(uint256 nHash); CFinalizedBudget *FindFinalizedBudget(uint256 nHash); std::pair GetVotes(std::string strProposalName); CAmount GetTotalBudget(int nHeight); std::vector GetBudget(); std::vector GetAllProposals(); std::vector GetFinalizedBudgets(); bool IsBudgetPaymentBlock(int nBlockHeight); bool AddProposal(CBudgetProposal& budgetProposal); bool AddFinalizedBudget(CFinalizedBudget& finalizedBudget); void SubmitFinalBudget(); bool HasNextFinalizedBudget(); bool UpdateProposal(CBudgetVote& vote, CNode* pfrom, std::string& strError); bool UpdateFinalizedBudget(CFinalizedBudgetVote& vote, CNode* pfrom, std::string& strError); bool PropExists(uint256 nHash); bool IsTransactionValid(const CTransaction& txNew, int nBlockHeight); std::string GetRequiredPaymentsString(int nBlockHeight); void FillBlockPayee(CMutableTransaction& txNew, CAmount nFees); void CheckOrphanVotes(); void Clear(){ LOCK(cs); LogPrintf("Budget object cleared\n"); mapProposals.clear(); mapFinalizedBudgets.clear(); mapSeenMasternodeBudgetProposals.clear(); mapSeenMasternodeBudgetVotes.clear(); mapSeenFinalizedBudgets.clear(); mapSeenFinalizedBudgetVotes.clear(); mapOrphanMasternodeBudgetVotes.clear(); mapOrphanFinalizedBudgetVotes.clear(); } void CheckAndRemove(); std::string ToString() const; ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { READWRITE(mapSeenMasternodeBudgetProposals); READWRITE(mapSeenMasternodeBudgetVotes); READWRITE(mapSeenFinalizedBudgets); READWRITE(mapSeenFinalizedBudgetVotes); READWRITE(mapOrphanMasternodeBudgetVotes); READWRITE(mapOrphanFinalizedBudgetVotes); READWRITE(mapProposals); READWRITE(mapFinalizedBudgets); } }; class CTxBudgetPayment { public: uint256 nProposalHash; CScript payee; CAmount nAmount; CTxBudgetPayment() { payee = CScript(); nAmount = 0; nProposalHash = 0; } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; //for saving to the serialized db template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { READWRITE(payee); READWRITE(nAmount); READWRITE(nProposalHash); } }; // // Finalized Budget : Contains the suggested proposals to pay on a given block // class CFinalizedBudget { private: // critical section to protect the inner data structures mutable CCriticalSection cs; bool fAutoChecked; //If it matches what we see, we'll auto vote for it (masternode only) public: bool fValid; std::string strBudgetName; int nBlockStart; std::vector vecBudgetPayments; map mapVotes; uint256 nFeeTXHash; int64_t nTime; CFinalizedBudget(); CFinalizedBudget(const CFinalizedBudget& other); void CleanAndRemove(bool fSignatureCheck); bool AddOrUpdateVote(CFinalizedBudgetVote& vote, std::string& strError); double GetScore(); bool HasMinimumRequiredSupport(); bool IsValid(std::string& strError, bool fCheckCollateral=true); std::string GetName() {return strBudgetName; } std::string GetProposals(); int GetBlockStart() {return nBlockStart;} int GetBlockEnd() {return nBlockStart + (int)(vecBudgetPayments.size() - 1);} int GetVoteCount() {return (int)mapVotes.size();} bool IsTransactionValid(const CTransaction& txNew, int nBlockHeight); bool GetBudgetPaymentByBlock(int64_t nBlockHeight, CTxBudgetPayment& payment) { LOCK(cs); int i = nBlockHeight - GetBlockStart(); if(i < 0) return false; if(i > (int)vecBudgetPayments.size() - 1) return false; payment = vecBudgetPayments[i]; return true; } bool GetPayeeAndAmount(int64_t nBlockHeight, CScript& payee, CAmount& nAmount) { LOCK(cs); int i = nBlockHeight - GetBlockStart(); if(i < 0) return false; if(i > (int)vecBudgetPayments.size() - 1) return false; payee = vecBudgetPayments[i].payee; nAmount = vecBudgetPayments[i].nAmount; return true; } //check to see if we should vote on this void AutoCheck(); //total dash paid out by this budget CAmount GetTotalPayout(); //vote on this finalized budget as a masternode void SubmitVote(); //checks the hashes to make sure we know about them string GetStatus(); uint256 GetHash(){ CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << strBudgetName; ss << nBlockStart; ss << vecBudgetPayments; uint256 h1 = ss.GetHash(); return h1; } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; //for saving to the serialized db template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strBudgetName, 20)); READWRITE(nFeeTXHash); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(nBlockStart); READWRITE(vecBudgetPayments); READWRITE(mapVotes); } }; // FinalizedBudget are cast then sent to peers with this object, which leaves the votes out class CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast : public CFinalizedBudget { private: std::vector vchSig; public: CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast(); CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast(const CFinalizedBudget& other); CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast(std::string strBudgetNameIn, int nBlockStartIn, std::vector vecBudgetPaymentsIn, uint256 nFeeTXHashIn); void swap(CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast& first, CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast& second) // nothrow { // enable ADL (not necessary in our case, but good practice) using std::swap; // by swapping the members of two classes, // the two classes are effectively swapped swap(first.strBudgetName, second.strBudgetName); swap(first.nBlockStart, second.nBlockStart); first.mapVotes.swap(second.mapVotes); first.vecBudgetPayments.swap(second.vecBudgetPayments); swap(first.nFeeTXHash, second.nFeeTXHash); swap(first.nTime, second.nTime); } CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast& operator=(CFinalizedBudgetBroadcast from) { swap(*this, from); return *this; } void Relay(); ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; //for propagating messages template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { //for syncing with other clients READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strBudgetName, 20)); READWRITE(nBlockStart); READWRITE(vecBudgetPayments); READWRITE(nFeeTXHash); } }; // // CFinalizedBudgetVote - Allow a masternode node to vote and broadcast throughout the network // class CFinalizedBudgetVote { public: bool fValid; //if the vote is currently valid / counted CTxIn vin; uint256 nBudgetHash; int64_t nTime; std::vector vchSig; CFinalizedBudgetVote(); CFinalizedBudgetVote(CTxIn vinIn, uint256 nBudgetHashIn); bool Sign(CKey& keyMasternode, CPubKey& pubKeyMasternode); bool SignatureValid(bool fSignatureCheck); void Relay(); uint256 GetHash(){ CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << vin; ss << nBudgetHash; ss << nTime; return ss.GetHash(); } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { READWRITE(vin); READWRITE(nBudgetHash); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(vchSig); } }; // // Budget Proposal : Contains the masternode votes for each budget // class CBudgetProposal { private: // critical section to protect the inner data structures mutable CCriticalSection cs; CAmount nAlloted; public: bool fValid; std::string strProposalName; /* json object with name, short-description, long-description, pdf-url and any other info This allows the proposal website to stay 100% decentralized */ std::string strURL; int nBlockStart; int nBlockEnd; CAmount nAmount; CScript address; int64_t nTime; uint256 nFeeTXHash; map mapVotes; //cache object CBudgetProposal(); CBudgetProposal(const CBudgetProposal& other); CBudgetProposal(std::string strProposalNameIn, std::string strURLIn, int nBlockStartIn, int nBlockEndIn, CScript addressIn, CAmount nAmountIn, uint256 nFeeTXHashIn); void Calculate(); bool AddOrUpdateVote(CBudgetVote& vote, std::string& strError); bool HasMinimumRequiredSupport(); std::pair GetVotes(); bool IsValid(std::string& strError, bool fCheckCollateral=true); bool IsEstablished() { //Proposals must be at least a day old to make it into a budget if(Params().NetworkID() == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) return (nTime < GetTime() - (60*60*24)); //for testing purposes - 4 hours return (nTime < GetTime() - (60*20)); } std::string GetName() {return strProposalName; } std::string GetURL() {return strURL; } int GetBlockStart() {return nBlockStart;} int GetBlockEnd() {return nBlockEnd;} CScript GetPayee() {return address;} int GetTotalPaymentCount(); int GetRemainingPaymentCount(); int GetBlockStartCycle(); int GetBlockCurrentCycle(); int GetBlockEndCycle(); double GetRatio(); int GetYeas(); int GetNays(); int GetAbstains(); CAmount GetAmount() {return nAmount;} void SetAllotted(CAmount nAllotedIn) {nAlloted = nAllotedIn;} CAmount GetAllotted() {return nAlloted;} void CleanAndRemove(bool fSignatureCheck); uint256 GetHash(){ CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << strProposalName; ss << strURL; ss << nBlockStart; ss << nBlockEnd; ss << nAmount; ss << address; uint256 h1 = ss.GetHash(); return h1; } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { //for syncing with other clients READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strProposalName, 20)); READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strURL, 64)); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(nBlockStart); READWRITE(nBlockEnd); READWRITE(nAmount); READWRITE(address); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(nFeeTXHash); //for saving to the serialized db READWRITE(mapVotes); } }; // Proposals are cast then sent to peers with this object, which leaves the votes out class CBudgetProposalBroadcast : public CBudgetProposal { private: std::vector vchSig; public: CBudgetProposalBroadcast(); CBudgetProposalBroadcast(const CBudgetProposal& other); CBudgetProposalBroadcast(const CBudgetProposalBroadcast& other); CBudgetProposalBroadcast(std::string strProposalNameIn, std::string strURLIn, int nPaymentCount, CScript addressIn, CAmount nAmountIn, int nBlockStartIn, uint256 nFeeTXHashIn); void swap(CBudgetProposalBroadcast& first, CBudgetProposalBroadcast& second) // nothrow { // enable ADL (not necessary in our case, but good practice) using std::swap; // by swapping the members of two classes, // the two classes are effectively swapped swap(first.strProposalName, second.strProposalName); swap(first.nBlockStart, second.nBlockStart); swap(first.strURL, second.strURL); swap(first.nBlockEnd, second.nBlockEnd); swap(first.nAmount, second.nAmount); swap(first.address, second.address); swap(first.nTime, second.nTime); swap(first.nFeeTXHash, second.nFeeTXHash); first.mapVotes.swap(second.mapVotes); } CBudgetProposalBroadcast& operator=(CBudgetProposalBroadcast from) { swap(*this, from); return *this; } void Relay(); ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { //for syncing with other clients READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strProposalName, 20)); READWRITE(LIMITED_STRING(strURL, 64)); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(nBlockStart); READWRITE(nBlockEnd); READWRITE(nAmount); READWRITE(address); READWRITE(nFeeTXHash); } }; // // CBudgetVote - Allow a masternode node to vote and broadcast throughout the network // class CBudgetVote { public: bool fValid; //if the vote is currently valid / counted CTxIn vin; uint256 nProposalHash; int nVote; int64_t nTime; std::vector vchSig; CBudgetVote(); CBudgetVote(CTxIn vin, uint256 nProposalHash, int nVoteIn); bool Sign(CKey& keyMasternode, CPubKey& pubKeyMasternode); bool SignatureValid(bool fSignatureCheck); void Relay(); std::string GetVoteString() { std::string ret = "ABSTAIN"; if(nVote == VOTE_YES) ret = "YES"; if(nVote == VOTE_NO) ret = "NO"; return ret; } uint256 GetHash(){ CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << vin; ss << nProposalHash; ss << nVote; ss << nTime; return ss.GetHash(); } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) { READWRITE(vin); READWRITE(nProposalHash); READWRITE(nVote); READWRITE(nTime); READWRITE(vchSig); } }; #endif