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Mac OS X Build Instructions and Notes
The commands in this guide should be executed in a Terminal application.
The built-in one is located in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
Install the OS X command line tools:
xcode-select --install
When the popup appears, click Install
Then install Homebrew.
Base build dependencies
brew install automake libtool pkg-config
If you want to build the disk image with make deploy
(.dmg / optional), you need RSVG
brew install librsvg
Follow the instructions in build-generic
Dash Core is now available at ./src/dashd
Before running, it's recommended you create an RPC configuration file.
echo -e "rpcuser=dashrpc\nrpcpassword=$(xxd -l 16 -p /dev/urandom)" > "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/DashCore/dash.conf"
chmod 600 "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/DashCore/dash.conf"
The first time you run dashd, it will start downloading the blockchain. This process could take several hours.
You can monitor the download process by looking at the debug.log file:
tail -f $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/DashCore/debug.log
Other commands:
./src/dashd -daemon # Starts the dash daemon.
./src/dash-cli --help # Outputs a list of command-line options.
./src/dash-cli help # Outputs a list of RPC commands when the daemon is running.
Using Qt Creator as IDE
You can use Qt Creator as an IDE, for dash development. Download and install the community edition of Qt Creator. Uncheck everything except Qt Creator during the installation process.
- Make sure you installed everything through Homebrew mentioned above
- Do a proper ./configure --enable-debug
- In Qt Creator do "New Project" -> Import Project -> Import Existing Project
- Enter "dash-qt" as project name, enter src/qt as location
- Leave the file selection as it is
- Confirm the "summary page"
- In the "Projects" tab select "Manage Kits..."
- Select the default "Desktop" kit and select "Clang (x86 64bit in /usr/bin)" as compiler
- Select LLDB as debugger (you might need to set the path to your installation)
- Start debugging with Qt Creator