1266 lines
49 KiB
1266 lines
49 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The Dash Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include "activemasternode.h"
#include "base58.h"
#include "clientversion.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "netbase.h"
#include "validation.h"
#include "masternode-payments.h"
#include "masternode-sync.h"
#include "masternodeconfig.h"
#include "masternodeman.h"
#include "privatesend-client.h"
#include "privatesend-server.h"
#include "rpc/server.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "utilmoneystr.h"
#include "txmempool.h"
#include "evo/specialtx.h"
#include "evo/deterministicmns.h"
#include "evo/deterministicmns.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <univalue.h>
UniValue masternodelist(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
bool EnsureWalletIsAvailable(bool avoidException);
void EnsureWalletIsUnlocked();
UniValue privatesend(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"privatesend \"command\"\n"
"1. \"command\" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute\n"
"\nAvailable commands:\n"
" start - Start mixing\n"
" stop - Stop mixing\n"
" reset - Reset mixing\n"
if (fMasternodeMode)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Client-side mixing is not supported on masternodes");
if (request.params[0].get_str() == "start") {
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked(true))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Error: Please unlock wallet for mixing with walletpassphrase first.");
privateSendClient.fEnablePrivateSend = true;
bool result = privateSendClient.DoAutomaticDenominating(*g_connman);
return "Mixing " + (result ? "started successfully" : ("start failed: " + privateSendClient.GetStatuses() + ", will retry"));
if (request.params[0].get_str() == "stop") {
privateSendClient.fEnablePrivateSend = false;
return "Mixing was stopped";
if (request.params[0].get_str() == "reset") {
return "Mixing was reset";
return "Unknown command, please see \"help privatesend\"";
UniValue getpoolinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Returns an object containing mixing pool related information.\n");
CPrivateSendBaseManager* pprivateSendBaseManager = fMasternodeMode ? (CPrivateSendBaseManager*)&privateSendServer : (CPrivateSendBaseManager*)&privateSendClient;
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
// TODO:
// obj.push_back(Pair("state", pprivateSendBase->GetStateString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("queue", pprivateSendBaseManager->GetQueueSize()));
// obj.push_back(Pair("entries", pprivateSendBase->GetEntriesCount()));
obj.push_back(Pair("status", privateSendClient.GetStatuses()));
std::vector<CDeterministicMNCPtr> vecDmns;
if (privateSendClient.GetMixingMasternodesInfo(vecDmns)) {
UniValue pools(UniValue::VARR);
for (const auto& dmn : vecDmns) {
UniValue pool(UniValue::VOBJ);
pool.push_back(Pair("outpoint", dmn->collateralOutpoint.ToStringShort()));
pool.push_back(Pair("addr", dmn->pdmnState->addr.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("pools", pools));
if (pwalletMain) {
obj.push_back(Pair("keys_left", pwalletMain->nKeysLeftSinceAutoBackup));
obj.push_back(Pair("warnings", pwalletMain->nKeysLeftSinceAutoBackup < PRIVATESEND_KEYS_THRESHOLD_WARNING
? "WARNING: keypool is almost depleted!" : ""));
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.push_back(Pair("state", privateSendServer.GetStateString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("queue", privateSendServer.GetQueueSize()));
obj.push_back(Pair("entries", privateSendServer.GetEntriesCount()));
return obj;
void masternode_list_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode list ( \"mode\" \"filter\" )\n"
"Get a list of masternodes in different modes. This call is identical to masternodelist call.\n"
"1. \"mode\" (string, optional/required to use filter, defaults = json) The mode to run list in\n"
"2. \"filter\" (string, optional) Filter results. Partial match by outpoint by default in all modes,\n"
" additional matches in some modes are also available\n"
"\nAvailable modes:\n"
" activeseconds - Print number of seconds masternode recognized by the network as enabled\n"
" (since latest issued \"masternode start/start-many/start-alias\")\n"
" addr - Print ip address associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
" daemon - Print daemon version of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match)\n"
" full - Print info in format 'status protocol payee lastseen activeseconds lastpaidtime lastpaidblock IP'\n"
" (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
" info - Print info in format 'status protocol payee lastseen activeseconds sentinelversion sentinelstate IP'\n"
" (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
" json - Print info in JSON format (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
" lastpaidblock - Print the last block height a node was paid on the network\n"
" lastpaidtime - Print the last time a node was paid on the network\n"
" lastseen - Print timestamp of when a masternode was last seen on the network\n"
" payee - Print Dash address associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered,\n"
" partial match)\n"
" protocol - Print protocol of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match)\n"
" keyid - Print the masternode (not collateral) key id\n"
" rank - Print rank of a masternode based on current block\n"
" sentinel - Print sentinel version of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match)\n"
" UPDATE_REQUIRED / POSE_BAN / OUTPOINT_SPENT (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
UniValue masternode_list(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
JSONRPCRequest newRequest = request;
// forward params but skip "list"
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < request.params.size(); i++) {
return masternodelist(newRequest);
void masternode_connect_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode connect \"address\"\n"
"Connect to given masternode\n"
"1. \"address\" (string, required) The address of the masternode to connect\n"
UniValue masternode_connect(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2)
std::string strAddress = request.params[1].get_str();
CService addr;
if (!Lookup(strAddress.c_str(), addr, 0, false))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, strprintf("Incorrect masternode address %s", strAddress));
// TODO: Pass CConnman instance somehow and don't use global variable.
g_connman->OpenMasternodeConnection(CAddress(addr, NODE_NETWORK));
if (!g_connman->IsConnected(CAddress(addr, NODE_NETWORK), CConnman::AllNodes))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, strprintf("Couldn't connect to masternode %s", strAddress));
return "successfully connected";
void masternode_count_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode count (\"mode\")\n"
" Get information about number of masternodes. Mode\n"
" usage is depricated, call without mode params returns\n"
" all values in JSON format.\n"
"1. \"mode\" (string, optional, DEPRICATED) Option to get number of masternodes in different states\n"
"\nAvailable modes:\n"
" total - total number of masternodes"
" ps - number of PrivateSend compatible masternodes"
" enabled - number of enabled masternodes"
" qualify - number of qualified masternodes"
" all - all above in one string"
UniValue masternode_count(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2)
auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListAtChainTip();
int total = mnList.GetAllMNsCount();
int enabled = mnList.GetValidMNsCount();
if (request.params.size() == 1) {
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.push_back(Pair("total", total));
obj.push_back(Pair("enabled", enabled));
return obj;
std::string strMode = request.params[1].get_str();
if (strMode == "total")
return total;
if (strMode == "enabled")
return enabled;
if (strMode == "all")
return strprintf("Total: %d (Enabled: %d)",
total, enabled);
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Unknown mode value");
UniValue GetNextMasternodeForPayment(int heightShift)
auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListAtChainTip();
auto payees = mnList.GetProjectedMNPayees(heightShift);
if (payees.empty())
return "unknown";
auto payee = payees[heightShift - 9];
CScript payeeScript = payee->pdmnState->scriptPayout;
CTxDestination payeeDest;
CBitcoinAddress payeeAddr;
if (ExtractDestination(payeeScript, payeeDest)) {
payeeAddr = CBitcoinAddress(payeeDest);
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.push_back(Pair("height", mnList.GetHeight() + heightShift));
obj.push_back(Pair("IP:port", payee->pdmnState->addr.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("proTxHash", payee->proTxHash.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("outpoint", payee->collateralOutpoint.ToStringShort()));
obj.push_back(Pair("payee", payeeAddr.IsValid() ? payeeAddr.ToString() : "UNKNOWN"));
return obj;
void masternode_winner_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode winner\n"
"Print info on next masternode winner to vote for\n"
UniValue masternode_winner(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
return GetNextMasternodeForPayment(10);
void masternode_current_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode current\n"
"Print info on current masternode winner to be paid the next block (calculated locally)\n"
UniValue masternode_current(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
return GetNextMasternodeForPayment(1);
void masternode_start_alias_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode start-alias \"alias\"\n"
"Start single remote masternode by assigned alias\n"
"1. \"alias\" (string, required) The alias of the remote masternode configured in masternode.conf\n"
UniValue masternode_start_alias(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2)
if (deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Active())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "start-alias is not supported when deterministic masternode list is active (DIP3)");
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
std::string strAlias = request.params[1].get_str();
bool fFound = false;
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", strAlias));
for (const auto& mne : masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
if (mne.getAlias() == strAlias) {
fFound = true;
std::string strError;
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool fResult = CMasternodeBroadcast::Create(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), strError, mnb);
int nDoS;
if (fResult && !mnodeman.CheckMnbAndUpdateMasternodeList(NULL, mnb, nDoS, *g_connman)) {
strError = "Failed to verify MNB";
fResult = false;
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", fResult ? "successful" : "failed"));
if (!fResult) {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", strError));
if (!fFound) {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", "failed"));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Could not find alias in config. Verify with list-conf."));
return statusObj;
void masternode_start_all_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode start-all\n"
"Start remote masternodes configured in masternode.conf\n"
UniValue StartMasternodeList(const std::vector<CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry>& entries)
int nSuccessful = 0;
int nFailed = 0;
UniValue resultsObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (const auto& mne : entries) {
std::string strError;
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool fResult = CMasternodeBroadcast::Create(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), strError, mnb);
int nDoS;
if (fResult && !mnodeman.CheckMnbAndUpdateMasternodeList(NULL, mnb, nDoS, *g_connman)) {
strError = "Failed to verify MNB";
fResult = false;
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", mne.getAlias()));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", fResult ? "successful" : "failed"));
if (fResult) {
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", strError));
resultsObj.push_back(Pair("status", statusObj));
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully started %d masternodes, failed to start %d, total %d", nSuccessful, nFailed, nSuccessful + nFailed)));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("detail", resultsObj));
return returnObj;
UniValue masternode_start_all(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
if (deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Active())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, strprintf("start-all is not supported when deterministic masternode list is active (DIP3)"));
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
return StartMasternodeList(masternodeConfig.getEntries());
void masternode_start_missing_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode start-missing\n"
"Start not started remote masternodes configured in masternode.conf\n"
UniValue masternode_start_missing(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (!masternodeSync.IsMasternodeListSynced()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "You can't use this command until masternode list is synced");
std::vector<CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry> entries;
for (const auto& mne : masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
COutPoint outpoint = COutPoint(uint256S(mne.getTxHash()), (uint32_t)atoi(mne.getOutputIndex()));
CMasternode mn;
bool fFound = mnodeman.Get(outpoint, mn);
if (fFound)
return StartMasternodeList(entries);
void masternode_start_disabled_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode start-disabled\n"
"Start not started and disabled remote masternodes configured in masternode.conf\n"
UniValue masternode_start_disabled(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (!masternodeSync.IsMasternodeListSynced()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "You can't use this command until masternode list is synced");
std::vector<CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry> entries;
for (const auto& mne : masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
COutPoint outpoint = COutPoint(uint256S(mne.getTxHash()), (uint32_t)atoi(mne.getOutputIndex()));
CMasternode mn;
bool fFound = mnodeman.Get(outpoint, mn);
if (fFound && mn.IsEnabled()) continue;
return StartMasternodeList(entries);
void masternode_outputs_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode outputs\n"
"Print masternode compatible outputs\n"
UniValue masternode_outputs(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
// Find possible candidates
std::vector<COutput> vPossibleCoins;
pwalletMain->AvailableCoins(vPossibleCoins, true, NULL, false, ONLY_1000);
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (const auto& out : vPossibleCoins) {
obj.push_back(Pair(out.tx->GetHash().ToString(), strprintf("%d", out.i)));
return obj;
void masternode_genkey_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode genkey (compressed)\n"
"Generate new masternodeprivkey\n"
"1. compressed (boolean, optional, default=false) generate compressed privkey\n"
UniValue masternode_genkey(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
bool fCompressed = false;
if (request.params.size() > 1) {
fCompressed = ParseBoolV(request.params[1], "compressed");
CKey secret;
return CBitcoinSecret(secret).ToString();
void masternode_list_conf_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode list-conf\n"
"Print masternode.conf in JSON format\n"
UniValue masternode_list_conf(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
UniValue resultObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (const auto& mne : masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
COutPoint outpoint = COutPoint(uint256S(mne.getTxHash()), (uint32_t)atoi(mne.getOutputIndex()));
CMasternode mn;
bool fFound = mnodeman.Get(outpoint, mn);
std::string strStatus = fFound ? mn.GetStatus() : "MISSING";
UniValue mnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
mnObj.push_back(Pair("alias", mne.getAlias()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("address", mne.getIp()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("privateKey", mne.getPrivKey()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("txHash", mne.getTxHash()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("outputIndex", mne.getOutputIndex()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("status", strStatus));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("masternode", mnObj));
return resultObj;
void masternode_status_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode status\n"
"Print masternode status information\n"
UniValue masternode_status(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
if (!fMasternodeMode)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "This is not a masternode");
UniValue mnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
// keep compatibility with legacy status for now (might get deprecated/removed later)
mnObj.push_back(Pair("outpoint", activeMasternodeInfo.outpoint.ToStringShort()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("service", activeMasternodeInfo.service.ToString()));
if (deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Active()) {
auto dmn = activeMasternodeManager->GetDMN();
if (dmn) {
mnObj.push_back(Pair("proTxHash", dmn->proTxHash.ToString()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("collateralHash", dmn->collateralOutpoint.hash.ToString()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("collateralIndex", (int)dmn->collateralOutpoint.n));
UniValue stateObj;
mnObj.push_back(Pair("dmnState", stateObj));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("state", activeMasternodeManager->GetStateString()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("status", activeMasternodeManager->GetStatus()));
} else {
CMasternode mn;
if (mnodeman.Get(activeMasternodeInfo.outpoint, mn)) {
mnObj.push_back(Pair("payee", CBitcoinAddress(mn.keyIDCollateralAddress).ToString()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("status", legacyActiveMasternodeManager.GetStatus()));
return mnObj;
void masternode_winners_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode winners ( count \"filter\" )\n"
"Print list of masternode winners\n"
"1. count (numeric, optional) number of last winners to return\n"
"2. filter (string, optional) filter for returned winners\n"
UniValue masternode_winners(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
int nHeight;
CBlockIndex* pindex = chainActive.Tip();
if (!pindex) return NullUniValue;
nHeight = pindex->nHeight;
int nLast = 10;
std::string strFilter = "";
if (request.params.size() >= 2) {
nLast = atoi(request.params[1].get_str());
if (request.params.size() == 3) {
strFilter = request.params[2].get_str();
if (request.params.size() > 3)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'masternode winners ( \"count\" \"filter\" )'");
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
auto mapPayments = GetRequiredPaymentsStrings(nHeight - nLast, nHeight + 20);
for (const auto &p : mapPayments) {
obj.push_back(Pair(strprintf("%d", p.first), p.second));
return obj;
void masternode_check_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode check\n"
"Force check all masternodes and remove invalid ones\n"
UniValue masternode_check(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp)
int countBeforeCheck = mnodeman.CountMasternodes();
int countEnabledBeforeCheck = mnodeman.CountEnabled();
int countAfterCheck = mnodeman.CountMasternodes();
int countEnabledAfterCheck = mnodeman.CountEnabled();
int removedCount = std::max(0, countBeforeCheck - countAfterCheck);
int removedEnabledCount = std::max(0, countEnabledBeforeCheck - countEnabledAfterCheck);
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.push_back(Pair("removedTotalCount", removedCount));
obj.push_back(Pair("removedEnabledCount", removedEnabledCount));
obj.push_back(Pair("totalCount", countAfterCheck));
obj.push_back(Pair("enabledCount", countEnabledAfterCheck));
return obj;
[[ noreturn ]] void masternode_help()
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternode \"command\"...\n"
"Set of commands to execute masternode related actions\n"
"1. \"command\" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute\n"
"\nAvailable commands:\n"
" check - Force check all masternodes and remove invalid ones\n"
" count - Get information about number of masternodes (DEPRECATED options: 'total', 'ps', 'enabled', 'qualify', 'all')\n"
" current - Print info on current masternode winner to be paid the next block (calculated locally)\n"
" genkey - Generate new masternodeprivkey, optional param: 'compressed' (boolean, optional, default=false) generate compressed privkey\n"
" outputs - Print masternode compatible outputs\n"
" start-alias - Start single remote masternode by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf\n"
" start-<mode> - Start remote masternodes configured in masternode.conf (<mode>: 'all', 'missing', 'disabled')\n"
" status - Print masternode status information\n"
" list - Print list of all known masternodes (see masternodelist for more info)\n"
" list-conf - Print masternode.conf in JSON format\n"
" winner - Print info on next masternode winner to vote for\n"
" winners - Print list of masternode winners\n"
UniValue masternode(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
std::string strCommand;
if (request.params.size() >= 1) {
strCommand = request.params[0].get_str();
if (strCommand == "start-many")
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "DEPRECATED, please use start-all instead");
if (request.fHelp && strCommand.empty()) {
if (strCommand == "list") {
return masternode_list(request);
} else if (strCommand == "connect") {
return masternode_connect(request);
} else if (strCommand == "count") {
return masternode_count(request);
} else if (strCommand == "current") {
return masternode_current(request);
} else if (strCommand == "winner") {
return masternode_winner(request);
} else if (strCommand == "start-alias") {
return masternode_start_alias(request);
} else if (strCommand == "start-all") {
return masternode_start_all(request);
} else if (strCommand == "start-missing") {
return masternode_start_missing(request);
} else if (strCommand == "start-disabled") {
return masternode_start_disabled(request);
} else if (strCommand == "genkey") {
return masternode_genkey(request);
} else if (strCommand == "list-conf") {
return masternode_list_conf(request);
} else if (strCommand == "outputs") {
return masternode_outputs(request);
} else if (strCommand == "status") {
return masternode_status(request);
} else if (strCommand == "winners") {
return masternode_winners(request);
} else if (strCommand == "check") {
return masternode_check(request);
} else {
UniValue masternodelist(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
std::string strMode = "json";
std::string strFilter = "";
if (request.params.size() >= 1) strMode = request.params[0].get_str();
if (request.params.size() == 2) strFilter = request.params[1].get_str();
if (request.fHelp || (
strMode != "activeseconds" && strMode != "addr" && strMode != "daemon" && strMode != "full" && strMode != "info" && strMode != "json" &&
strMode != "lastseen" && strMode != "lastpaidtime" && strMode != "lastpaidblock" &&
strMode != "protocol" && strMode != "payee" && strMode != "pubkey" &&
strMode != "rank" && strMode != "sentinel" && strMode != "status"))
if (strMode == "full" || strMode == "json" || strMode == "lastpaidtime" || strMode == "lastpaidblock") {
CBlockIndex* pindex = NULL;
pindex = chainActive.Tip();
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (strMode == "rank") {
CMasternodeMan::rank_pair_vec_t vMasternodeRanks;
for (const auto& rankpair : vMasternodeRanks) {
std::string strOutpoint = rankpair.second.outpoint.ToStringShort();
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, rankpair.first));
} else {
std::map<COutPoint, CMasternode> mapMasternodes = mnodeman.GetFullMasternodeMap();
for (const auto& mnpair : mapMasternodes) {
CMasternode mn = mnpair.second;
std::string strOutpoint = mnpair.first.ToStringShort();
CScript payeeScript;
if (deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Active()) {
auto dmn = deterministicMNManager->GetListAtChainTip().GetMNByCollateral(mn.outpoint);
if (dmn) {
payeeScript = dmn->pdmnState->scriptPayout;
} else {
payeeScript = GetScriptForDestination(mn.keyIDCollateralAddress);
CTxDestination payeeDest;
std::string payeeStr = "UNKOWN";
if (ExtractDestination(payeeScript, payeeDest)) {
payeeStr = CBitcoinAddress(payeeDest).ToString();
if (strMode == "activeseconds") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, (int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime)));
} else if (strMode == "addr") {
std::string strAddress = mn.addr.ToString();
if (strFilter !="" && strAddress.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, strAddress));
} else if (strMode == "daemon") {
std::string strDaemon = mn.lastPing.GetDaemonString();
if (strFilter !="" && strDaemon.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, strDaemon));
} else if (strMode == "sentinel") {
std::string strSentinel = mn.lastPing.GetSentinelString();
if (strFilter !="" && strSentinel.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, strSentinel));
} else if (strMode == "full") {
std::ostringstream streamFull;
streamFull << std::setw(18) <<
mn.GetStatus() << " " <<
mn.nProtocolVersion << " " <<
payeeStr << " " <<
(int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime << " " << std::setw(8) <<
(int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime) << " " << std::setw(10) <<
mn.GetLastPaidTime() << " " << std::setw(6) <<
mn.GetLastPaidBlock() << " " <<
std::string strFull = streamFull.str();
if (strFilter !="" && strFull.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, strFull));
} else if (strMode == "info") {
std::ostringstream streamInfo;
streamInfo << std::setw(18) <<
mn.GetStatus() << " " <<
mn.nProtocolVersion << " " <<
payeeStr << " " <<
(int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime << " " << std::setw(8) <<
(int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime) << " " <<
mn.lastPing.GetSentinelString() << " " <<
(mn.lastPing.fSentinelIsCurrent ? "current" : "expired") << " " <<
std::string strInfo = streamInfo.str();
if (strFilter !="" && strInfo.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, strInfo));
} else if (strMode == "json") {
std::ostringstream streamInfo;
streamInfo << mn.addr.ToString() << " " <<
CBitcoinAddress(mn.pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID()).ToString() << " " <<
mn.GetStatus() << " " <<
mn.nProtocolVersion << " " <<
mn.lastPing.nDaemonVersion << " " <<
mn.lastPing.GetSentinelString() << " " <<
(mn.lastPing.fSentinelIsCurrent ? "current" : "expired") << " " <<
(int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime << " " <<
(int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime) << " " <<
mn.GetLastPaidTime() << " " <<
std::string strInfo = streamInfo.str();
if (strFilter !="" && strInfo.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
UniValue objMN(UniValue::VOBJ);
objMN.push_back(Pair("address", mn.addr.ToString()));
objMN.push_back(Pair("payee", CBitcoinAddress(mn.pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID()).ToString()));
objMN.push_back(Pair("status", mn.GetStatus()));
objMN.push_back(Pair("protocol", mn.nProtocolVersion));
objMN.push_back(Pair("daemonversion", mn.lastPing.GetDaemonString()));
objMN.push_back(Pair("sentinelversion", mn.lastPing.GetSentinelString()));
objMN.push_back(Pair("sentinelstate", (mn.lastPing.fSentinelIsCurrent ? "current" : "expired")));
objMN.push_back(Pair("lastseen", (int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime));
objMN.push_back(Pair("activeseconds", (int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime)));
objMN.push_back(Pair("lastpaidtime", mn.GetLastPaidTime()));
objMN.push_back(Pair("lastpaidblock", mn.GetLastPaidBlock()));
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, objMN));
} else if (strMode == "lastpaidblock") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, mn.GetLastPaidBlock()));
} else if (strMode == "lastpaidtime") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, mn.GetLastPaidTime()));
} else if (strMode == "lastseen") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, (int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime));
} else if (strMode == "payee") {
if (strFilter !="" && payeeStr.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, payeeStr));
} else if (strMode == "protocol") {
if (strFilter !="" && strFilter != strprintf("%d", mn.nProtocolVersion) &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, mn.nProtocolVersion));
} else if (strMode == "keyIDOwner") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, HexStr(mn.keyIDOwner)));
} else if (strMode == "keyIDOperator") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, HexStr(mn.legacyKeyIDOperator)));
} else if (strMode == "keyIDVoting") {
if (strFilter !="" && strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, HexStr(mn.keyIDVoting)));
} else if (strMode == "status") {
std::string strStatus = mn.GetStatus();
if (strFilter !="" && strStatus.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos &&
strOutpoint.find(strFilter) == std::string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strOutpoint, strStatus));
return obj;
bool DecodeHexVecMnb(std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast>& vecMnb, std::string strHexMnb) {
if (!IsHex(strHexMnb))
return false;
std::vector<unsigned char> mnbData(ParseHex(strHexMnb));
try {
ssData >> vecMnb;
} catch (const std::exception&) {
return false;
return true;
UniValue masternodebroadcast(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
std::string strCommand;
if (request.params.size() >= 1)
strCommand = request.params[0].get_str();
if (request.fHelp ||
strCommand != "create-alias" && strCommand != "create-all" &&
strCommand != "decode" && strCommand != "relay"))
throw std::runtime_error(
"masternodebroadcast \"command\"...\n"
"Set of commands to create and relay masternode broadcast messages\n"
"1. \"command\" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute\n"
"\nAvailable commands:\n"
" create-alias - Create single remote masternode broadcast message by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf\n"
" create-all - Create remote masternode broadcast messages for all masternodes configured in masternode.conf\n"
" decode - Decode masternode broadcast message\n"
" relay - Relay masternode broadcast message to the network\n"
if (strCommand == "create-alias") {
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
// wait for reindex and/or import to finish
if (fImporting || fReindex)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wait for reindex and/or import to finish");
if (request.params.size() < 2)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Please specify an alias");
bool fFound = false;
std::string strAlias = request.params[1].get_str();
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", strAlias));
for (const auto& mne : masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
if (mne.getAlias() == strAlias) {
fFound = true;
std::string strError;
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool fResult = CMasternodeBroadcast::Create(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), strError, mnb, true);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", fResult ? "successful" : "failed"));
if (fResult) {
ssVecMnb << vecMnb;
statusObj.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(ssVecMnb)));
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", strError));
if (!fFound) {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", "not found"));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Could not find alias in config. Verify with list-conf."));
return statusObj;
if (strCommand == "create-all") {
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(request.fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
// wait for reindex and/or import to finish
if (fImporting || fReindex)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wait for reindex and/or import to finish");
int nSuccessful = 0;
int nFailed = 0;
UniValue resultsObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
for (const auto& mne : masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
std::string strError;
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool fResult = CMasternodeBroadcast::Create(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), strError, mnb, true);
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", mne.getAlias()));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", fResult ? "successful" : "failed"));
if (fResult) {
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", strError));
resultsObj.push_back(Pair("status", statusObj));
ssVecMnb << vecMnb;
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully created broadcast messages for %d masternodes, failed to create %d, total %d", nSuccessful, nFailed, nSuccessful + nFailed)));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("detail", resultsObj));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(ssVecMnb.begin(), ssVecMnb.end())));
return returnObj;
if (strCommand == "decode") {
if (request.params.size() != 2)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'masternodebroadcast decode \"hexstring\"'");
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
if (!DecodeHexVecMnb(vecMnb, request.params[1].get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Masternode broadcast message decode failed");
int nSuccessful = 0;
int nFailed = 0;
int nDos = 0;
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (const auto& mnb : vecMnb) {
UniValue resultObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (mnb.CheckSignature(nDos)) {
resultObj.push_back(Pair("outpoint", mnb.outpoint.ToStringShort()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("addr", mnb.addr.ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("keyIDCollateralAddress", CBitcoinAddress(mnb.keyIDCollateralAddress).ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("keyIDMasternode", CBitcoinAddress(mnb.legacyKeyIDOperator).ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("vchSig", EncodeBase64(&mnb.vchSig[0], mnb.vchSig.size())));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("sigTime", mnb.sigTime));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("protocolVersion", mnb.nProtocolVersion));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("nLastDsq", mnb.nLastDsq));
UniValue lastPingObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("outpoint", mnb.lastPing.masternodeOutpoint.ToStringShort()));
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("blockHash", mnb.lastPing.blockHash.ToString()));
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("sigTime", mnb.lastPing.sigTime));
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("vchSig", EncodeBase64(&mnb.lastPing.vchSig[0], mnb.lastPing.vchSig.size())));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("lastPing", lastPingObj));
} else {
resultObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Masternode broadcast signature verification failed"));
returnObj.push_back(Pair(mnb.GetHash().ToString(), resultObj));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully decoded broadcast messages for %d masternodes, failed to decode %d, total %d", nSuccessful, nFailed, nSuccessful + nFailed)));
return returnObj;
if (strCommand == "relay") {
if (request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 3)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "masternodebroadcast relay \"hexstring\"\n"
"1. \"hex\" (string, required) Broadcast messages hex string\n");
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
if (!DecodeHexVecMnb(vecMnb, request.params[1].get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Masternode broadcast message decode failed");
int nSuccessful = 0;
int nFailed = 0;
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
// verify all signatures first, bailout if any of them broken
for (const auto& mnb : vecMnb) {
UniValue resultObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
resultObj.push_back(Pair("outpoint", mnb.outpoint.ToStringShort()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("addr", mnb.addr.ToString()));
int nDos = 0;
bool fResult;
if (mnb.CheckSignature(nDos)) {
fResult = mnodeman.CheckMnbAndUpdateMasternodeList(NULL, mnb, nDos, *g_connman);
} else fResult = false;
if (fResult) {
resultObj.push_back(Pair(mnb.GetHash().ToString(), "successful"));
} else {
resultObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Masternode broadcast signature verification failed"));
returnObj.push_back(Pair(mnb.GetHash().ToString(), resultObj));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully relayed broadcast messages for %d masternodes, failed to relay %d, total %d", nSuccessful, nFailed, nSuccessful + nFailed)));
return returnObj;
return NullUniValue;
UniValue sentinelping(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"sentinelping version\n"
"\nSentinel ping.\n"
"1. version (string, required) Sentinel version in the form \"x.x.x\"\n"
"state (boolean) Ping result\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("sentinelping", "1.0.2")
+ HelpExampleRpc("sentinelping", "1.0.2")
return true;
static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) okSafe argNames
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ------ ----------
{ "dash", "masternode", &masternode, true, {} },
{ "dash", "masternodelist", &masternodelist, true, {} },
{ "dash", "masternodebroadcast", &masternodebroadcast, true, {} },
{ "dash", "getpoolinfo", &getpoolinfo, true, {} },
{ "dash", "sentinelping", &sentinelping, true, {} },
{ "dash", "privatesend", &privatesend, false, {} },
void RegisterMasternodeRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t)
for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
t.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]);