Wladimir J. van der Laan 525c049316 Merge #8580: Make CTransaction actually immutable
81e3228 Make CTransaction actually immutable (Pieter Wuille)
42fd8de Make DecodeHexTx return a CMutableTransaction (Pieter Wuille)
c3f5673 Make CWalletTx store a CTransactionRef instead of inheriting (Pieter Wuille)
a188353 Switch GetTransaction to returning a CTransactionRef (Pieter Wuille)
2018-01-17 17:30:38 +01:00

346 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The Dash Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "transactiondesc.h"
#include "bitcoinunits.h"
#include "guiutil.h"
#include "paymentserver.h"
#include "transactionrecord.h"
#include "base58.h"
#include "consensus/consensus.h"
#include "validation.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "timedata.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wallet/db.h"
#include "wallet/wallet.h"
#include "instantx.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
QString TransactionDesc::FormatTxStatus(const CWalletTx& wtx)
if (!CheckFinalTx(wtx))
if (wtx.tx->nLockTime < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD)
return tr("Open for %n more block(s)", "", wtx.tx->nLockTime - chainActive.Height());
return tr("Open until %1").arg(GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(wtx.tx->nLockTime));
int nDepth = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain();
if (nDepth < 0) return tr("conflicted");
QString strTxStatus;
bool fOffline = (GetAdjustedTime() - wtx.nTimeReceived > 2 * 60) && (wtx.GetRequestCount() == 0);
if (fOffline) {
strTxStatus = tr("%1/offline").arg(nDepth);
} else if (nDepth == 0) {
strTxStatus = tr("0/unconfirmed, %1").arg((wtx.InMempool() ? tr("in memory pool") : tr("not in memory pool"))) + (wtx.isAbandoned() ? ", "+tr("abandoned") : "");
} else if (nDepth < 6) {
strTxStatus = tr("%1/unconfirmed").arg(nDepth);
} else {
strTxStatus = tr("%1 confirmations").arg(nDepth);
if(!instantsend.HasTxLockRequest(wtx.GetHash())) return strTxStatus; // regular tx
int nSignatures = instantsend.GetTransactionLockSignatures(wtx.GetHash());
int nSignaturesMax = CTxLockRequest(wtx).GetMaxSignatures();
// InstantSend
strTxStatus += " (";
if(instantsend.IsLockedInstantSendTransaction(wtx.GetHash())) {
strTxStatus += tr("verified via InstantSend");
} else if(!instantsend.IsTxLockCandidateTimedOut(wtx.GetHash())) {
strTxStatus += tr("InstantSend verification in progress - %1 of %2 signatures").arg(nSignatures).arg(nSignaturesMax);
} else {
strTxStatus += tr("InstantSend verification failed");
strTxStatus += ")";
return strTxStatus;
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx, TransactionRecord *rec, int unit)
QString strHTML;
LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";
int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
CAmount nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(ISMINE_ALL);
CAmount nDebit = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_ALL);
CAmount nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx);
int nRequests = wtx.GetRequestCount();
if (nRequests != -1)
if (nRequests == 0)
strHTML += tr(", has not been successfully broadcast yet");
else if (nRequests > 0)
strHTML += tr(", broadcast through %n node(s)", "", nRequests);
strHTML += "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";
// From
if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
else if (wtx.mapValue.count("from") && !wtx.mapValue["from"].empty())
// Online transaction
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["from"]) + "<br>";
// Offline transaction
if (nNet > 0)
// Credit
if (CBitcoinAddress(rec->address).IsValid())
CTxDestination address = CBitcoinAddress(rec->address).Get();
if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address))
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(rec->address);
QString addressOwned = (::IsMine(*wallet, address) == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) ? tr("own address") : tr("watch-only");
if (!wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name.empty())
strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name) + ")";
strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ")";
strHTML += "<br>";
// To
if (wtx.mapValue.count("to") && !wtx.mapValue["to"].empty())
// Online transaction
std::string strAddress = wtx.mapValue["to"];
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
CTxDestination dest = CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get();
if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(dest) && !wallet->mapAddressBook[dest].name.empty())
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[dest].name) + " ";
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(strAddress) + "<br>";
// Amount
if (wtx.IsCoinBase() && nCredit == 0)
// Coinbase
CAmount nUnmatured = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.tx->vout)
nUnmatured += wallet->GetCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL);
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> ";
if (wtx.IsInMainChain())
strHTML += BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nUnmatured)+ " (" + tr("matures in %n more block(s)", "", wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity()) + ")";
strHTML += "(" + tr("not accepted") + ")";
strHTML += "<br>";
else if (nNet > 0)
// Credit
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet) + "<br>";
isminetype fAllFromMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.tx->vin)
isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txin);
if(fAllFromMe > mine) fAllFromMe = mine;
isminetype fAllToMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.tx->vout)
isminetype mine = wallet->IsMine(txout);
if(fAllToMe > mine) fAllToMe = mine;
if (fAllFromMe)
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("watch-only") + "<br>";
// Debit
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.tx->vout)
// Ignore change
isminetype toSelf = wallet->IsMine(txout);
if ((toSelf == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) && (fAllFromMe == ISMINE_SPENDABLE))
if (!wtx.mapValue.count("to") || wtx.mapValue["to"].empty())
// Offline transaction
CTxDestination address;
if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address) && !wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name.empty())
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name) + " ";
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString());
strHTML += " (own address)";
else if(toSelf & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY)
strHTML += " (watch-only)";
strHTML += "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -txout.nValue) + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, txout.nValue) + "<br>";
if (fAllToMe)
// Payment to self
CAmount nChange = wtx.GetChange();
CAmount nValue = nCredit - nChange;
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nValue) + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nValue) + "<br>";
CAmount nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
if (nTxFee > 0)
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction fee") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nTxFee) + "<br>";
// Mixed debit transaction
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.tx->vin)
if (wallet->IsMine(txin))
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet->GetDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.tx->vout)
if (wallet->IsMine(txout))
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet->GetCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Net amount") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet, true) + "<br>";
// Message
if (wtx.mapValue.count("message") && !wtx.mapValue["message"].empty())
strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["message"], true) + "<br>";
if (wtx.mapValue.count("comment") && !wtx.mapValue["comment"].empty())
strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Comment") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["comment"], true) + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction ID") + ":</b> " + rec->getTxID() + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Output index") + ":</b> " + QString::number(rec->getOutputIndex()) + "<br>";
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction total size") + ":</b> " + QString::number(wtx.tx->GetTotalSize()) + " bytes<br>";
// Message from normal dash:URI (dash:XyZ...?message=example)
Q_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(std::string, std::string)& r, wtx.vOrderForm)
if (r.first == "Message")
strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(r.second, true) + "<br>";
// PaymentRequest info:
Q_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(std::string, std::string)& r, wtx.vOrderForm)
if (r.first == "PaymentRequest")
PaymentRequestPlus req;
req.parse(QByteArray::fromRawData(, r.second.size()));
QString merchant;
if (req.getMerchant(PaymentServer::getCertStore(), merchant))
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Merchant") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(merchant) + "<br>";
if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
quint32 numBlocksToMaturity = COINBASE_MATURITY + 1;
strHTML += "<br>" + tr("Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to \"not accepted\" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.").arg(QString::number(numBlocksToMaturity)) + "<br>";
// Debug view
if (fDebug)
strHTML += "<hr><br>" + tr("Debug information") + "<br><br>";
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.tx->vin)
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet->GetDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.tx->vout)
strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet->GetCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Transaction") + ":</b><br>";
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.tx->ToString(), true);
strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Inputs") + ":</b>";
strHTML += "<ul>";
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, wtx.tx->vin)
COutPoint prevout = txin.prevout;
Coin prev;
if(pcoinsTip->GetCoin(prevout, prev))
strHTML += "<li>";
const CTxOut &vout = prev.out;
CTxDestination address;
if (ExtractDestination(vout.scriptPubKey, address))
if (wallet->mapAddressBook.count(address) && !wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name.empty())
strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name) + " ";
strHTML += QString::fromStdString(CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString());
strHTML = strHTML + " " + tr("Amount") + "=" + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, vout.nValue);
strHTML = strHTML + " IsMine=" + (wallet->IsMine(vout) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE ? tr("true") : tr("false"));
strHTML = strHTML + " IsWatchOnly=" + (wallet->IsMine(vout) & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY ? tr("true") : tr("false")) + "</li>";
strHTML += "</ul>";
strHTML += "</font></html>";
return strHTML;