When a "Transaction Lock" occurs the hash of the related transaction is broadcasted through ZMQ using both the `zmqpubrawtxlock` and `zmqpubhashtxlock` channels.
*`zmqpubrawtxlock`: publishes the raw transaction when locked via InstantSend
*`zmqpubhashtxlock`: publishes the transaction hash when locked via InstantSend
This mechanism has been integrated into Bitcore-Node-Dash which allows for notification to be broadcast through Insight API in one of two ways:
When a wallet InstantSend transaction is successfully locked a shell command provided in this option is executed (`%s` in `<cmd>` is replaced by TxID):
The key thing to understand is that this value indicates the number of "confirmations" a successful Transaction Lock represents. When Wallet RPC commands which support `minconf` and `addlockconf` parameters (such as `listreceivedbyaddress`) are performed and `addlockconf` is `true`, then `instantsenddepth` attribute is taken into account when returning information about the transaction. In this case the value in `confirmations` field you see through RPC is showing the number of `"Blockchain Confirmations" + "InstantSend Depth"` (assuming the funds were sent via InstantSend).
There is also a field named `instantlock` (that is present in commands such as `listsinceblock`). The value in this field indicates whether a given transaction is locked via InstantSend.