- Generic usage of governance objects - Added different voting types of signaling - Removed budget commands (projection, mesc -- see sentinel https://github.com/evan82/sentinel/blob/master/docs/example4.md) - Added various voting signaling mechanisms (origin funding, remove, valid, endorsed, milestones, outerstorage)
6.1 KiB
NOTE : 12.1 -- REWRITE
Masternode Budget API
Dash now supports full decentralized budgets that are paid directly from the blockchain via superblocks once per month.
Budgets go through a series of stages before being paid:
- prepare - create a special transaction that destroys coins in order to make a proposal
- submit - propagate transaction to peers on network
- voting - lobby for votes on your proposal
- get enough votes - make it into the budget
- finalization - at the end of each payment period, proposals are sorted then compiled into a finalized budget
- finalized budget voting - masternodes that agree with the finalization will vote on that budget
- payment - the winning finalized budget is paid
Prepare collateral transaction
In this transaction we prepare collateral for "cool-project". This proposal will pay 1200 DASH, 12 times over the course of a year totaling 24000 DASH.
Warning: if you change any fields within this command, the collateral transaction will become invalid.
Format: mngovernance prepare proposal-name url payment-count block-start dash-address monthly-payment-dash
Example: mngovernance prepare cool-project http://www.cool-project/one.json 12 100000 y6R9oN12KnB9zydzTLc3LikD9cCjjQzYG7 1200 true
Output: 464a0eb70ea91c94295214df48c47baa72b3876cfb658744aaf863c7b5bf1ff0
This is the collateral hash, copy this output for the next step.
2 Submit proposal to network
Now we can submit our proposal to the network.
Format: mngovernance submit proposal-name url payment-count block-start dash-address monthly-payment-dash fee-tx
Example: mngovernance submit cool-project http://www.cool-project/one.json 12 100000 y6R9oN12KnB9zydzTLc3LikD9cCjjQzYG7 1200 464a0eb70ea91c94295214df48c47baa72b3876cfb658744aaf863c7b5bf1ff0
Output : a2b29778ae82e45a973a94309ffa6aa2e2388b8f95b39ab3739f0078835f0491
This is your proposal hash, which other nodes will use to vote on it.
Lobby for votes
Double check your information.
Format: mngovernance getproposal proposal-hash
Example: mngovernance getproposal a2b29778ae82e45a973a94309ffa6aa2e2388b8f95b39ab3739f0078835f0491

"Name" : "cool-project",
"Hash" : "a2b29778ae82e45a973a94309ffa6aa2e2388b8f95b39ab3739f0078835f0491",
"FeeHash" : "464a0eb70ea91c94295214df48c47baa72b3876cfb658744aaf863c7b5bf1ff0",
"URL" : "http://www.cool-project/one.json",
"BlockStart" : 100000,
"BlockEnd" : 100625,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 12,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 12,
"PaymentAddress" : "y6R9oN12KnB9zydzTLc3LikD9cCjjQzYG7",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"TotalPayment" : 14400.00000000,
"MonthlyPayment" : 1200.00000000,
"IsValid" : true,
"fValid" : true
If everything looks correct, you can ask for votes from other masternodes. To vote on a proposal, load a wallet with masternode.conf file. You do not need to access your cold wallet to vote for proposals.
Format: mngovernance vote proposal-hash [yes|no]
Example: mngovernance vote a2b29778ae82e45a973a94309ffa6aa2e2388b8f95b39ab3739f0078835f0491 yes
Make it into the budget
After you get enough votes, execute mngovernance projection
to see if you made it into the budget. If you the budget was finalized at this moment which proposals would be in it. Note: Proposals must be active at least 1 day on the network and receive 10% of the masternode network in yes votes in order to qualify (E.g. if there is 3500 masternodes, you will need 350 yes votes.)
mngovernance projection
"cool-project" : {
"Hash" : "a2b29778ae82e45a973a94309ffa6aa2e2388b8f95b39ab3739f0078835f0491",
"FeeHash" : "464a0eb70ea91c94295214df48c47baa72b3876cfb658744aaf863c7b5bf1ff0",
"URL" : "http://www.cool-project/one.json",
"BlockStart" : 100000,
"BlockEnd" : 100625,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 12,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 12,
"PaymentAddress" : "y6R9oN12KnB9zydzTLc3LikD9cCjjQzYG7",
"Ratio" : 1.00000000,
"Yeas" : 33,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"TotalPayment" : 14400.00000000,
"MonthlyPayment" : 1200.00000000,
"IsValid" : true,
"fValid" : true
Finalized budget
"main" : {
"FeeTX" : "d6b8de9a4cadfe148f91e8fe8eed407199f96639b482f956ae6f539b8339f87c",
"Hash" : "6e8bbaba5113de592f6888f200f146448440b7e606fcf62ef84e60e1d5ac7d64",
"BlockStart" : 100000,
"BlockEnd" : 100000,
"Proposals" : "cool-project",
"VoteCount" : 46,
"Status" : "OK"
Get paid
When block 1000000
is reached you'll receive a payment for 1200
DASH to y6R9oN12KnB9zydzTLc3LikD9cCjjQzYG7
Command list
The following RPC commands are supported:
- mngovernance "command"... ( "passphrase" )
- check - Scan proposals and remove invalid from proposals list
- prepare - Prepare proposal by signing and creating tx
- submit - Submit proposal to network
- getproposalhash - Get proposal hash(es) by proposal name
- getproposal - Show proposal
- getvotes - Show detailed votes list for proposal
- list - List all proposals
- nextblock - Get info about next superblock for budget system
- nextsuperblocksize - Get superblock size for a given blockheight
- projection - Show the projection of which proposals will be paid the next cycle
- vote - Vote on a proposal by single masternode (using dash.conf setup)
- vote-many - Vote on a proposal by all masternodes (using masternode.conf setup)
- vote-alias - Vote on a proposal by alias
- mnfinalbudget "command"... ( "passphrase" )
- vote-many - Vote on a finalized budget
- vote - Vote on a finalized budget
- show - Show existing finalized budgets
- getvotes - Get vote information for each finalized budget
- prepare - Manually prepare a finalized budget
- submit - Manually submit a finalized budget