
137 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
export LC_ALL=C
"Class '.*' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit."
"Struct '.*' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit."
"Function parameter '.*' should be passed by const reference."
"Comparison of modulo result is predetermined"
"Local variable '.*' shadows outer argument"
"Redundant initialization for '.*'. The initialized value is overwritten before it is read."
"Dereferencing '.*' after it is deallocated / released"
"The scope of the variable '.*' can be reduced."
"Parameter '.*' can be declared with const"
"Variable '.*' can be declared with const"
"Variable '.*' is assigned a value that is never used."
"Unused variable"
"The function '.*' overrides a function in a base class but is not marked with a 'override' specifier."
# Enabale to catch all warnings
"src/bls/bls.h:.* Struct 'CBLSIdImplicit' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit."
"src/llmq/dkgsessionmgr.h:.* warning: struct member 'ContributionsCacheEntry::entryTime' is never used."
"src/llmq/instantsend.h:.* warning: struct member 'NonLockedTxInfo::pindexMined' is never used."
"src/rpc/masternode.cpp:.*:21: warning: Consider using std::copy algorithm instead of a raw loop." # UniValue doesn't support std::copy
"src/spork.h:.* warning: struct member 'CSporkDef::defaultValue' is never used."
"src/test/dip0020opcodes_tests.cpp:.* warning: There is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE is a macro then please configure it."
"src/ctpl_stl.h:.*22: warning: Dereferencing '_f' after it is deallocated / released"
"src/cachemultimap.h:.*: warning: Variable 'mapIt' can be declared as reference to const"
# "src/llmq/snapshot.cpp:.*:17: warning: Consider using std::copy algorithm instead of a raw loop."
# "src/llmq/snapshot.cpp:.*:18: warning: Consider using std::copy algorithm instead of a raw loop."
# General catchall, for some reason any value named 'hash' is viewed as never used.
"Variable 'hash' is assigned a value that is never used."
# The following can be useful to ignore when the catch all is used
# "Consider performing initialization in initialization list."
"Consider using std::transform algorithm instead of a raw loop."
"Consider using std::accumulate algorithm instead of a raw loop."
# "Consider using std::any_of algorithm instead of a raw loop."
# "Consider using std::count_if algorithm instead of a raw loop."
# "Consider using std::find_if algorithm instead of a raw loop."
# "Member variable '.*' is not initialized in the constructor."
# We should attempt to update this with all dash specific code
FILES=$(git ls-files -- "src/batchedlogger.*" \
"src/bench/bls*.cpp" \
"src/bls/*.cpp" \
"src/bls/*.h" \
"src/cachemap.h" \
"src/cachemultimap.h" \
"src/coinjoin/*.cpp" \
"src/coinjoin/*.h" \
"src/ctpl_stl.h" \
"src/cxxtimer.hpp" \
"src/dsnotificationinterface.*" \
"src/evo/*.cpp" \
"src/evo/*.h" \
"src/governance/*.cpp" \
"src/governance/*.h" \
"src/hdchain.*" \
"src/keepass.*" \
"src/llmq/*.cpp" \
"src/llmq/*.h" \
"src/masternode/*.cpp" \
"src/masternode/*.h" \
"src/messagesigner.*" \
"src/netfulfilledman.*" \
"src/qt/governancelist.*" \
"src/qt/masternodelist.*" \
"src/rpc/coinjoin.cpp" \
"src/rpc/evo.cpp" \
"src/rpc/governance.cpp" \
"src/rpc/masternode.cpp" \
"src/rpc/quorums.cpp" \
"src/spork.*" \
"src/saltedhasher.*" \
"src/stacktraces.*" \
"src/statsd_client.*" \
"src/test/block_reward_reallocation_tests.cpp" \
"src/test/bls_tests.cpp" \
"src/test/dip0020opcodes_tests.cpp" \
"src/test/dynamic_activation*.cpp" \
"src/test/evo*.cpp" \
"src/test/governance*.cpp" \
if ! command -v cppcheck > /dev/null; then
echo "Skipping cppcheck linting since cppcheck is not installed."
exit 0
function join_array {
local IFS="$1"
echo "$*"
FILES_REGEXP=$(join_array "|" "${FILES[@]}")
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
if [ ! -d $CPPCHECK_DIR ]
WARNINGS=$(echo "${FILES}" | \
xargs cppcheck --enable=all --inline-suppr --cppcheck-build-dir=$CPPCHECK_DIR -j "$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)" --language=c++ --std=c++17 --template=gcc -D__cplusplus -DENABLE_WALLET -DCLIENT_VERSION_BUILD -DCLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE -DCLIENT_VERSION_MAJOR -DCLIENT_VERSION_MINOR -DCOPYRIGHT_YEAR -DDEBUG -DCHAR_BIT=8 -I src/ -q 2>&1 | sort -u | \
grep -E "${FILES_REGEXP}")
if [[ ${WARNINGS} != "" ]]; then
echo "${WARNINGS}"
echo "Advice not applicable in this specific case? Add an exception by updating"
# Uncomment to enforce the linter / comment to run locally
exit 1
exit 0