* [UI] Rebranding: DS reference changed to PS DarkSend -> PrivateSend * [UI] Rebranding: DS reference changed to PS (part 2)
883 lines
36 KiB
883 lines
36 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include "main.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "activemasternode.h"
#include "governance.h"
#include "masternode-payments.h"
#include "masternode-sync.h"
#include "masternodeconfig.h"
#include "masternodeman.h"
#include "rpcserver.h"
#include "utilmoneystr.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <univalue.h>
UniValue privatesend(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"privatesend \"command\"\n"
"1. \"command\" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute\n"
"\nAvailable commands:\n"
" start - Start mixing\n"
" stop - Stop mixing\n"
" reset - Reset mixing\n"
" status - Print mixing status\n"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
if(params[0].get_str() == "start"){
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.");
return "Mixing is not supported from masternodes";
fEnablePrivateSend = true;
bool result = darkSendPool.DoAutomaticDenominating();
// fEnablePrivateSend = result;
return "Mixing " + (result ? "started successfully" : ("start failed: " + darkSendPool.GetStatus() + ", will retry"));
if(params[0].get_str() == "stop"){
fEnablePrivateSend = false;
return "Mixing was stopped";
if(params[0].get_str() == "reset"){
return "Mixing was reset";
if(params[0].get_str() == "status"){
return "Mixing status: " + darkSendPool.GetStatus();
return "Unknown command, please see \"help privatesend\"";
UniValue getpoolinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error(
"Returns an object containing anonymous pool-related information.");
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (darkSendPool.pSubmittedToMasternode)
obj.push_back(Pair("masternode", darkSendPool.pSubmittedToMasternode->addr.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("queue", (int64_t)vecDarksendQueue.size()));
obj.push_back(Pair("state", darkSendPool.GetState()));
obj.push_back(Pair("entries", darkSendPool.GetEntriesCount()));
obj.push_back(Pair("entries_accepted", darkSendPool.GetCountEntriesAccepted()));
return obj;
UniValue masternode(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
string strCommand;
if (params.size() >= 1)
strCommand = params[0].get_str();
if (fHelp ||
(strCommand != "start" && strCommand != "start-alias" && strCommand != "start-many" && strCommand != "start-all" && strCommand != "start-missing" &&
strCommand != "start-disabled" && strCommand != "list" && strCommand != "list-conf" && strCommand != "count" && strCommand != "enforce" &&
strCommand != "debug" && strCommand != "current" && strCommand != "winners" && strCommand != "genkey" && strCommand != "connect" &&
strCommand != "outputs" && strCommand != "status" && strCommand != "calcscore"))
throw runtime_error(
"masternode \"command\"... ( \"passphrase\" )\n"
"Set of commands to execute masternode related actions\n"
"1. \"command\" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute\n"
"2. \"passphrase\" (string, optional) The wallet passphrase\n"
"\nAvailable commands:\n"
" count - Print number of all known masternodes (optional: 'ds', 'enabled', 'all', 'qualify')\n"
" current - Print info on current masternode winner\n"
" debug - Print masternode status\n"
" genkey - Generate new masternodeprivkey\n"
" enforce - Enforce masternode payments\n"
" outputs - Print masternode compatible outputs\n"
" start - Start local Hot masternode configured in dash.conf\n"
" start-alias - Start single remote masternode by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf\n"
" start-<mode> - Start remote masternodes configured in masternode.conf (<mode>: 'all', 'missing', 'disabled')\n"
" status - Print masternode status information\n"
" list - Print list of all known masternodes (see masternodelist for more info)\n"
" list-conf - Print masternode.conf in JSON format\n"
" winners - Print list of masternode winners\n"
if (strCommand == "list")
UniValue newParams(UniValue::VARR);
// forward params but skip "list"
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < params.size(); i++)
return masternodelist(newParams, fHelp);
if(strCommand == "connect")
std::string strAddress = "";
if (params.size() == 2){
strAddress = params[1].get_str();
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Masternode address required");
CService addr = CService(strAddress);
CNode *pnode = ConnectNode((CAddress)addr, NULL, false);
return "successfully connected";
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error connecting");
if (strCommand == "count")
if (params.size() > 2){
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Too many parameters");
if (params.size() == 2)
int nCount = 0;
mnodeman.GetNextMasternodeInQueueForPayment(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight, true, nCount);
if(params[1].get_str() == "ps") return mnodeman.CountEnabled(MIN_POOL_PEER_PROTO_VERSION);
if(params[1].get_str() == "enabled") return mnodeman.CountEnabled();
if(params[1].get_str() == "qualify") return nCount;
if(params[1].get_str() == "all") return strprintf("Total: %d (PS Compatible: %d / Enabled: %d / Qualify: %d)",
return mnodeman.size();
if (strCommand == "current")
int nCount = 0;
CMasternode* winner = NULL;
winner = mnodeman.GetNextMasternodeInQueueForPayment(chainActive.Height() - 100, true, nCount);
if(winner) {
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.push_back(Pair("IP:port", winner->addr.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("protocol", (int64_t)winner->protocolVersion));
obj.push_back(Pair("vin", winner->vin.prevout.ToStringShort()));
obj.push_back(Pair("pubkey", CBitcoinAddress(winner->pubkey.GetID()).ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("lastseen", (winner->lastPing == CMasternodePing()) ? winner->sigTime :
obj.push_back(Pair("activeseconds", (winner->lastPing == CMasternodePing()) ? 0 :
(winner->lastPing.sigTime - winner->sigTime)));
return obj;
return "unknown";
if (strCommand == "debug")
if(activeMasternode.status != ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_INITIAL || !masternodeSync.IsBlockchainSynced())
return activeMasternode.GetStatus();
CTxIn vin = CTxIn();
CPubKey pubkey = CPubKey();
CKey key;
bool found = activeMasternode.GetMasterNodeVin(vin, pubkey, key);
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Missing masternode input, please look at the documentation for instructions on masternode creation");
} else {
return activeMasternode.GetStatus();
if(strCommand == "enforce")
return (uint64_t)enforceMasternodePaymentsTime;
if (strCommand == "start")
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "You must set masternode=1 in the configuration");
if(pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
SecureString strWalletPass;
if (params.size() == 2){
strWalletPass = params[1].get_str().c_str();
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Your wallet is locked, passphrase is required");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect");
if(activeMasternode.status != ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_STARTED){
activeMasternode.status = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_INITIAL; // TODO: consider better way
return activeMasternode.GetStatus();
if (strCommand == "start-alias")
if (params.size() < 2){
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Command needs at least 2 parameters");
std::string alias = params[1].get_str();
if(pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
SecureString strWalletPass;
if (params.size() == 3){
strWalletPass = params[2].get_str().c_str();
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Your wallet is locked, passphrase is required");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect");
bool found = false;
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", alias));
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry mne, masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
if(mne.getAlias() == alias) {
found = true;
std::string errorMessage;
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool result = activeMasternode.CreateBroadcast(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), errorMessage, mnb);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", result ? "successful" : "failed"));
if(result) {
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", errorMessage));
if(!found) {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", "failed"));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Could not find alias in config. Verify with list-conf."));
return statusObj;
if (strCommand == "start-many" || strCommand == "start-all" || strCommand == "start-missing" || strCommand == "start-disabled")
if(pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
SecureString strWalletPass;
if (params.size() == 2){
strWalletPass = params[1].get_str().c_str();
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Your wallet is locked, passphrase is required");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect");
if((strCommand == "start-missing" || strCommand == "start-disabled") &&
(masternodeSync.RequestedMasternodeAssets <= MASTERNODE_SYNC_LIST ||
masternodeSync.RequestedMasternodeAssets == MASTERNODE_SYNC_FAILED)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "You can't use this command until masternode list is synced");
std::vector<CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry> mnEntries;
mnEntries = masternodeConfig.getEntries();
int successful = 0;
int failed = 0;
UniValue resultsObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry mne, masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
std::string errorMessage;
CTxIn vin = CTxIn(uint256S(mne.getTxHash()), uint32_t(atoi(mne.getOutputIndex().c_str())));
CMasternode *pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin);
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
if(strCommand == "start-missing" && pmn) continue;
if(strCommand == "start-disabled" && pmn && pmn->IsEnabled()) continue;
bool result = activeMasternode.CreateBroadcast(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), errorMessage, mnb);
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", mne.getAlias()));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", result ? "successful" : "failed"));
if(result) {
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", errorMessage));
resultsObj.push_back(Pair("status", statusObj));
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully started %d masternodes, failed to start %d, total %d", successful, failed, successful + failed)));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("detail", resultsObj));
return returnObj;
if (strCommand == "genkey")
CKey secret;
return CBitcoinSecret(secret).ToString();
if(strCommand == "list-conf")
std::vector<CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry> mnEntries;
mnEntries = masternodeConfig.getEntries();
UniValue resultObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry mne, masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
CTxIn vin = CTxIn(uint256S(mne.getTxHash()), uint32_t(atoi(mne.getOutputIndex().c_str())));
CMasternode *pmn = mnodeman.Find(vin);
std::string strStatus = pmn ? pmn->Status() : "MISSING";
UniValue mnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
mnObj.push_back(Pair("alias", mne.getAlias()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("address", mne.getIp()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("privateKey", mne.getPrivKey()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("txHash", mne.getTxHash()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("outputIndex", mne.getOutputIndex()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("status", strStatus));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("masternode", mnObj));
return resultObj;
if (strCommand == "outputs"){
// Find possible candidates
vector<COutput> possibleCoins = activeMasternode.SelectCoinsMasternode();
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
BOOST_FOREACH(COutput& out, possibleCoins) {
obj.push_back(Pair(out.tx->GetHash().ToString(), strprintf("%d", out.i)));
return obj;
if(strCommand == "status")
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "This is not a masternode");
UniValue mnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
CMasternode *pmn = mnodeman.Find(activeMasternode.vin);
mnObj.push_back(Pair("vin", activeMasternode.vin.ToString()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("service", activeMasternode.service.ToString()));
if (pmn) mnObj.push_back(Pair("pubkey", CBitcoinAddress(pmn->pubkey.GetID()).ToString()));
mnObj.push_back(Pair("status", activeMasternode.GetStatus()));
return mnObj;
if (strCommand == "winners")
int nHeight;
CBlockIndex* pindex = chainActive.Tip();
if(!pindex) return NullUniValue;
nHeight = pindex->nHeight;
int nLast = 10;
std::string strFilter = "";
if (params.size() >= 2){
nLast = atoi(params[1].get_str());
if (params.size() == 3){
strFilter = params[2].get_str();
if (params.size() > 3)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'masternode winners ( \"count\" \"filter\" )'");
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
for(int i = nHeight - nLast; i < nHeight + 20; i++)
std::string strPayment = GetRequiredPaymentsString(i);
if(strFilter !="" && strPayment.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strprintf("%d", i), strPayment));
return obj;
// 12.1 -- remove?
// /*
// Shows which masternode wins by score each block
// */
// if (strCommand == "calcscore")
// {
// int nHeight;
// {
// LOCK(cs_main);
// CBlockIndex* pindex = chainActive.Tip();
// if(!pindex) return NullUniValue;
// nHeight = pindex->nHeight;
// }
// int nLast = 10;
// if (params.size() >= 2){
// nLast = atoi(params[1].get_str());
// }
// UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
// std::vector<CMasternode> vMasternodes = mnodeman.GetFullMasternodeVector();
// for(int i = nHeight - nLast; i < nHeight + 20; i++){
// arith_uint256 nHigh = 0;
// CMasternode *pBestMasternode = NULL;
// BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternode& mn, vMasternodes) {
// arith_uint256 n = UintToArith256(mn.CalculateScore(1, i - 100));
// if(n > nHigh){
// nHigh = n;
// pBestMasternode = &mn;
// }
// }
// if(pBestMasternode)
// obj.push_back(Pair(strprintf("%d", i), pBestMasternode->vin.prevout.ToStringShort().c_str()));
// }
// return obj;
// }
return NullUniValue;
UniValue masternodelist(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
std::string strMode = "status";
std::string strFilter = "";
if (params.size() >= 1) strMode = params[0].get_str();
if (params.size() == 2) strFilter = params[1].get_str();
if (fHelp ||
(strMode != "status" && strMode != "vin" && strMode != "pubkey" && strMode != "lastseen" && strMode != "activeseconds" && strMode != "rank" && strMode != "addr"
&& strMode != "protocol" && strMode != "full" && strMode != "lastpaid"))
throw runtime_error(
"masternodelist ( \"mode\" \"filter\" )\n"
"Get a list of masternodes in different modes\n"
"1. \"mode\" (string, optional/required to use filter, defaults = status) The mode to run list in\n"
"2. \"filter\" (string, optional) Filter results. Partial match by IP by default in all modes,\n"
" additional matches in some modes are also available\n"
"\nAvailable modes:\n"
" activeseconds - Print number of seconds masternode recognized by the network as enabled\n"
" (since latest issued \"masternode start/start-many/start-alias\")\n"
" addr - Print ip address associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
" full - Print info in format 'status protocol pubkey IP lastseen activeseconds lastpaid'\n"
" (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
" lastseen - Print timestamp of when a masternode was last seen on the network\n"
" lastpaid - The last time a node was paid on the network\n"
" protocol - Print protocol of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match))\n"
" pubkey - Print public key associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered,\n"
" partial match)\n"
" rank - Print rank of a masternode based on current block\n"
" status - Print masternode status: ENABLED / EXPIRED / VIN_SPENT / REMOVE / POS_ERROR\n"
" (can be additionally filtered, partial match)\n"
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (strMode == "rank") {
std::vector<pair<int, CMasternode> > vMasternodeRanks = mnodeman.GetMasternodeRanks(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight);
BOOST_FOREACH(PAIRTYPE(int, CMasternode)& s, vMasternodeRanks) {
std::string strVin = s.second.vin.prevout.ToStringShort();
if(strFilter !="" && strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, s.first));
} else {
std::vector<CMasternode> vMasternodes = mnodeman.GetFullMasternodeVector();
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternode& mn, vMasternodes) {
std::string strVin = mn.vin.prevout.ToStringShort();
if (strMode == "activeseconds") {
if(strFilter !="" && strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, (int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime)));
} else if (strMode == "addr") {
if(strFilter !="" && mn.vin.prevout.hash.ToString().find(strFilter) == string::npos &&
strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, mn.addr.ToString()));
} else if (strMode == "full") {
std::ostringstream addrStream;
addrStream << setw(21) << strVin;
std::ostringstream stringStream;
stringStream << setw(9) <<
mn.Status() << " " <<
mn.protocolVersion << " " <<
CBitcoinAddress(mn.pubkey.GetID()).ToString() << " " << setw(21) <<
mn.addr.ToString() << " " <<
(int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime << " " << setw(8) <<
(int64_t)(mn.lastPing.sigTime - mn.sigTime) << " " <<
std::string output = stringStream.str();
stringStream << " " << strVin;
if(strFilter !="" && stringStream.str().find(strFilter) == string::npos &&
strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(addrStream.str(), output));
} else if (strMode == "lastseen") {
if(strFilter !="" && strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, (int64_t)mn.lastPing.sigTime));
} else if (strMode == "lastpaid"){
if(strFilter !="" && mn.vin.prevout.hash.ToString().find(strFilter) == string::npos &&
strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, (int64_t)mn.GetLastPaid()));
} else if (strMode == "protocol") {
if(strFilter !="" && strFilter != strprintf("%d", mn.protocolVersion) &&
strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, (int64_t)mn.protocolVersion));
} else if (strMode == "pubkey") {
CBitcoinAddress address(mn.pubkey.GetID());
if(strFilter !="" && address.ToString().find(strFilter) == string::npos &&
strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, address.ToString()));
} else if(strMode == "status") {
std::string strStatus = mn.Status();
if(strFilter !="" && strVin.find(strFilter) == string::npos && strStatus.find(strFilter) == string::npos) continue;
obj.push_back(Pair(strVin, strStatus));
return obj;
bool DecodeHexVecMnb(std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast>& vecMnb, std::string strHexMnb) {
if (!IsHex(strHexMnb))
return false;
vector<unsigned char> mnbData(ParseHex(strHexMnb));
try {
ssData >> vecMnb;
catch (const std::exception&) {
return false;
return true;
UniValue masternodebroadcast(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
string strCommand;
if (params.size() >= 1)
strCommand = params[0].get_str();
if (fHelp ||
(strCommand != "create-alias" && strCommand != "create-all" && strCommand != "decode" && strCommand != "relay"))
throw runtime_error(
"masternodebroadcast \"command\"... ( \"passphrase\" )\n"
"Set of commands to create and relay masternode broadcast messages\n"
"1. \"command\" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute\n"
"2. \"passphrase\" (string, optional) The wallet passphrase\n"
"\nAvailable commands:\n"
" create-alias - Create single remote masternode broadcast message by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf\n"
" create-all - Create remote masternode broadcast messages for all masternodes configured in masternode.conf\n"
" decode - Decode masternode broadcast message\n"
" relay - Relay masternode broadcast message to the network\n"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
if (strCommand == "create-alias")
// wait for reindex and/or import to finish
if (fImporting || fReindex)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wait for reindex and/or import to finish");
if (params.size() < 2)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Command needs at least 2 parameters");
std::string alias = params[1].get_str();
if(pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
SecureString strWalletPass;
if (params.size() == 3){
strWalletPass = params[2].get_str().c_str();
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Your wallet is locked, passphrase is required");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect");
bool found = false;
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", alias));
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry mne, masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
if(mne.getAlias() == alias) {
found = true;
std::string errorMessage;
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool result = activeMasternode.CreateBroadcast(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), errorMessage, mnb, true);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", result ? "successful" : "failed"));
if(result) {
ssVecMnb << vecMnb;
statusObj.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(ssVecMnb.begin(), ssVecMnb.end())));
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", errorMessage));
if(!found) {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", "not found"));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Could not find alias in config. Verify with list-conf."));
return statusObj;
if (strCommand == "create-all")
// wait for reindex and/or import to finish
if (fImporting || fReindex)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wait for reindex and/or import to finish");
if(pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
SecureString strWalletPass;
if (params.size() == 2){
strWalletPass = params[1].get_str().c_str();
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Your wallet is locked, passphrase is required");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect");
std::vector<CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry> mnEntries;
mnEntries = masternodeConfig.getEntries();
int successful = 0;
int failed = 0;
UniValue resultsObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeConfig::CMasternodeEntry mne, masternodeConfig.getEntries()) {
std::string errorMessage;
CTxIn vin = CTxIn(uint256S(mne.getTxHash()), uint32_t(atoi(mne.getOutputIndex().c_str())));
CMasternodeBroadcast mnb;
bool result = activeMasternode.CreateBroadcast(mne.getIp(), mne.getPrivKey(), mne.getTxHash(), mne.getOutputIndex(), errorMessage, mnb, true);
UniValue statusObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
statusObj.push_back(Pair("alias", mne.getAlias()));
statusObj.push_back(Pair("result", result ? "successful" : "failed"));
if(result) {
} else {
statusObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", errorMessage));
resultsObj.push_back(Pair("status", statusObj));
ssVecMnb << vecMnb;
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully created broadcast messages for %d masternodes, failed to create %d, total %d", successful, failed, successful + failed)));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("detail", resultsObj));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(ssVecMnb.begin(), ssVecMnb.end())));
return returnObj;
if (strCommand == "decode")
if (params.size() != 2)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Correct usage is 'masternodebroadcast decode \"hexstring\"'");
int successful = 0;
int failed = 0;
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (!DecodeHexVecMnb(vecMnb, params[1].get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Masternode broadcast message decode failed");
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeBroadcast& mnb, vecMnb) {
UniValue resultObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if(mnb.VerifySignature()) {
resultObj.push_back(Pair("vin", mnb.vin.ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("addr", mnb.addr.ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("pubkey", CBitcoinAddress(mnb.pubkey.GetID()).ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("pubkey2", CBitcoinAddress(mnb.pubkey2.GetID()).ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("vchSig", EncodeBase64(&mnb.vchSig[0], mnb.vchSig.size())));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("sigTime", mnb.sigTime));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("protocolVersion", mnb.protocolVersion));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("nLastDsq", mnb.nLastDsq));
UniValue lastPingObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("vin", mnb.lastPing.vin.ToString()));
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("blockHash", mnb.lastPing.blockHash.ToString()));
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("sigTime", mnb.lastPing.sigTime));
lastPingObj.push_back(Pair("vchSig", EncodeBase64(&mnb.lastPing.vchSig[0], mnb.lastPing.vchSig.size())));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("lastPing", lastPingObj));
} else {
resultObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Masternode broadcast signature verification failed"));
returnObj.push_back(Pair(mnb.GetHash().ToString(), resultObj));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully decoded broadcast messages for %d masternodes, failed to decode %d, total %d", successful, failed, successful + failed)));
return returnObj;
if (strCommand == "relay")
if (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "masternodebroadcast relay \"hexstring\" ( fast )\n"
"1. \"hex\" (string, required) Broadcast messages hex string\n"
"2. fast (string, optional) If none, using safe method\n");
int successful = 0;
int failed = 0;
bool fSafe = params.size() == 2;
std::vector<CMasternodeBroadcast> vecMnb;
UniValue returnObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (!DecodeHexVecMnb(vecMnb, params[1].get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Masternode broadcast message decode failed");
// verify all signatures first, bailout if any of them broken
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasternodeBroadcast& mnb, vecMnb) {
UniValue resultObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
resultObj.push_back(Pair("vin", mnb.vin.ToString()));
resultObj.push_back(Pair("addr", mnb.addr.ToString()));
int nDos = 0;
bool fResult;
if (mnb.VerifySignature()) {
if (fSafe) {
fResult = mnodeman.CheckMnbAndUpdateMasternodeList(mnb, nDos);
} else {
fResult = true;
} else fResult = false;
if(fResult) {
resultObj.push_back(Pair(mnb.GetHash().ToString(), "successful"));
} else {
resultObj.push_back(Pair("errorMessage", "Masternode broadcast signature verification failed"));
returnObj.push_back(Pair(mnb.GetHash().ToString(), resultObj));
returnObj.push_back(Pair("overall", strprintf("Successfully relayed broadcast messages for %d masternodes, failed to relay %d, total %d", successful, failed, successful + failed)));
return returnObj;
return NullUniValue;