2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
Run this script to update all the copyright headers of files
that were changed this year.
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
For example:
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin Core developers
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
it will change it to
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
import os
import time
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
import re
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
year = time.gmtime()[0]
2016-07-01 12:39:04 +02:00
CMD_GIT_DATE = 'git log --format=%%ad --date=short -1 %s | cut -d"-" -f 1'
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
CMD_REGEX= "perl -pi -e 's/(20\d\d)(?:-20\d\d)? The Bitcoin/$1-%s The Bitcoin/' %s"
REGEX_CURRENT= re.compile("%s The Bitcoin" % year)
CMD_LIST_FILES= "find %s | grep %s"
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
FOLDERS = ["./qa", "./src"]
EXTENSIONS = [".cpp",".h", ".py"]
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
def get_git_date(file_path):
r = os.popen(CMD_GIT_DATE % file_path)
for l in r:
# Result is one line, so just return
return l.replace("\n","")
return ""
2014-02-08 22:50:24 +01:00
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
for folder in FOLDERS:
for extension in EXTENSIONS:
for file_path in os.popen(CMD_LIST_FILES % (folder, extension)):
file_path = os.getcwd() + file_path[1:-1]
if file_path.endswith(extension):
git_date = get_git_date(file_path)
2015-12-26 17:18:35 +01:00
if str(year) == git_date:
2015-12-13 14:51:43 +01:00
# Only update if current year is not found
if REGEX_CURRENT.search(open(file_path, "r").read()) is None:
print n,"Last git edit", git_date, "-", file_path
os.popen(CMD_REGEX % (year,file_path))
n = n + 1