Philip Kaufmann 56b07d2dcd [Qt] allow setting listen via GUI
- add DEFAULT_LISTEN in net.h and use in the code (shared
  setting between core and GUI)

Important: This makes it obvious, that we need to re-think the
settings/options handling, as GUI settings are processed before
any parameter-interaction (which is mostly important for network
stuff) in AppInit2()!
2014-06-11 12:04:17 +02:00

92 lines
3.0 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include <QAbstractListModel>
class QNetworkProxy;
/** Interface from Qt to configuration data structure for Bitcoin client.
To Qt, the options are presented as a list with the different options
laid out vertically.
This can be changed to a tree once the settings become sufficiently
class OptionsModel : public QAbstractListModel
explicit OptionsModel(QObject *parent = 0);
enum OptionID {
StartAtStartup, // bool
MinimizeToTray, // bool
MapPortUPnP, // bool
MinimizeOnClose, // bool
ProxyUse, // bool
ProxyIP, // QString
ProxyPort, // int
ProxySocksVersion, // int
Fee, // qint64
DisplayUnit, // BitcoinUnits::Unit
DisplayAddresses, // bool
ThirdPartyTxUrls, // QString
Language, // QString
CoinControlFeatures, // bool
ThreadsScriptVerif, // int
DatabaseCache, // int
SpendZeroConfChange, // bool
Listen, // bool
void Init();
void Reset();
int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
bool setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::EditRole);
/* Explicit getters */
bool getMinimizeToTray() { return fMinimizeToTray; }
bool getMinimizeOnClose() { return fMinimizeOnClose; }
int getDisplayUnit() { return nDisplayUnit; }
bool getDisplayAddresses() { return bDisplayAddresses; }
QString getThirdPartyTxUrls() { return strThirdPartyTxUrls; }
bool getProxySettings(QNetworkProxy& proxy) const;
bool getCoinControlFeatures() { return fCoinControlFeatures; }
const QString& getOverriddenByCommandLine() { return strOverriddenByCommandLine; }
/* Restart flag helper */
void setRestartRequired(bool fRequired);
bool isRestartRequired();
/* Qt-only settings */
bool fMinimizeToTray;
bool fMinimizeOnClose;
QString language;
int nDisplayUnit;
bool bDisplayAddresses;
QString strThirdPartyTxUrls;
bool fCoinControlFeatures;
/* settings that were overriden by command-line */
QString strOverriddenByCommandLine;
/// Add option to list of GUI options overridden through command line/config file
void addOverriddenOption(const std::string &option);
void displayUnitChanged(int unit);
void transactionFeeChanged(qint64);
void coinControlFeaturesChanged(bool);