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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2010 ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node
# Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Garzik
# Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
"""Bitcoin test framework primitive and message structures
CBlock, CTransaction, CBlockHeader, CTxIn, CTxOut, etc....:
data structures that should map to corresponding structures in
msg_block, msg_tx, msg_headers, etc.:
data structures that represent network messages
ser_*, deser_*: functions that handle serialization/deserialization.
Classes use __slots__ to ensure extraneous attributes aren't accidentally added
by tests, compromising their intended effect.
from codecs import encode
import copy
from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
from io import BytesIO
import random
import socket
import struct
import time
from test_framework.siphash import siphash256
2021-08-27 21:03:02 +02:00
from test_framework.util import hex_str_to_bytes
import dash_hash
MY_SUBVERSION = b"/python-mininode-tester:0.0.3%s/"
MY_RELAY = 1 # from version 70001 onwards, fRelay should be appended to version messages (BIP37)
MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000000
COIN = 100000000 # 1 btc in satoshis
BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0xfffffffd # Sequence number that is BIP 125 opt-in and BIP 68-opt-out
NODE_NETWORK = (1 << 0)
NODE_GETUTXO = (1 << 1)
NODE_BLOOM = (1 << 2)
# Serialization/deserialization tools
def sha256(s):
return hashlib.new('sha256', s).digest()
def hash256(s):
return sha256(sha256(s))
def dashhash(s):
return dash_hash.getPoWHash(s)
def ser_compact_size(l):
r = b""
if l < 253:
r = struct.pack("B", l)
elif l < 0x10000:
r = struct.pack("<BH", 253, l)
elif l < 0x100000000:
r = struct.pack("<BI", 254, l)
r = struct.pack("<BQ", 255, l)
return r
def deser_compact_size(f):
nit = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
if nit == 253:
nit = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
elif nit == 254:
nit = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
elif nit == 255:
nit = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
return nit
def deser_string(f):
nit = deser_compact_size(f)
return f.read(nit)
def ser_string(s):
return ser_compact_size(len(s)) + s
def deser_uint256(f):
r = 0
for i in range(8):
t = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
r += t << (i * 32)
return r
def ser_uint256(u):
rs = b""
for i in range(8):
rs += struct.pack("<I", u & 0xFFFFFFFF)
u >>= 32
return rs
def uint256_from_str(s):
r = 0
t = struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", s[:32])
for i in range(8):
r += t[i] << (i * 32)
return r
def uint256_to_string(uint256):
return '%064x' % uint256
def uint256_from_compact(c):
nbytes = (c >> 24) & 0xFF
v = (c & 0xFFFFFF) << (8 * (nbytes - 3))
return v
# deser_function_name: Allow for an alternate deserialization function on the
# entries in the vector.
def deser_vector(f, c, deser_function_name=None):
nit = deser_compact_size(f)
r = []
for i in range(nit):
t = c()
if deser_function_name:
getattr(t, deser_function_name)(f)
return r
# ser_function_name: Allow for an alternate serialization function on the
# entries in the vector (we use this for serializing addrv2 messages).
def ser_vector(l, ser_function_name=None):
r = ser_compact_size(len(l))
for i in l:
if ser_function_name:
r += getattr(i, ser_function_name)()
r += i.serialize()
return r
def deser_uint256_vector(f):
nit = deser_compact_size(f)
r = []
for i in range(nit):
t = deser_uint256(f)
return r
def ser_uint256_vector(l):
r = ser_compact_size(len(l))
for i in l:
r += ser_uint256(i)
return r
def deser_dyn_bitset(f, bytes_based):
if bytes_based:
nb = deser_compact_size(f)
n = nb * 8
n = deser_compact_size(f)
nb = int((n + 7) / 8)
b = f.read(nb)
r = []
for i in range(n):
r.append((b[int(i / 8)] & (1 << (i % 8))) != 0)
return r
def ser_dyn_bitset(l, bytes_based):
n = len(l)
nb = int((n + 7) / 8)
r = [0] * nb
for i in range(n):
r[int(i / 8)] |= (1 if l[i] else 0) << (i % 8)
if bytes_based:
r = ser_compact_size(nb) + bytes(r)
r = ser_compact_size(n) + bytes(r)
return r
# Deserialize from a hex string representation (eg from RPC)
def FromHex(obj, hex_string):
return obj
# Convert a binary-serializable object to hex (eg for submission via RPC)
def ToHex(obj):
2021-08-27 21:03:02 +02:00
return obj.serialize().hex()
# Objects that map to dashd objects, which can be serialized/deserialized
class CService:
__slots__ = ("ip", "port")
def __init__(self):
self.ip = ""
self.port = 0
def deserialize(self, f):
self.ip = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, f.read(16))
self.port = struct.unpack(">H", f.read(2))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.ip)
r += struct.pack(">H", self.port)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CService(ip=%s port=%i)" % (self.ip, self.port)
class CAddress:
__slots__ = ("net", "ip", "nServices", "port", "time")
# see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0155.mediawiki
NET_IPV4 = 1
NET_IPV4: "IPv4"
def __init__(self):
self.time = 0
self.nServices = 1
self.net = self.NET_IPV4
self.ip = ""
self.port = 0
def deserialize(self, f, with_time=True):
"""Deserialize from addrv1 format (pre-BIP155)"""
if with_time:
# VERSION messages serialize CAddress objects without time
self.time = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.nServices = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
# We only support IPv4 which means skip 12 bytes and read the next 4 as IPv4 address.
self.net = self.NET_IPV4
self.ip = socket.inet_ntoa(f.read(4))
self.port = struct.unpack(">H", f.read(2))[0]
def serialize(self, with_time=True):
"""Serialize in addrv1 format (pre-BIP155)"""
assert self.net == self.NET_IPV4
r = b""
if with_time:
# VERSION messages serialize CAddress objects without time
r += struct.pack("<I", self.time)
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nServices)
r += b"\x00" * 10 + b"\xff" * 2
r += socket.inet_aton(self.ip)
r += struct.pack(">H", self.port)
return r
def deserialize_v2(self, f):
"""Deserialize from addrv2 format (BIP155)"""
self.time = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.nServices = deser_compact_size(f)
self.net = struct.unpack("B", f.read(1))[0]
assert self.net == self.NET_IPV4
address_length = deser_compact_size(f)
assert address_length == self.ADDRV2_ADDRESS_LENGTH[self.net]
self.ip = socket.inet_ntoa(f.read(4))
self.port = struct.unpack(">H", f.read(2))[0]
def serialize_v2(self):
"""Serialize in addrv2 format (BIP155)"""
assert self.net == self.NET_IPV4
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<I", self.time)
r += ser_compact_size(self.nServices)
r += struct.pack("B", self.net)
r += ser_compact_size(self.ADDRV2_ADDRESS_LENGTH[self.net])
r += socket.inet_aton(self.ip)
r += struct.pack(">H", self.port)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return ("CAddress(nServices=%i net=%s addr=%s port=%i)"
% (self.nServices, self.ADDRV2_NET_NAME[self.net], self.ip, self.port))
class CInv:
__slots__ = ("hash", "type")
typemap = {
0: "Error",
1: "TX",
2: "Block",
20: "CompactBlock"
def __init__(self, t=0, h=0):
self.type = t
self.hash = h
def deserialize(self, f):
self.type = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<i", self.type)
r += ser_uint256(self.hash)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CInv(type=%s hash=%064x)" \
% (self.typemap.get(self.type, "%d" % self.type), self.hash)
class CBlockLocator:
__slots__ = ("nVersion", "vHave")
def __init__(self):
self.nVersion = MY_VERSION
self.vHave = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.vHave = deser_uint256_vector(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
r += ser_uint256_vector(self.vHave)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CBlockLocator(nVersion=%i vHave=%s)" \
% (self.nVersion, repr(self.vHave))
class COutPoint:
__slots__ = ("hash", "n")
def __init__(self, hash=0, n=0xFFFFFFFF):
self.hash = hash
self.n = n
def deserialize(self, f):
self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.n = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_uint256(self.hash)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.n)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "COutPoint(hash=%064x n=%i)" % (self.hash, self.n)
class CTxIn:
__slots__ = ("nSequence", "prevout", "scriptSig")
def __init__(self, outpoint=None, scriptSig=b"", nSequence=0):
if outpoint is None:
self.prevout = COutPoint()
self.prevout = outpoint
self.scriptSig = scriptSig
self.nSequence = nSequence
def deserialize(self, f):
self.prevout = COutPoint()
self.scriptSig = deser_string(f)
self.nSequence = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.prevout.serialize()
r += ser_string(self.scriptSig)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nSequence)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CTxIn(prevout=%s scriptSig=%s nSequence=%i)" \
2021-08-27 21:03:02 +02:00
% (repr(self.prevout), self.scriptSig.hex(),
class CTxOut:
__slots__ = ("nValue", "scriptPubKey")
def __init__(self, nValue=0, scriptPubKey=b""):
self.nValue = nValue
self.scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nValue = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
self.scriptPubKey = deser_string(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<q", self.nValue)
r += ser_string(self.scriptPubKey)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CTxOut(nValue=%i.%08i scriptPubKey=%s)" \
% (self.nValue // COIN, self.nValue % COIN,
2021-08-27 21:03:02 +02:00
class CTransaction:
__slots__ = ("hash", "nLockTime", "nVersion", "sha256", "vin", "vout",
"nType", "vExtraPayload")
def __init__(self, tx=None):
if tx is None:
self.nVersion = 1
self.nType = 0
self.vin = []
self.vout = []
self.nLockTime = 0
self.vExtraPayload = None
self.sha256 = None
self.hash = None
self.nVersion = tx.nVersion
self.nType = tx.nType
self.vin = copy.deepcopy(tx.vin)
self.vout = copy.deepcopy(tx.vout)
self.nLockTime = tx.nLockTime
self.vExtraPayload = tx.vExtraPayload
self.sha256 = tx.sha256
self.hash = tx.hash
def deserialize(self, f):
ver32bit = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.nVersion = ver32bit & 0xffff
self.nType = (ver32bit >> 16) & 0xffff
self.vin = deser_vector(f, CTxIn)
self.vout = deser_vector(f, CTxOut)
self.nLockTime = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
if self.nType != 0:
self.vExtraPayload = deser_string(f)
self.sha256 = None
self.hash = None
def serialize(self):
r = b""
ver32bit = int(self.nVersion | (self.nType << 16))
r += struct.pack("<i", ver32bit)
r += ser_vector(self.vin)
r += ser_vector(self.vout)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
if self.nType != 0:
r += ser_string(self.vExtraPayload)
return r
def rehash(self):
self.sha256 = None
return self.hash
def calc_sha256(self):
if self.sha256 is None:
self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(hash256(self.serialize()))
self.hash = encode(hash256(self.serialize())[::-1], 'hex_codec').decode('ascii')
def is_valid(self):
for tout in self.vout:
if tout.nValue < 0 or tout.nValue > 21000000 * COIN:
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "CTransaction(nVersion=%i vin=%s vout=%s nLockTime=%i)" \
% (self.nVersion, repr(self.vin), repr(self.vout), self.nLockTime)
class CBlockHeader:
__slots__ = ("hash", "hashMerkleRoot", "hashPrevBlock", "nBits", "nNonce",
"nTime", "nVersion", "sha256")
def __init__(self, header=None):
if header is None:
self.nVersion = header.nVersion
self.hashPrevBlock = header.hashPrevBlock
self.hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot
self.nTime = header.nTime
self.nBits = header.nBits
self.nNonce = header.nNonce
self.sha256 = header.sha256
self.hash = header.hash
def set_null(self):
self.nVersion = 1
self.hashPrevBlock = 0
self.hashMerkleRoot = 0
self.nTime = 0
self.nBits = 0
self.nNonce = 0
self.sha256 = None
self.hash = None
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.hashPrevBlock = deser_uint256(f)
self.hashMerkleRoot = deser_uint256(f)
self.nTime = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.nBits = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.sha256 = None
self.hash = None
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
return r
def calc_sha256(self):
if self.sha256 is None:
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(dashhash(r))
self.hash = encode(dashhash(r)[::-1], 'hex_codec').decode('ascii')
def rehash(self):
self.sha256 = None
return self.sha256
def __repr__(self):
return "CBlockHeader(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x)" \
% (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot,
time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce)
class CBlock(CBlockHeader):
__slots__ = ("vtx",)
def __init__(self, header=None):
super(CBlock, self).__init__(header)
self.vtx = []
def deserialize(self, f):
super(CBlock, self).deserialize(f)
self.vtx = deser_vector(f, CTransaction)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += super(CBlock, self).serialize()
r += ser_vector(self.vtx)
return r
# Calculate the merkle root given a vector of transaction hashes
def get_merkle_root(hashes):
while len(hashes) > 1:
newhashes = []
for i in range(0, len(hashes), 2):
i2 = min(i+1, len(hashes)-1)
newhashes.append(hash256(hashes[i] + hashes[i2]))
hashes = newhashes
return uint256_from_str(hashes[0])
def calc_merkle_root(self):
hashes = []
for tx in self.vtx:
return self.get_merkle_root(hashes)
def is_valid(self):
target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits)
if self.sha256 > target:
return False
for tx in self.vtx:
if not tx.is_valid():
return False
if self.calc_merkle_root() != self.hashMerkleRoot:
return False
return True
def solve(self):
target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits)
while self.sha256 > target:
self.nNonce += 1
def __repr__(self):
return "CBlock(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x vtx=%s)" \
% (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot,
time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce, repr(self.vtx))
class CompressibleBlockHeader:
__slots__ = ("bitfield", "timeOffset", "nVersion", "hashPrevBlock", "hashMerkleRoot", "nTime", "nBits", "nNonce",
"hash", "sha256")
FLAG_NBITS = 1 << 5
def __init__(self, header=None):
if header is None:
self.bitfield = 0
self.timeOffset = 0
self.nVersion = header.nVersion
self.hashPrevBlock = header.hashPrevBlock
self.hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot
self.nTime = header.nTime
self.nBits = header.nBits
self.nNonce = header.nNonce
self.hash = None
self.sha256 = None
def set_null(self):
self.bitfield = 0
self.timeOffset = 0
self.nVersion = 0
self.hashPrevBlock = 0
self.hashMerkleRoot = 0
self.nTime = 0
self.nBits = 0
self.nNonce = 0
self.hash = None
self.sha256 = None
def deserialize(self, f):
self.bitfield = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
if self.bitfield & self.BITMASK_VERSION == 0:
self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
if self.bitfield & self.FLAG_PREV_BLOCK_HASH:
self.hashPrevBlock = deser_uint256(f)
self.hashMerkleRoot = deser_uint256(f)
if self.bitfield & self.FLAG_TIMESTAMP:
self.nTime = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.timeOffset = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
if self.bitfield & self.FLAG_NBITS:
self.nBits = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.bitfield)
if not self.bitfield & self.BITMASK_VERSION:
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
if self.bitfield & self.FLAG_PREV_BLOCK_HASH:
r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime) if self.bitfield & self.FLAG_TIMESTAMP else struct.pack("<h", self.timeOffset)
if self.bitfield & self.FLAG_NBITS:
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
return r
def calc_sha256(self):
if self.sha256 is None:
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(dashhash(r))
self.hash = int(encode(dashhash(r)[::-1], 'hex_codec'), 16)
def rehash(self):
self.sha256 = None
return self.sha256
def __repr__(self):
return "BlockHeaderCompressed(bitfield=%064x, nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s " \
"nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x timeOffset=%i)" % \
(self.bitfield, self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot, time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce, self.timeOffset)
def __save_version_as_most_recent(self, last_unique_versions):
last_unique_versions.insert(0, self.nVersion)
# Evict the oldest version
if len(last_unique_versions) > 7:
def __mark_version_as_most_recent(last_unique_versions, version_idx):
# Move version to the front of the list
last_unique_versions.insert(0, last_unique_versions.pop(version_idx))
def compress(self, last_blocks, last_unique_versions):
if not last_blocks:
# First block, everything must be uncompressed
self.bitfield &= (~CompressibleBlockHeader.BITMASK_VERSION)
self.bitfield |= CompressibleBlockHeader.FLAG_PREV_BLOCK_HASH
self.bitfield |= CompressibleBlockHeader.FLAG_TIMESTAMP
self.bitfield |= CompressibleBlockHeader.FLAG_NBITS
# Compress version
version_idx = last_unique_versions.index(self.nVersion)
version_offset = len(last_unique_versions) - version_idx
self.bitfield &= (~CompressibleBlockHeader.BITMASK_VERSION)
self.bitfield |= (version_offset & CompressibleBlockHeader.BITMASK_VERSION)
self.__mark_version_as_most_recent(last_unique_versions, version_idx)
except ValueError:
# We have the previous block
last_block = last_blocks[-1]
# Compress time
self.timeOffset = self.nTime - last_block.nTime
if self.timeOffset > 32767 or self.timeOffset < -32768:
# Time diff overflows, we have to send it as 4 bytes (uncompressed)
self.bitfield |= CompressibleBlockHeader.FLAG_TIMESTAMP
# If nBits doesn't match previous block, we have to send it
if self.nBits != last_block.nBits:
self.bitfield |= CompressibleBlockHeader.FLAG_NBITS
def uncompress(self, last_compressed_blocks, last_unique_versions):
if not last_compressed_blocks:
# First block header is always uncompressed
previous_block = last_compressed_blocks[-1]
# Uncompress version
version_idx = self.bitfield & self.BITMASK_VERSION
if version_idx != 0:
if version_idx <= len(last_unique_versions):
self.nVersion = last_unique_versions[version_idx - 1]
self.__mark_version_as_most_recent(last_unique_versions, version_idx - 1)
# Uncompress prev block hash
if not self.bitfield & self.FLAG_PREV_BLOCK_HASH:
self.hashPrevBlock = previous_block.hash
# Uncompress time
if not self.bitfield & self.FLAG_TIMESTAMP:
self.nTime = previous_block.nTime + self.timeOffset
# Uncompress time bits
if not self.bitfield & self.FLAG_NBITS:
self.nBits = previous_block.nBits
class PrefilledTransaction:
__slots__ = ("index", "tx")
def __init__(self, index=0, tx = None):
self.index = index
self.tx = tx
def deserialize(self, f):
self.index = deser_compact_size(f)
self.tx = CTransaction()
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_compact_size(self.index)
r += self.tx.serialize()
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "PrefilledTransaction(index=%d, tx=%s)" % (self.index, repr(self.tx))
# This is what we send on the wire, in a cmpctblock message.
class P2PHeaderAndShortIDs:
__slots__ = ("header", "nonce", "prefilled_txn", "prefilled_txn_length",
"shortids", "shortids_length")
def __init__(self):
self.header = CBlockHeader()
self.nonce = 0
self.shortids_length = 0
self.shortids = []
self.prefilled_txn_length = 0
self.prefilled_txn = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
self.shortids_length = deser_compact_size(f)
for i in range(self.shortids_length):
# shortids are defined to be 6 bytes in the spec, so append
# two zero bytes and read it in as an 8-byte number
self.shortids.append(struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(6) + b'\x00\x00')[0])
self.prefilled_txn = deser_vector(f, PrefilledTransaction)
self.prefilled_txn_length = len(self.prefilled_txn)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.header.serialize()
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
r += ser_compact_size(self.shortids_length)
for x in self.shortids:
# We only want the first 6 bytes
r += struct.pack("<Q", x)[0:6]
r += ser_vector(self.prefilled_txn)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "P2PHeaderAndShortIDs(header=%s, nonce=%d, shortids_length=%d, shortids=%s, prefilled_txn_length=%d, prefilledtxn=%s" % (repr(self.header), self.nonce, self.shortids_length, repr(self.shortids), self.prefilled_txn_length, repr(self.prefilled_txn))
# Calculate the BIP 152-compact blocks shortid for a given transaction hash
def calculate_shortid(k0, k1, tx_hash):
expected_shortid = siphash256(k0, k1, tx_hash)
expected_shortid &= 0x0000ffffffffffff
return expected_shortid
# This version gets rid of the array lengths, and reinterprets the differential
# encoding into indices that can be used for lookup.
class HeaderAndShortIDs:
__slots__ = ("header", "nonce", "prefilled_txn", "shortids")
def __init__(self, p2pheaders_and_shortids = None):
self.header = CBlockHeader()
self.nonce = 0
self.shortids = []
self.prefilled_txn = []
if p2pheaders_and_shortids is not None:
self.header = p2pheaders_and_shortids.header
self.nonce = p2pheaders_and_shortids.nonce
self.shortids = p2pheaders_and_shortids.shortids
last_index = -1
for x in p2pheaders_and_shortids.prefilled_txn:
self.prefilled_txn.append(PrefilledTransaction(x.index + last_index + 1, x.tx))
last_index = self.prefilled_txn[-1].index
def to_p2p(self):
ret = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs()
ret.header = self.header
ret.nonce = self.nonce
ret.shortids_length = len(self.shortids)
ret.shortids = self.shortids
ret.prefilled_txn_length = len(self.prefilled_txn)
ret.prefilled_txn = []
last_index = -1
for x in self.prefilled_txn:
ret.prefilled_txn.append(PrefilledTransaction(x.index - last_index - 1, x.tx))
last_index = x.index
return ret
def get_siphash_keys(self):
header_nonce = self.header.serialize()
header_nonce += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
hash_header_nonce_as_str = sha256(header_nonce)
key0 = struct.unpack("<Q", hash_header_nonce_as_str[0:8])[0]
key1 = struct.unpack("<Q", hash_header_nonce_as_str[8:16])[0]
return [ key0, key1 ]
def initialize_from_block(self, block, nonce=0, prefill_list = [0]):
self.header = CBlockHeader(block)
self.nonce = nonce
self.prefilled_txn = [ PrefilledTransaction(i, block.vtx[i]) for i in prefill_list ]
self.shortids = []
[k0, k1] = self.get_siphash_keys()
for i in range(len(block.vtx)):
if i not in prefill_list:
self.shortids.append(calculate_shortid(k0, k1, block.vtx[i].sha256))
def __repr__(self):
return "HeaderAndShortIDs(header=%s, nonce=%d, shortids=%s, prefilledtxn=%s" % (repr(self.header), self.nonce, repr(self.shortids), repr(self.prefilled_txn))
class BlockTransactionsRequest:
__slots__ = ("blockhash", "indexes")
def __init__(self, blockhash=0, indexes = None):
self.blockhash = blockhash
self.indexes = indexes if indexes is not None else []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.blockhash = deser_uint256(f)
indexes_length = deser_compact_size(f)
for i in range(indexes_length):
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_uint256(self.blockhash)
r += ser_compact_size(len(self.indexes))
for x in self.indexes:
r += ser_compact_size(x)
return r
# helper to set the differentially encoded indexes from absolute ones
def from_absolute(self, absolute_indexes):
self.indexes = []
last_index = -1
for x in absolute_indexes:
last_index = x
def to_absolute(self):
absolute_indexes = []
last_index = -1
for x in self.indexes:
last_index = absolute_indexes[-1]
return absolute_indexes
def __repr__(self):
return "BlockTransactionsRequest(hash=%064x indexes=%s)" % (self.blockhash, repr(self.indexes))
class BlockTransactions:
__slots__ = ("blockhash", "transactions")
def __init__(self, blockhash=0, transactions = None):
self.blockhash = blockhash
self.transactions = transactions if transactions is not None else []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.blockhash = deser_uint256(f)
self.transactions = deser_vector(f, CTransaction)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_uint256(self.blockhash)
r += ser_vector(self.transactions)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "BlockTransactions(hash=%064x transactions=%s)" % (self.blockhash, repr(self.transactions))
class CPartialMerkleTree:
__slots__ = ("nTransactions", "vBits", "vHash")
def __init__(self):
self.nTransactions = 0
self.vBits = []
self.vHash = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nTransactions = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.vHash = deser_uint256_vector(f)
self.vBits = deser_dyn_bitset(f, True)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTransactions)
r += ser_uint256_vector(self.vHash)
r += ser_dyn_bitset(self.vBits, True)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CPartialMerkleTree(nTransactions=%d vBits.size=%d vHash.size=%d)" % (self.nTransactions, len(self.vBits), len(self.vHash))
class CMerkleBlock:
__slots__ = ("header", "txn")
def __init__(self, header=CBlockHeader(), txn=CPartialMerkleTree()):
self.header = header
self.txn = txn
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.header.serialize()
r += self.txn.serialize()
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CMerkleBlock(header=%s txn=%s)" % (repr(self.header), repr(self.txn))
class CCbTx:
__slots__ = ("version", "height", "merkleRootMNList", "merkleRootQuorums")
def __init__(self, version=None, height=None, merkleRootMNList=None, merkleRootQuorums=None):
if version is not None:
self.version = version
if height is not None:
self.height = height
if merkleRootMNList is not None:
self.merkleRootMNList = merkleRootMNList
if merkleRootQuorums is not None:
self.merkleRootQuorums = merkleRootQuorums
def set_null(self):
self.version = 0
self.height = 0
self.merkleRootMNList = None
def deserialize(self, f):
self.version = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
self.height = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.merkleRootMNList = deser_uint256(f)
if self.version >= 2:
self.merkleRootQuorums = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<H", self.version)
r += struct.pack("<i", self.height)
r += ser_uint256(self.merkleRootMNList)
if self.version >= 2:
r += ser_uint256(self.merkleRootQuorums)
return r
class CSimplifiedMNListEntry:
__slots__ = ("proRegTxHash", "confirmedHash", "service", "pubKeyOperator", "keyIDVoting", "isValid")
def __init__(self):
def set_null(self):
self.proRegTxHash = 0
self.confirmedHash = 0
self.service = CService()
self.pubKeyOperator = b'\x00' * 48
self.keyIDVoting = 0
self.isValid = False
def deserialize(self, f):
self.proRegTxHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.confirmedHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.pubKeyOperator = f.read(48)
self.keyIDVoting = f.read(20)
self.isValid = struct.unpack("<?", f.read(1))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_uint256(self.proRegTxHash)
r += ser_uint256(self.confirmedHash)
r += self.service.serialize()
r += self.pubKeyOperator
r += self.keyIDVoting
r += struct.pack("<?", self.isValid)
return r
class CFinalCommitment:
__slots__ = ("nVersion", "llmqType", "quorumHash", "quorumIndex", "signers", "validMembers", "quorumPublicKey",
"quorumVvecHash", "quorumSig", "membersSig")
def __init__(self):
def set_null(self):
self.nVersion = 0
self.llmqType = 0
self.quorumHash = 0
self.quorumIndex = 0
self.signers = []
self.validMembers = []
self.quorumPublicKey = b'\x00' * 48
self.quorumVvecHash = 0
self.quorumSig = b'\x00' * 96
self.membersSig = b'\x00' * 96
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
self.llmqType = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.quorumHash = deser_uint256(f)
if self.nVersion == 2:
self.quorumIndex = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
self.signers = deser_dyn_bitset(f, False)
self.validMembers = deser_dyn_bitset(f, False)
self.quorumPublicKey = f.read(48)
self.quorumVvecHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.quorumSig = f.read(96)
self.membersSig = f.read(96)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<H", self.nVersion)
r += struct.pack("<B", self.llmqType)
r += ser_uint256(self.quorumHash)
if self.nVersion == 2:
r += struct.pack("<H", self.quorumIndex)
r += ser_dyn_bitset(self.signers, False)
r += ser_dyn_bitset(self.validMembers, False)
r += self.quorumPublicKey
r += ser_uint256(self.quorumVvecHash)
r += self.quorumSig
r += self.membersSig
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "CFinalCommitment(nVersion={} llmqType={} quorumHash={:x} quorumIndex={} signers={}" \
" validMembers={} quorumPublicKey={} quorumVvecHash={:x}) quorumSig={} membersSig={})" \
.format(self.nVersion, self.llmqType, self.quorumHash, self.quorumIndex, repr(self.signers),
repr(self.validMembers), self.quorumPublicKey.hex(), self.quorumVvecHash, self.quorumSig.hex(), self.membersSig.hex())
class CGovernanceObject:
__slots__ = ("nHashParent", "nRevision", "nTime", "nCollateralHash", "vchData", "nObjectType",
"masternodeOutpoint", "vchSig")
def __init__(self):
self.nHashParent = 0
self.nRevision = 0
self.nTime = 0
self.nCollateralHash = 0
self.vchData = []
self.nObjectType = 0
self.masternodeOutpoint = COutPoint()
self.vchSig = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nHashParent = deser_uint256(f)
self.nRevision = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.nTime = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
self.nCollateralHash = deser_uint256(f)
size = deser_compact_size(f)
if size > 0:
self.vchData = f.read(size)
self.nObjectType = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
size = deser_compact_size(f)
if size > 0:
self.vchSig = f.read(size)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_uint256(self.nParentHash)
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nRevision)
r += struct.pack("<q", self.nTime)
r += deser_uint256(self.nCollateralHash)
r += deser_compact_size(len(self.vchData))
r += self.vchData
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nObjectType)
r += self.masternodeOutpoint.serialize()
r += deser_compact_size(len(self.vchSig))
r += self.vchSig
return r
class CGovernanceVote:
__slots__ = ("masternodeOutpoint", "nParentHash", "nVoteOutcome", "nVoteSignal", "nTime", "vchSig")
def __init__(self):
self.masternodeOutpoint = COutPoint()
self.nParentHash = 0
self.nVoteOutcome = 0
self.nVoteSignal = 0
self.nTime = 0
self.vchSig = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nParentHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.nVoteOutcome = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.nVoteSignal = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.nTime = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
size = deser_compact_size(f)
if size > 0:
self.vchSig = f.read(size)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.masternodeOutpoint.serialize()
r += ser_uint256(self.nParentHash)
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVoteOutcome)
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVoteSignal)
r += struct.pack("<q", self.nTime)
r += ser_compact_size(len(self.vchSig))
r += self.vchSig
return r
class CRecoveredSig:
__slots__ = ("llmqType", "quorumHash", "id", "msgHash", "sig")
def __init__(self):
self.llmqType = 0
self.quorumHash = 0
self.id = 0
self.msgHash = 0
self.sig = b'\x00' * 96
def deserialize(self, f):
self.llmqType = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.quorumHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.id = deser_uint256(f)
self.msgHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.sig = f.read(96)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.llmqType)
r += ser_uint256(self.quorumHash)
r += ser_uint256(self.id)
r += ser_uint256(self.msgHash)
r += self.sig
return r
class CSigShare:
__slots__ = ("llmqType", "quorumHash", "quorumMember", "id", "msgHash", "sigShare")
def __init__(self):
self.llmqType = 0
self.quorumHash = 0
self.quorumMember = 0
self.id = 0
self.msgHash = 0
self.sigShare = b'\x00' * 96
def deserialize(self, f):
self.llmqType = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.quorumHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.quorumMember = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
self.id = deser_uint256(f)
self.msgHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.sigShare = f.read(96)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.llmqType)
r += ser_uint256(self.quorumHash)
r += struct.pack("<H", self.quorumMember)
r += ser_uint256(self.id)
r += ser_uint256(self.msgHash)
r += self.sigShare
return r
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
class CBLSPublicKey:
__slots__ = ("data")
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
def __init__(self):
self.data = b'\x00' * 48
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
def deserialize(self, f):
self.data = f.read(48)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.data
return r
class CBLSIESEncryptedSecretKey:
__slots__ = ("ephemeral_pubKey", "iv", "data")
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
def __init__(self):
self.ephemeral_pubKey = b'\x00' * 48
self.iv = b'\x00' * 32
self.data = b'\x00' * 32
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
def deserialize(self, f):
self.ephemeral_pubKey = f.read(48)
self.iv = f.read(32)
data_size = deser_compact_size(f)
self.data = f.read(data_size)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.ephemeral_pubKey
r += self.iv
r += ser_compact_size(len(self.data))
r += self.data
return r
# Objects that correspond to messages on the wire
class msg_version:
__slots__ = ("addrFrom", "addrTo", "nNonce", "nRelay", "nServices",
"nStartingHeight", "nTime", "nVersion", "strSubVer")
command = b"version"
def __init__(self):
self.nVersion = MY_VERSION
self.nServices = 1
self.nTime = int(time.time())
self.addrTo = CAddress()
self.addrFrom = CAddress()
self.nNonce = random.getrandbits(64)
self.strSubVer = MY_SUBVERSION % b""
self.nStartingHeight = -1
self.nRelay = MY_RELAY
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
self.nServices = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
self.nTime = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
self.addrTo = CAddress()
self.addrTo.deserialize(f, False)
self.addrFrom = CAddress()
self.addrFrom.deserialize(f, False)
self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
self.strSubVer = deser_string(f)
self.nStartingHeight = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
if self.nVersion >= 70001:
# Relay field is optional for version 70001 onwards
self.nRelay = struct.unpack("<b", f.read(1))[0]
self.nRelay = 0
self.nRelay = 0
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nServices)
r += struct.pack("<q", self.nTime)
r += self.addrTo.serialize(False)
r += self.addrFrom.serialize(False)
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nNonce)
r += ser_string(self.strSubVer)
r += struct.pack("<i", self.nStartingHeight)
r += struct.pack("<b", self.nRelay)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return 'msg_version(nVersion=%i nServices=%i nTime=%s addrTo=%s addrFrom=%s nNonce=0x%016X strSubVer=%s nStartingHeight=%i nRelay=%i)' \
% (self.nVersion, self.nServices, time.ctime(self.nTime),
repr(self.addrTo), repr(self.addrFrom), self.nNonce,
self.strSubVer, self.nStartingHeight, self.nRelay)
class msg_verack:
__slots__ = ()
command = b"verack"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_verack()"
class msg_addr:
__slots__ = ("addrs",)
command = b"addr"
def __init__(self):
self.addrs = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.addrs = deser_vector(f, CAddress)
def serialize(self):
return ser_vector(self.addrs)
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_addr(addrs=%s)" % (repr(self.addrs))
class msg_addrv2:
__slots__ = ("addrs",)
# msgtype = b"addrv2"
command = b"addrv2"
def __init__(self):
self.addrs = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.addrs = deser_vector(f, CAddress, "deserialize_v2")
def serialize(self):
return ser_vector(self.addrs, "serialize_v2")
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_addrv2(addrs=%s)" % (repr(self.addrs))
class msg_sendaddrv2:
__slots__ = ()
# msgtype = b"sendaddrv2"
command = b"sendaddrv2"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_sendaddrv2()"
class msg_inv:
__slots__ = ("inv",)
command = b"inv"
def __init__(self, inv=None):
if inv is None:
self.inv = []
self.inv = inv
def deserialize(self, f):
self.inv = deser_vector(f, CInv)
def serialize(self):
return ser_vector(self.inv)
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_inv(inv=%s)" % (repr(self.inv))
class msg_getdata:
__slots__ = ("inv",)
command = b"getdata"
def __init__(self, inv=None):
self.inv = inv if inv is not None else []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.inv = deser_vector(f, CInv)
def serialize(self):
return ser_vector(self.inv)
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getdata(inv=%s)" % (repr(self.inv))
class msg_getblocks:
__slots__ = ("locator", "hashstop")
command = b"getblocks"
def __init__(self):
self.locator = CBlockLocator()
self.hashstop = 0
def deserialize(self, f):
self.locator = CBlockLocator()
self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.locator.serialize()
r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getblocks(locator=%s hashstop=%064x)" \
% (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
class msg_tx:
__slots__ = ("tx",)
command = b"tx"
def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction()):
self.tx = tx
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return self.tx.serialize()
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_tx(tx=%s)" % (repr(self.tx))
class msg_block:
__slots__ = ("block",)
command = b"block"
def __init__(self, block=None):
if block is None:
self.block = CBlock()
self.block = block
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return self.block.serialize()
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_block(block=%s)" % (repr(self.block))
# for cases where a user needs tighter control over what is sent over the wire
# note that the user must supply the name of the command, and the data
class msg_generic:
__slots__ = ("command", "data")
def __init__(self, command, data=None):
self.command = command
self.data = data
def serialize(self):
return self.data
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_generic()"
class msg_getaddr:
__slots__ = ()
command = b"getaddr"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getaddr()"
class msg_ping:
__slots__ = ("nonce",)
command = b"ping"
def __init__(self, nonce=0):
self.nonce = nonce
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_ping(nonce=%08x)" % self.nonce
class msg_pong:
__slots__ = ("nonce",)
command = b"pong"
def __init__(self, nonce=0):
self.nonce = nonce
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_pong(nonce=%08x)" % self.nonce
class msg_mempool:
__slots__ = ()
command = b"mempool"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_mempool()"
class msg_notfound:
__slots__ = ("vec", )
command = b"notfound"
def __init__(self, vec=None):
self.vec = vec or []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.vec = deser_vector(f, CInv)
def serialize(self):
return ser_vector(self.vec)
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_notfound(vec=%s)" % (repr(self.vec))
class msg_sendheaders:
__slots__ = ()
command = b"sendheaders"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_sendheaders()"
class msg_sendheaders2:
__slots__ = ()
command = b"sendheaders2"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_sendheaders2()"
# getheaders message has
# number of entries
# vector of hashes
# hash_stop (hash of last desired block header, 0 to get as many as possible)
class msg_getheaders:
__slots__ = ("hashstop", "locator",)
command = b"getheaders"
def __init__(self):
self.locator = CBlockLocator()
self.hashstop = 0
def deserialize(self, f):
self.locator = CBlockLocator()
self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.locator.serialize()
r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getheaders(locator=%s, stop=%064x)" \
% (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
# same as msg_getheaders, but to request the headers compressed
class msg_getheaders2:
__slots__ = ("hashstop", "locator",)
command = b"getheaders2"
def __init__(self):
self.locator = CBlockLocator()
self.hashstop = 0
def deserialize(self, f):
self.locator = CBlockLocator()
self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.locator.serialize()
r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getheaders2(locator=%s, stop=%064x)" \
% (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
# headers message has
# <count> <vector of block headers>
class msg_headers:
__slots__ = ("headers",)
command = b"headers"
def __init__(self, headers=None):
self.headers = headers if headers is not None else []
def deserialize(self, f):
# comment in dashd indicates these should be deserialized as blocks
blocks = deser_vector(f, CBlock)
for x in blocks:
def serialize(self):
blocks = [CBlock(x) for x in self.headers]
return ser_vector(blocks)
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_headers(headers=%s)" % repr(self.headers)
# headers message has
# <count> <vector of compressed block headers>
class msg_headers2:
__slots__ = ("headers",)
command = b"headers2"
def __init__(self, headers=None):
self.headers = headers if headers is not None else []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.headers = deser_vector(f, CompressibleBlockHeader)
last_unique_versions = []
for idx in range(len(self.headers)):
self.headers[idx].uncompress(self.headers[:idx], last_unique_versions)
def serialize(self):
last_unique_versions = []
for idx in range(len(self.headers)):
self.headers[idx].compress(self.headers[:idx], last_unique_versions)
return ser_vector(self.headers)
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_headers2(headers=%s)" % repr(self.headers)
class msg_reject:
__slots__ = ("code", "data", "message", "reason")
command = b"reject"
def __init__(self):
self.message = b""
self.code = 0
self.reason = b""
self.data = 0
def deserialize(self, f):
self.message = deser_string(f)
self.code = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.reason = deser_string(f)
if (self.code != self.REJECT_MALFORMED and
(self.message == b"block" or self.message == b"tx")):
self.data = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = ser_string(self.message)
r += struct.pack("<B", self.code)
r += ser_string(self.reason)
if (self.code != self.REJECT_MALFORMED and
(self.message == b"block" or self.message == b"tx")):
r += ser_uint256(self.data)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_reject: %s %d %s [%064x]" \
% (self.message, self.code, self.reason, self.data)
class msg_sendcmpct:
__slots__ = ("announce", "version")
command = b"sendcmpct"
def __init__(self):
self.announce = False
self.version = 1
def deserialize(self, f):
self.announce = struct.unpack("<?", f.read(1))[0]
self.version = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<?", self.announce)
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.version)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_sendcmpct(announce=%s, version=%lu)" % (self.announce, self.version)
class msg_cmpctblock:
__slots__ = ("header_and_shortids",)
command = b"cmpctblock"
def __init__(self, header_and_shortids = None):
self.header_and_shortids = header_and_shortids
def deserialize(self, f):
self.header_and_shortids = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs()
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.header_and_shortids.serialize()
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_cmpctblock(HeaderAndShortIDs=%s)" % repr(self.header_and_shortids)
class msg_getblocktxn:
__slots__ = ("block_txn_request",)
command = b"getblocktxn"
def __init__(self):
self.block_txn_request = None
def deserialize(self, f):
self.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest()
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.block_txn_request.serialize()
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getblocktxn(block_txn_request=%s)" % (repr(self.block_txn_request))
class msg_blocktxn:
__slots__ = ("block_transactions",)
command = b"blocktxn"
def __init__(self):
self.block_transactions = BlockTransactions()
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += self.block_transactions.serialize()
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_blocktxn(block_transactions=%s)" % (repr(self.block_transactions))
class msg_getmnlistd:
__slots__ = ("baseBlockHash", "blockHash",)
command = b"getmnlistd"
def __init__(self, baseBlockHash=0, blockHash=0):
self.baseBlockHash = baseBlockHash
self.blockHash = blockHash
def deserialize(self, f):
self.baseBlockHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.blockHash = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_uint256(self.baseBlockHash)
r += ser_uint256(self.blockHash)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getmnlistd(baseBlockHash=%064x, blockHash=%064x)" % (self.baseBlockHash, self.blockHash)
QuorumId = namedtuple('QuorumId', ['llmqType', 'quorumHash'])
class msg_mnlistdiff:
__slots__ = ("baseBlockHash", "blockHash", "merkleProof", "cbTx", "deletedMNs", "mnList", "deletedQuorums", "newQuorums",)
command = b"mnlistdiff"
def __init__(self):
self.baseBlockHash = 0
self.blockHash = 0
self.merkleProof = CPartialMerkleTree()
self.cbTx = None
self.deletedMNs = []
self.mnList = []
self.deletedQuorums = []
self.newQuorums = []
def deserialize(self, f):
self.baseBlockHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.blockHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.cbTx = CTransaction()
self.deletedMNs = deser_uint256_vector(f)
self.mnList = []
for i in range(deser_compact_size(f)):
e = CSimplifiedMNListEntry()
self.deletedQuorums = []
for i in range(deser_compact_size(f)):
llmqType = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
quorumHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.deletedQuorums.append(QuorumId(llmqType, quorumHash))
self.newQuorums = []
for i in range(deser_compact_size(f)):
qc = CFinalCommitment()
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_mnlistdiff(baseBlockHash=%064x, blockHash=%064x)" % (self.baseBlockHash, self.blockHash)
class msg_clsig:
__slots__ = ("height", "blockHash", "sig",)
command = b"clsig"
def __init__(self, height=0, blockHash=0, sig=b'\x00' * 96):
self.height = height
self.blockHash = blockHash
self.sig = sig
def deserialize(self, f):
self.height = struct.unpack('<i', f.read(4))[0]
self.blockHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.sig = f.read(96)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack('<i', self.height)
r += ser_uint256(self.blockHash)
r += self.sig
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_clsig(height=%d, blockHash=%064x)" % (self.height, self.blockHash)
class msg_islock:
__slots__ = ("inputs", "txid", "sig",)
command = b"islock"
def __init__(self, inputs=[], txid=0, sig=b'\x00' * 96):
self.inputs = inputs
self.txid = txid
self.sig = sig
def deserialize(self, f):
self.inputs = deser_vector(f, COutPoint)
self.txid = deser_uint256(f)
self.sig = f.read(96)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_vector(self.inputs)
r += ser_uint256(self.txid)
r += self.sig
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_islock(inputs=%s, txid=%064x)" % (repr(self.inputs), self.txid)
class msg_isdlock:
__slots__ = ("nVersion", "inputs", "txid", "cycleHash", "sig")
command = b"isdlock"
def __init__(self, nVersion=1, inputs=[], txid=0, cycleHash=0, sig=b'\x00' * 96):
self.nVersion = nVersion
self.inputs = inputs
self.txid = txid
self.cycleHash = cycleHash
self.sig = sig
def deserialize(self, f):
self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.inputs = deser_vector(f, COutPoint)
self.txid = deser_uint256(f)
self.cycleHash = deser_uint256(f)
self.sig = f.read(96)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.nVersion)
r += ser_vector(self.inputs)
r += ser_uint256(self.txid)
r += ser_uint256(self.cycleHash)
r += self.sig
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_isdlock(nVersion=%d, inputs=%s, txid=%064x, cycleHash=%064x)" % \
(self.nVersion, repr(self.inputs), self.txid, self.cycleHash)
class msg_qsigshare:
__slots__ = ("sig_shares",)
command = b"qsigshare"
def __init__(self, sig_shares=[]):
self.sig_shares = sig_shares
def deserialize(self, f):
self.sig_shares = deser_vector(f, CSigShare)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += ser_vector(self.sig_shares)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_qsigshare(sigShares=%d)" % (len(self.sig_shares))
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
class msg_qwatch:
__slots__ = ()
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
command = b"qwatch"
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, f):
def serialize(self):
return b""
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_qwatch()"
class msg_qgetdata:
__slots__ = ("quorum_hash", "quorum_type", "data_mask", "protx_hash")
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
command = b"qgetdata"
def __init__(self, quorum_hash=0, quorum_type=-1, data_mask=0, protx_hash=0):
self.quorum_hash = quorum_hash
self.quorum_type = quorum_type
self.data_mask = data_mask
self.protx_hash = protx_hash
def deserialize(self, f):
self.quorum_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.quorum_hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.data_mask = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
self.protx_hash = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.quorum_type)
r += ser_uint256(self.quorum_hash)
r += struct.pack("<H", self.data_mask)
r += ser_uint256(self.protx_hash)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_qgetdata(quorum_hash=%064x, quorum_type=%d, data_mask=%d, protx_hash=%064x)" % (
class msg_qdata:
__slots__ = ("quorum_hash", "quorum_type", "data_mask", "protx_hash", "error", "quorum_vvec", "enc_contributions",)
llmq|rpc|test|version: Implement P2P messages QGETDATA <-> QDATA (#3953) * version: Bump PROTOCOL_VERSION and MIN_MASTERNODE_PROTO_VERSION * version: Introduce LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION for QGETDATA/QDATA support * test: Bump MY_VERSION to 70219 (LLMQ_DATA_MESSAGES_VERSION) * llmq: Introduce CQuorumDataRequest as wrapper for QGETDATA requests * llmq: Implement CQuorum::{SetVerificationVector, SetSecretKeyShare} * llmq|net|protocol: Implement QGETDATA/QDATA P2P messages * llmq: Restrict processing QGETDATA/QDATA to masternodes only * llmq: Implement request limiting for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Implement CQuorumManger::RequestQuorumData * rpc: Implement "quorum getdata" as wrapper around QGETDATA Allows to trigger sending QGETDATA messages to connected peers by RPC. * test: Handle QGETDATA/QDATA messages in mininode * test: Add data structures to support QGETDATA/QDATA * test: Add some helper in test_framework.py * test: Implement tests for QGETDATA/QDATA in p2p_quorum_data.py * test: Add p2p_quorum_data.py to BASE_SCRIPTS * llmq|test: Add QWATCH support for QGETDATA/QDATA * llmq: Store CQuorumPtr in cache, not CQuorumCPtr * llmq: Fix cache usage after recent changes * Use uacomment to create/find specific p2ps * No need to use network adjusted time here, GetTime should be enough * rpc: check proTxHash * minor tweaks * test: Adjustments after 4e27d6513e0073ed848ede262cfec82a9134abc0 * llmq: Rename and improve error lambda in CQuorumManager::ProcessMessage * llmq: Process QDATA if -watchquorums is enabled * test: Handle qwatch messages in mininode * test: Add test for -watchquorums support * test: Just some empty lines * test: Properly stop the p2p network thread at the end of the test * rpc: Adjust "quorum getdata" parameter descriptions Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * rpc: Fix optionality of proTxHash in "quorum getdata" command * test: Test optionality of proTxHash for "quorum getdata" command * test: Be more specific about imports in p2p_quorum_data.py * llmq|rpc: Add some comments about the request.GetDataMask checks * test: Some more empty lines * rpc: One more parameter description Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> * test: Unify assert statements / drop parentheses for all of them * fix typo Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * adjust some line wrapping to 80 chars Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * tests: Seperate out into dif atomic methods, add logging Signed-off-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org> * test: Avoid restarting masternodes, just let available requests expire Just takes a lot time and isn't required imo. * test: Drop redundant code/tests after separation This was introduced in 9e224ec2f2ef4a58adaf0f9d4ffe110e379718ef * test: Merge three tests "test_mnauth_restriction", "test_invalid_messages" and "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata" with the resulting name "test_basics" because i don't feel like DKG recovery thing should be part of a test called "test_invalid_messages" and giving it an own test probably wouldn't make a lot sense because it would still depend on "test_invalid_messages". I also think there is no need for a separated "test_invalid_unexpected_qdata". * test: Rename test_ratelimiting_banscore -> test_request_limit * test: Apply python style * test: Wrap all at 120 characters Thats the default "draw annoying warnings" setting for PyCharm (and IMO a reasonable line length). * test: Move some variables * test: Optimize for speed * tests: use wait_until in get_mininode_id * test: Don't use `!=` to check for `None` Co-authored-by: UdjinM6 <UdjinM6@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: PastaPastaPasta <6443210+PastaPastaPasta@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: pasta <pasta@dashboost.org>
2021-01-28 23:33:18 +01:00
command = b"qdata"
def __init__(self):
self.quorum_type = 0
self.quorum_hash = 0
self.data_mask = 0
self.protx_hash = 0
self.error = 0
self.quorum_vvec = list()
self.enc_contributions = list()
def deserialize(self, f):
self.quorum_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.quorum_hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.data_mask = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
self.protx_hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.error = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
if self.error == 0:
if self.data_mask & 0x01:
self.quorum_vvec = deser_vector(f, CBLSPublicKey)
if self.data_mask & 0x02:
self.enc_contributions = deser_vector(f, CBLSIESEncryptedSecretKey)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.quorum_type)
r += ser_uint256(self.quorum_hash)
r += struct.pack("<H", self.data_mask)
r += ser_uint256(self.protx_hash)
r += struct.pack("<B", self.error)
if self.error == 0:
if self.data_mask & 0x01:
r += ser_vector(self.quorum_vvec)
if self.data_mask & 0x02:
r += ser_vector(self.enc_contributions)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_qdata(error=%d, quorum_vvec=%d, enc_contributions=%d)" % (self.error, len(self.quorum_vvec),
class msg_getcfilters:
__slots__ = ("filter_type", "start_height", "stop_hash")
command = b"getcfilters"
def __init__(self, filter_type, start_height, stop_hash):
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.start_height = start_height
self.stop_hash = stop_hash
def deserialize(self, f):
self.filter_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.start_height = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.stop_hash = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.filter_type)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.start_height)
r += ser_uint256(self.stop_hash)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getcfilters(filter_type={:#x}, start_height={}, stop_hash={:x})".format(
self.filter_type, self.start_height, self.stop_hash)
class msg_cfilter:
__slots__ = ("filter_type", "block_hash", "filter_data")
command = b"cfilter"
def __init__(self, filter_type=None, block_hash=None, filter_data=None):
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.block_hash = block_hash
self.filter_data = filter_data
def deserialize(self, f):
self.filter_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.block_hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.filter_data = deser_string(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.filter_type)
r += ser_uint256(self.block_hash)
r += ser_string(self.filter_data)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_cfilter(filter_type={:#x}, block_hash={:x})".format(
self.filter_type, self.block_hash)
class msg_getcfheaders:
__slots__ = ("filter_type", "start_height", "stop_hash")
command = b"getcfheaders"
def __init__(self, filter_type, start_height, stop_hash):
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.start_height = start_height
self.stop_hash = stop_hash
def deserialize(self, f):
self.filter_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.start_height = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.stop_hash = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.filter_type)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.start_height)
r += ser_uint256(self.stop_hash)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getcfheaders(filter_type={:#x}, start_height={}, stop_hash={:x})".format(
self.filter_type, self.start_height, self.stop_hash)
class msg_cfheaders:
__slots__ = ("filter_type", "stop_hash", "prev_header", "hashes")
command = b"cfheaders"
def __init__(self, filter_type=None, stop_hash=None, prev_header=None, hashes=None):
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.stop_hash = stop_hash
self.prev_header = prev_header
self.hashes = hashes
def deserialize(self, f):
self.filter_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.stop_hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.prev_header = deser_uint256(f)
self.hashes = deser_uint256_vector(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.filter_type)
r += ser_uint256(self.stop_hash)
r += ser_uint256(self.prev_header)
r += ser_uint256_vector(self.hashes)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_cfheaders(filter_type={:#x}, stop_hash={:x})".format(
self.filter_type, self.stop_hash)
class msg_getcfcheckpt:
__slots__ = ("filter_type", "stop_hash")
command = b"getcfcheckpt"
def __init__(self, filter_type, stop_hash):
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.stop_hash = stop_hash
def deserialize(self, f):
self.filter_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.stop_hash = deser_uint256(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.filter_type)
r += ser_uint256(self.stop_hash)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_getcfcheckpt(filter_type={:#x}, stop_hash={:x})".format(
self.filter_type, self.stop_hash)
class msg_cfcheckpt:
__slots__ = ("filter_type", "stop_hash", "headers")
command = b"cfcheckpt"
def __init__(self, filter_type=None, stop_hash=None, headers=None):
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.stop_hash = stop_hash
self.headers = headers
def deserialize(self, f):
self.filter_type = struct.unpack("<B", f.read(1))[0]
self.stop_hash = deser_uint256(f)
self.headers = deser_uint256_vector(f)
def serialize(self):
r = b""
r += struct.pack("<B", self.filter_type)
r += ser_uint256(self.stop_hash)
r += ser_uint256_vector(self.headers)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return "msg_cfcheckpt(filter_type={:#x}, stop_hash={:x})".format(
self.filter_type, self.stop_hash)