mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 12:32:48 +01:00
199 lines
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199 lines
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![]() |
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# update-css-files.py creates color analyse files in css/colors and updates the
# `<colors></colors>` section in all css files.
# Copyright (c) 2020 The Dash Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
MATCH_REPLACE = '<colors>.+?</colors>'
MATCH_COLORS = '#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){2,4}|#(?:[0-9a-f]{1}){3}'
def error(msg):
exit('\nERROR: {}\n'.format(msg))
def parse_css(file_css):
# Temporarily
state = 0
selectors = []
# Results
by_attribute = {}
by_color = {}
for line in file_css.read_text().splitlines():
if line == '':
# start of a comment
if state == 0 and line.startswith('/*'):
if '*/' in line:
state = 0
state = 1
# we are in a comment section
elif state == 1:
# end of the comment
if '*/' in line:
state = 0
# first line of multiple selector
elif (state == 0 or state == 2) and ',' in line:
state = 2
# first line of single selector or end of multiple
elif (state == 0 or state == 2) and '{' in line:
state = 3
# end of element
elif state == 4 and line == '}':
state = 0
if state == 0 and len(selectors):
selectors = []
if state == 2:
selector = line.split(",")[0].strip(' ')
if state == 3:
selector = line.split("{")[0].strip(' ')
state = 4
if state == 4:
matched_colors = re.findall(MATCH_COLORS, line)
if len(matched_colors) > 1:
error("Multiple colors in a line.\n\n {}\n\nSeems to be an invalid file!".format(line))
elif len(matched_colors) == 1:
matched_color = matched_colors[0]
element = line.split(":")[0].strip(' ')
if not matched_color in by_color:
by_color[matched_color] = []
entry = element + " " + matched_color
if not entry in by_attribute:
by_attribute[entry] = []
def sort_color(color):
tmp = color[0].replace('#', '0x')
return int(tmp, 0)
def remove_duplicates(l):
no_duplicates = []
[no_duplicates.append(i) for i in l if not no_duplicates.count(i)]
return no_duplicates
colors = []
# sort colors just by hex value
if len(by_color):
colors = sorted(by_color.items(), key=lambda x: sort_color(x))
for k, l in by_attribute.items():
by_attribute[k] = remove_duplicates(l)
for k, l in by_color.items():
by_color[k] = remove_duplicates(l)
return {'fileName': file_css.stem, 'byAttribute': by_attribute, 'byColor': by_color, 'colors': colors}
def create_color_file(content, commit):
str_result = "Color analyse of " +\
content['fileName'] + ".css " + \
"by " + \
Path(__file__).name + \
" for commit " + \
commit + \
if not len(content['colors']):
return None
str_result += "# Used colors\n\n"
for c in content['colors']:
str_result += c[0] + '\n'
str_result += "\n# Grouped by attribute\n"
for k, v in content['byAttribute'].items():
str_result += '\n' + k + '\n'
for val in v:
str_result += ' ' + val + '\n'
str_result += "\n# Grouped by color\n"
for k, v in content['byColor'].items():
str_result += '\n' + k + '\n'
for val in v:
str_result += ' ' + val + '\n'
return str_result
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
error('No argument required!')
css_folder_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / Path('../../src/qt/res/css/')
css_folder_path = css_folder_path.resolve(strict=True)
except Exception:
error("Path doesn't exist: {}".format(css_folder_path))
if not len(list(css_folder_path.glob('*.css'))):
error("No .css files found in {}".format(css_folder_path))
results = [parse_css(x) for x in css_folder_path.glob('*.css') if x.is_file()]
colors_folder_path = css_folder_path / Path('colors/')
if not colors_folder_path.is_dir():
except Exception:
error("Can't create new folder: {}".format(colors_folder_path))
commit = subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', css_folder_path, 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode("utf-8")
for r in results:
# Update the css file
css_file = css_folder_path / Path(r['fileName'] + '.css')
css_content = css_file.read_text()
to_replace = re.findall(MATCH_REPLACE, css_content, re.DOTALL)
str_result = "\n# Used colors in {}.css for commit {}\n".format(r['fileName'], commit)
for c in r['colors']:
str_result += c[0] + '\n'
str_replace = "<colors>\n{}\n</colors>".format(str_result)
css_content = css_content.replace(to_replace[0], str_replace)
# Write the <css>_color.txt files
str_result = create_color_file(r, commit)
if str_result is not None:
color_file = colors_folder_path / Path(r['fileName'] + '_css_colors.txt')
print('\n{}.css -> {} created!'.format(r['fileName'], color_file))
print('\n{}.css -> No colors found..'.format(r['fileName'] + ".css"))