
252 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# errata:
# - sudo/dist/group are set so as to get Blue Box VMs, necessary for [loopback]
# IPv6 support
version: ~> 1.0
dist: bionic
os: linux
language: minimal
arch: amd64
- docker
Merge #12134: Build previous releases and run functional tests c456145b2c65f580683df03bf10cd39000cf24d5 [test] add 0.19 backwards compatibility tests (Sjors Provoost) b769cd142deda74fe46e231cc7b687a86514f2f1 [test] add v0.17.1 wallet upgrade test (Sjors Provoost) 9d9390dab716f07057c94e8e21f3c7dd06192f35 [tests] add wallet backwards compatility tests (Sjors Provoost) c7ca6308968b29a0e0edc485cd06e68e5edb7c7d [scripts] support release candidates of earlier releases (Sjors Provoost) 8b1460dbd1b732f06d4cebe1fa6844286c7a0056 [tests] check v0.17.1 and v0.18.1 backwards compatibility (Sjors Provoost) ae379cf7d12943fc192d58176673bcfe7d53da53 [scripts] build earlier releases (Sjors Provoost) Pull request description: This PR adds binaries for 0.17, 0.18 and 0.19 to Travis and runs a basic block propagation test. Includes test for upgrading v0.17.1 wallets and opening master wallets with older versions. Usage: ```sh contrib/devtools/previous_release.sh -f -b v0.19.0.1 v0.18.1 v0.17.1 test/functional/backwards_compatibility.py ``` Travis caches these earlier releases, so it should be able to run these tests with little performance impact. Additional scenarios where it might be useful to run tests against earlier releases: * creating a wallet with #11403's segwit implementation, copying it to an older node and making sure the user didn't lose any funds (although this PR doesn't support `v0.15.1`) * future consensus changes * P2P changes (e.g. to make sure we don't accidentally ban old nodes) ACKs for top commit: MarcoFalke: ACK c456145b2c65f580683df03bf10cd39000cf24d5 🔨 Tree-SHA512: 360bd870603f95b14dc0cd629532cc147344f632b808617c18e1b585dfb1f082b401e5d493a48196b719e0aeaee533ae0a773dfc9f217f704aae898576c19232
2020-02-12 15:19:50 +01:00
- $BASE_BUILD_DIR/releases/$HOST
- secure: "J0T+zrRBBzBnxoioCD378cRSJUF8Vms32QMmrENVVfuJl03oBQv0QxSatLEiD4PtRPrN00mJ8/k/HdqFQ0SN1yg6a00duOZ6C9jk6t/fExBO1LNhp3Z7lcaMUrNEyRN6sgfVeznDVTGj9jBQU2HNlwHk0UD9BNp/k+Bjhrtw7Njp9JTLZKBgxrXk0WZmfk0d75Q+9DajA1j2tSfWVpwzv6HMGfqIH1wsVEakBY+tnaE6EO3IdzdWHhf/iV+Tx0tL0Qz/6mejgSuoGLTJLmeTrceTTmsDlN3B95y+XfcYDs6EP7gpzN8Ffg/mLV8xJ2Myj7+b1o+smMJZE5tLuPIeAu0YsfkPNa/tNLotOlDxF72per0kXyNYbRf+JrpxiOu9pLCtdtd40V2SsiNhpQqHVy+b+wkkqo2syTHT+9UNkqEi3WFm6TqFuOeQNtDm6R0hRl/Talw/ZEeKs68z1Cf6VyBrZG5LqtOurtWlKwXCe/Tr1i2g4BEAcbywphtCCcfgMK9YSGQnjKkGk6k9gVEa2bneYLZz1RSh2OpXnIsIJOX7X0hNd5xtQDLgbpSUlKwVcEriWeGe12GCszKNX9gdEo2bHeq4xAJ6BE+ot745z9dc+nC2BJ6Su+I5L6zBg4m2FWn0TWhPvz/6JR26t6ls/E7m+hkwJTCHnIUiFmmzpEw="
- secure: "RLzlMhfLqwSBrZqJOVOd61suXBn+HtUR3vOZfuFYF/Qmjjj5TE41+rObZmzc54hP/ZL+OH6blnibpvfDXlX+eN38ivFQfuxkJIGL68SJsEwNBRwW39Yw6Hl5RdI41MLCH7ByN15wifLp1JKBilHJ7XGMOUjI7P0yl7JjX8GBXUCtJbVLRugo80/yn+XQ1NdnlpbpYHNjMEQFWSODPa3pSK5McWvyQjDZDgS+IkdrZmIYJPMa7bmKH5I/edUPSmXQT905FgEwq9u8XR0SyBopli21EK9l6GkXIIvmDTYz5vT26Apvi2B4Aoazlklg+KNRUJuLGerpt6kbnU0gMSUChVkFfFhOk6GRSN3a/AUfD2FOudvMhet2QvlPHx+GYdEUr5XVo5HW42pHsqfD6eDtHd8VLTsHP0q4C8V85fNMv21lkkehy2ry8fx/RRy6x4O2wg2mua+79UkGKXp75gMKzWEcth34PCFCOu37l2F8R/ANnrQ52K/8vIQ88TtU2OpYX89fHjLojBxu+WKEBGZH2LRPsZBOUHeeO5C/xKDrhZU24ORnMW8wg66Qg5GIX1KI4a8yp73Mpues5hzpJ6wkMuRrQt40ymKndLCjv8KSd+5BfP6Or/KIrzDNYdZaasjk7JNi6rcZmm9d3fTAo+Ja/mjpUCIOo3SX14luzVCJIig="
- build depends
- build src
- run tests
- build docker
builddepends: &builddepends
stage: build depends
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_depends.sh
buildsrc: &buildsrc
stage: build src
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_depends.sh
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_src.sh
runtests: &runtests
stage: run tests
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_depends.sh
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_src.sh
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/test_unittests.sh
- if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then extended="--extended --exclude feature_pruning,feature_dbcrash"; fi
- $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/test_integrationtests.sh --quiet --jobs=3 ${extended}
builddocker: &builddocker
stage: build docker
# no need to run tests again here
- if [ "$DOCKER_BUILD" = "true" ]; then $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_depends.sh && $DOCKER_RUN_IN_BUILDER ./ci/dash/build_src.sh && BUILD_DIR=build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET ./ci/dash/build-docker.sh; fi
- CI_RETRY_EXE="travis_retry"
- CACHE_ERR_MSG="Error! Initial build successful, but not enough time remains to run later build stages and tests. See https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#build-timeouts . Please manually re-run this job by using the travis restart button. The next run should not time out because the build cache has been saved."
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/00_setup_env.sh
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/03_before_install.sh
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/04_install.sh
# Temporary workaround for https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16368
- for i in {1..4}; do echo "$(sleep 500)" ; done &
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/test/05_before_script.sh &> "/dev/null"
- if [[ $SECONDS -gt 1200 ]]; then set +o errexit; echo "Travis early exit to cache current state"; false; else set -o errexit; source .travis/test_06_script.sh; fi
# build depends
- <<: *builddepends
name: depends-arm-linux
env: BUILD_TARGET=arm-linux
- <<: *builddepends
name: depends-win64
env: BUILD_TARGET=win64
- <<: *builddepends
name: depends-linux64
env: BUILD_TARGET=linux64
- <<: *builddepends
name: depends-linux64_nowallet
env: BUILD_TARGET=linux64_nowallet
- <<: *builddepends
name: depends-linux64_release
- BUILD_TARGET=linux64_release
- <<: *builddepends
name: depends-mac
# build source
- <<: *buildsrc
name: src-arm-linux
env: BUILD_TARGET=arm-linux
- <<: *buildsrc
name: src-win64
env: BUILD_TARGET=win64
- <<: *buildsrc
name: src-linux64
env: BUILD_TARGET=linux64
- <<: *buildsrc
name: src-linux64_nowallet
env: BUILD_TARGET=linux64_nowallet
- <<: *buildsrc
name: src-linux64_release
- BUILD_TARGET=linux64_release
- <<: *buildsrc
name: src-mac
# run tests (no tests for arm-linux and mac)
- <<: *runtests
name: tests-win64
env: BUILD_TARGET=win64
- <<: *runtests
name: tests-linux64
env: BUILD_TARGET=linux64
- <<: *runtests
name: tests-linux64_nowallet
env: BUILD_TARGET=linux64_nowallet
- <<: *runtests
name: tests-linux64_release
- BUILD_TARGET=linux64_release
# build docker
- <<: *builddocker
name: docker-linux64_release
- BUILD_TARGET=linux64_release
# Save builder image
- docker save dash-builder-$BUILD_TARGET-$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER $(docker history -q dash-builder-$BUILD_TARGET-$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER | grep -v \<missing\>) | gzip -2 > $HOME/cache/docker/dash-builder-$BUILD_TARGET.tar.gz
# Fix annoying Travis bug: a branch with a single commit has an empty TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE sometimes
- if [ -z "$TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE" ]; then export TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE="HEAD~..HEAD"; fi
# Our scripts try to be Travis agnostic
- export HOST_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/cache
- export TRAVIS_COMMIT_LOG=`git log --format=fuller -1`
- source ./ci/matrix.sh
- mkdir -p $HOST_CACHE_DIR/docker && mkdir -p $HOST_CACHE_DIR/ccache && mkdir -p $HOST_CACHE_DIR/depends && mkdir -p $HOST_CACHE_DIR/sdk-sources
# Keep this as it makes caching related debugging easier
- ls -lah $HOST_CACHE_DIR && ls -lah $HOST_CACHE_DIR/depends && ls -lah $HOST_CACHE_DIR/ccache && ls -lah $HOST_CACHE_DIR/docker
# Load cached builder image
- if [ -f $HOST_CACHE_DIR/docker/dash-builder-$BUILD_TARGET.tar.gz ]; then zcat $HOST_CACHE_DIR/docker/dash-builder-$BUILD_TARGET.tar.gz | docker load || true; fi
- travis_retry docker pull ubuntu:focal
- travis_retry docker build -t $BUILDER_IMAGE_NAME --build-arg=USER_ID=$UID --build-arg=GROUP_ID=$UID --build-arg=BUILD_TARGET=$BUILD_TARGET -f contrib/containers/ci/Dockerfile ci
# Make sure stdout is in blocking mode. Otherwise builds will fail due to large writes to stdout
# See https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/4704. If this gets fixed, this line can also be removed.
- python3 -c 'import os,sys,fcntl; flags = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL); fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags&~os.O_NONBLOCK);'
# Build docker image only for develop branch of the main repo
- if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "dashpay/dash" -o "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "develop" -o "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then export DOCKER_BUILD="false"; echo DOCKER_BUILD=$DOCKER_BUILD; fi
# TODO(ignore if don't use travis): Check keys and signed commits
#- if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "dashpay/dash" -a "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then travis_retry gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys $(<contrib/verify-commits/trusted-keys); fi
#- if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "dashpay/dash" -a "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then travis_wait 30 contrib/verify-commits/verify-commits.py; fi
- if [ "$DOCKER_BUILD" = "true" ]; then docker login -u $DOCKER_HUB_USER -p $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD && ./ci/dash/push-docker.sh; fi
- stage: lint
name: 'lint'
Merge #18581: ci: Print ccache stats, add pip cache, and cleanups 73f83036298e4932772704b2d5359c78d81bd7cc ci: Add pip cache (Hennadii Stepanov) 6d480667b24dc630e7c3fe7ff032cbe1a958ab77 ci: Print ccache statistics summary (Hennadii Stepanov) a6eea715ff549febe6d4bd52f17acb50abd99120 ci: Drop unused WINEDEBUG variable (Hennadii Stepanov) Pull request description: The Travis [pip cache](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/caching/#pip-cache) is free and saves a dozen of seconds :) Here are some excerpts from the Travis logs with `ccache` statistics (I found useful): 2) [Arm64](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507749) ``` ccache version 3.6 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats updated Fri Apr 10 18:21:06 2020 stats zeroed Fri Apr 10 18:03:04 2020 cache hit (direct) 156 cache hit (preprocessed) 198 cache miss 143 cache hit rate 71.23 % called for link 8 cleanups performed 9 files in cache 1255 cache size 80.6 MB max cache size 100.0 MB ``` 3) [s390x](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507750) ``` ccache version 3.4.1 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats zero time Fri Apr 10 17:15:35 2020 cache hit (direct) 115 cache hit (preprocessed) 163 cache miss 94 cache hit rate 74.73 % called for link 6 cleanups performed 0 files in cache 804 cache size 304.8 MB max cache size 5.0 GB ``` 4) [Win64](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507751) ``` ccache version 3.4.1 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats zero time Fri Apr 10 17:38:07 2020 cache hit (direct) 147 cache hit (preprocessed) 199 cache miss 138 cache hit rate 71.49 % called for link 7 cleanups performed 7 files in cache 1242 cache size 87.0 MB max cache size 100.0 MB ``` 5) [CentOS 7](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507752) ``` ccache version 3.7.7 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats updated Fri Apr 10 17:45:59 2020 stats zeroed Fri Apr 10 17:34:27 2020 cache hit (direct) 152 cache hit (preprocessed) 200 cache miss 144 cache hit rate 70.97 % called for link 8 cleanups performed 4 files in cache 1352 cache size 86.1 MB max cache size 100.0 MB ``` 6) [bionic](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507753) ``` ccache version 3.4.1 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats zero time Fri Apr 10 17:21:10 2020 cache hit (direct) 136 cache hit (preprocessed) 35 cache miss 330 cache hit rate 34.13 % called for link 8 cleanups performed 18 files in cache 1302 cache size 83.8 MB max cache size 100.0 MB ``` 7) [xenial](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507754) ``` ccache version 3.2.4 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf cache hit (direct) 161 cache hit (preprocessed) 174 cache miss 95 called for link 7 files in cache 3411 cache size 1.1 GB max cache size 5.0 GB ``` 10) [focal](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507757) ``` ccache version 3.7.7 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats updated Fri Apr 10 17:35:57 2020 stats zeroed Fri Apr 10 17:21:32 2020 cache hit (direct) 78 cache hit (preprocessed) 125 cache miss 107 cache hit rate 65.48 % called for link 120 cleanups performed 0 files in cache 6218 cache size 1.8 GB max cache size 5.0 GB ``` 14) [macOS 10.12](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507761) ``` ccache version 3.4.1 cache directory /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /home/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /etc/ccache.conf stats zero time Fri Apr 10 17:47:19 2020 cache hit (direct) 28 cache hit (preprocessed) 1 cache miss 469 cache hit rate 5.82 % called for link 8 cleanups performed 17 files in cache 1946 cache size 82.6 MB max cache size 100.0 MB ``` 15) [macOS 10.14 native](https://travis-ci.org/github/bitcoin/bitcoin/jobs/673507762) ``` ccache version 3.7.8 cache directory /Users/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache primary config /Users/travis/build/bitcoin/bitcoin/ci/scratch/.ccache/ccache.conf secondary config (readonly) /usr/local/Cellar/ccache/3.7.8/etc/ccache.conf stats updated Fri Apr 10 17:38:44 2020 stats zeroed Fri Apr 10 17:22:36 2020 cache hit (direct) 213 cache hit (preprocessed) 293 cache miss 144 cache hit rate 77.85 % called for link 11 called for preprocessing 56 compile failed 30 preprocessor error 56 bad compiler arguments 14 autoconf compile/link 77 no input file 66 cleanups performed 0 files in cache 1564 cache size 284.6 MB max cache size 5.0 GB ``` Top commit has no ACKs. Tree-SHA512: f9f2c6d72680bafc7a982efc04dc37ab9bba77ffd2a4cbbc56bb0e86c5c3501d57aa2f0ebeac0113e9d8daac1ee4eac1eddf74c1172c267b37ee2d9324366c8a
2020-04-13 17:44:59 +02:00
cache: pip
language: python
python: '3.8' # Oldest supported version according to doc/dependencies.md
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/lint/04_install.sh
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/lint/05_before_script.sh
- set -o errexit; source ./ci/lint/06_script.sh
- stage: test
name: 'ARM [GOAL: install] [focal] [unit tests, no functional tests]'
arch: arm64 # Can disable QEMU_USER_CMD and run the tests natively without qemu
env: >-
- stage: test
name: 'S390x [GOAL: install] [focal] [unit tests, functional tests]'
arch: s390x # Can disable QEMU_USER_CMD and run the tests natively without qemu
env: >-
- stage: test
Merge #15382: util: add RunCommandParseJSON 31cf68a3ad1f0a5537c8419e2912b55fbfb88fa0 [util] add RunCommandParseJSON (Sjors Provoost) c17f54ee535faaedf9033717403e1f775b5f1530 [ci] use boost::process (Sjors Provoost) 32128ba682033560d6eb2e4848a9f77a842016d2 [doc] include Doxygen comments for HAVE_BOOST_PROCESS (Sjors Provoost) 3c84d85f7d218fa27e9343c5cd1a55e519218980 [build] msvc: add boost::process (Sjors Provoost) c47e4bbf0b44f2de1278f9538124ec98ee0815bb [build] make boost-process opt-in (Sjors Provoost) 929cda5470f98d1ef85c05b1cad4e2fb9227e3b0 configure: add ax_boost_process (Sjors Provoost) 8314c23d7b39fc36dde8b40b03b6efbe96f85698 [depends] boost: patch unused variable in boost_process (Sjors Provoost) Pull request description: Prerequisite for external signer support in #16546. Big picture overview in [this gist](https://gist.github.com/Sjors/29d06728c685e6182828c1ce9b74483d). This adds a new dependency [boost process](https://github.com/boostorg/process/tree/boost-1.64.0). This is part of Boost since 1.64 which is part of `depends`. Because the minimum Boost version is 1.47, this functionality is skipped for older versions of Boost. Use `./configure --with-boost-process` to opt in, which checks for the presence of Boost::Process. We add `UniValue runCommandParseJSON(const std::string& strCommand)` to `system.{h,cpp}` which calls an arbitrary command and processes the JSON returned by it. This is currently only called by the test suite. ~For testing purposes this adds a new regtest-only RPC method `runcommand`, as well as `test/mocks/command.py` used by functional tests.~ (this is no longer the case) TODO: - [ ] review boost process in #15440 ACKs for top commit: achow101: ACK 31cf68a3ad1f0a5537c8419e2912b55fbfb88fa0 hebasto: re-ACK 31cf68a3ad1f0a5537c8419e2912b55fbfb88fa0, only rebased (verified with `git range-diff`) and removed an unintentional tab character since the [previous](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/15382#pullrequestreview-458371035) review. meshcollider: Very light utACK 31cf68a3ad1f0a5537c8419e2912b55fbfb88fa0, although I am not very confident with build stuff. promag: Code review ACK 31cf68a3ad1f0a5537c8419e2912b55fbfb88fa0, don't mind the nit. ryanofsky: Code review ACK 31cf68a3ad1f0a5537c8419e2912b55fbfb88fa0. I left some comments below that could be ignored or followed up later. The current change is clean and comprehensive. Tree-SHA512: c506e747014b263606e1f538ed4624a8ad7bcf4e025cb700c12cc5739964e254dc04a2bbb848996b170e2ccec3fbfa4fe9e2b3976b191222cfb82fc3e6ab182d
2020-08-05 13:21:24 +02:00
name: 'Win64 [GOAL: deploy] [unit tests, no gui, no boost::process, no functional tests]'
env: >-
- stage: test
Merge #12134: Build previous releases and run functional tests c456145b2c65f580683df03bf10cd39000cf24d5 [test] add 0.19 backwards compatibility tests (Sjors Provoost) b769cd142deda74fe46e231cc7b687a86514f2f1 [test] add v0.17.1 wallet upgrade test (Sjors Provoost) 9d9390dab716f07057c94e8e21f3c7dd06192f35 [tests] add wallet backwards compatility tests (Sjors Provoost) c7ca6308968b29a0e0edc485cd06e68e5edb7c7d [scripts] support release candidates of earlier releases (Sjors Provoost) 8b1460dbd1b732f06d4cebe1fa6844286c7a0056 [tests] check v0.17.1 and v0.18.1 backwards compatibility (Sjors Provoost) ae379cf7d12943fc192d58176673bcfe7d53da53 [scripts] build earlier releases (Sjors Provoost) Pull request description: This PR adds binaries for 0.17, 0.18 and 0.19 to Travis and runs a basic block propagation test. Includes test for upgrading v0.17.1 wallets and opening master wallets with older versions. Usage: ```sh contrib/devtools/previous_release.sh -f -b v0.19.0.1 v0.18.1 v0.17.1 test/functional/backwards_compatibility.py ``` Travis caches these earlier releases, so it should be able to run these tests with little performance impact. Additional scenarios where it might be useful to run tests against earlier releases: * creating a wallet with #11403's segwit implementation, copying it to an older node and making sure the user didn't lose any funds (although this PR doesn't support `v0.15.1`) * future consensus changes * P2P changes (e.g. to make sure we don't accidentally ban old nodes) ACKs for top commit: MarcoFalke: ACK c456145b2c65f580683df03bf10cd39000cf24d5 🔨 Tree-SHA512: 360bd870603f95b14dc0cd629532cc147344f632b808617c18e1b585dfb1f082b401e5d493a48196b719e0aeaee533ae0a773dfc9f217f704aae898576c19232
2020-02-12 15:19:50 +01:00
name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [previous releases, uses qt5 dev package and some depends packages] [unsigned char]'
env: >-
# x86_64 Linux (xenial, no depends, only system libs, sanitizers: thread (TSan))
- stage: test
name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [no depends, only system libs, sanitizers: fuzzer,address,undefined]'
env: >-
- stage: test
Merge #18677: Multiprocess build support e2bab2aa162ae38b2bf8195b577c982402fbee9d multiprocess: add multiprocess travis configuration (Russell Yanofsky) 603fd6a2e708c04ef6c9880f89d0a4cbaa6fc7c5 depends: add MULTIPROCESS depends option (Russell Yanofsky) 5d1377b52bfcd4edf8553aaf332bfeb92fc554cc build: multiprocess autotools changes (Russell Yanofsky) Pull request description: This PR is part of the [process separation project](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/projects/10). --- This PR consists of build changes only. It adds an `--enable-multiprocess` autoconf option (off by default and marked experimental), that builds new `bitcoin-node` and `bitcoin-gui` binaries. These currently function the same as existing `bitcoind` and `bitcoin-qt` binaries, but are extended in #10102 with IPC features to execute node, wallet, and gui functions in separate processes. In addition to adding the `--enable-multiprocess` config flag, it also adds a depends package and autoconf rules to build with the [libmultiprocess](https://github.com/chaincodelabs/libmultiprocess) library, and it adds new travis configuration to exercise the build code and run functional tests with the new binaries. The changes in this PR were originally part of #10102 but were moved into #16367 to be able to develop and review the multiprocess build changes independently of the code changes. #16367 was briefly merged and then reverted in #18588. Only change since #16367 has been dropping the `native_boost.mk` depends package which was pointed out to be no longer necessary in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16367#issuecomment-596484337 and https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/18588#pullrequestreview-391765649 ACKs for top commit: practicalswift: ACK e2bab2aa162ae38b2bf8195b577c982402fbee9d Sjors: tACK e2bab2aa162ae38b2bf8195b577c982402fbee9d on macOS 10.15.4 hebasto: ACK e2bab2aa162ae38b2bf8195b577c982402fbee9d, tested on Linux Mint 19.3 (x86_64): Tree-SHA512: b5a76eab5abf63d9d8b6d628cbdff4cc1888eef15cafa0a5d56369e2f9d02595fed623f4b74b2cf2830c42c05a774f0943e700f9c768a82d9d348cad199e135c
2020-05-21 09:10:52 +02:00
name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [multiprocess]'
env: >-
- stage: test
name: 'x86_64 Linux [GOAL: install] [focal] [no wallet]'
env: >-
- stage: test
name: 'macOS 10.12 [GOAL: deploy] [no functional tests]'
env: >-
- stage: test
Merge #15584: build: disable BIP70 support by default BIP70 is removed in "merge #17165: Remove BIP70 support (#4023)". So, this commit contains only some follow-ups to unify codebase e09913f1c47e693b0c6fafef55b9ca78e5f3abc0 doc: specify protobuf as optional in build docs (fanquake) 376f4929f8f75011b72b2f9c3164980db482278a build: disable BIP70 support by default (fanquake) Pull request description: Disable BIP70 support in the GUI by default for `0.19.0` (for eventual removal in `0.20.0`?). Users who want to compile with BIP70 support enabled can pass `--enable-bip70` to `./configure`. I've inverted the current `--disable-bip70` test to instead pass `--enable-bip70`. Tested configurations on `macOS` (`protobuf` installed with `brew`). Protobuf available and `./configure`: ``` Options used to compile and link: with wallet = yes with gui / qt = yes with bip70 = no ``` Protobuf available and `./configure --enable-bip70`: ``` Options used to compile and link: with wallet = yes with gui / qt = yes with bip70 = yes ``` Protobuf not available (i.e `brew unlink protobuf`) and `./configure`: ``` Options used to compile and link: with wallet = yes with gui / qt = yes with bip70 = no ``` Protobuf not available and `./configure --enable-bip70`: ``` checking whether to build test_bitcoin-qt... yes checking whether to build BIP70 support... configure: error: protobuf missing ``` TODO: - [x] Remove `protobuf` from other Travis builds - [ ] Documentation updates (mention that `protobuf` is now optional)? - [ ] Could split release notes into GUI and build ACKs for top commit: laanwj: ACK e09913f1c47e693b0c6fafef55b9ca78e5f3abc0 elichai: ACK e09913f1c47e693b0c6fafef55b9ca78e5f3abc0 Read the autotools changes. awesome that this removes the protobuf requirement. practicalswift: ACK e09913f1c47e693b0c6fafef55b9ca78e5f3abc0 -- diff looks correct Tree-SHA512: 7bf87ae8555e24db2da2e89cc4d4e90d09be27499ad386ad65879d05df8f96d9a1384379891ac8963d17728c90e55961560813df97e849e631e2de8c08e210c8
2019-09-13 15:15:15 +02:00
name: 'macOS 10.14 native [GOAL: install] [GUI] [no depends]'
os: osx
# Use the most recent version:
# Xcode 11.3.1, macOS 10.14, SDK 10.15
# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/osx/#macos-version
osx_image: xcode11.3
- berkeley-db4
- miniupnpc
- qrencode
- ccache
- zeromq
env: >-