CheckBlock rule until 15-May for 10,000 BDB lock compatibility

This commit is contained in:
Gavin Andresen 2013-03-15 13:10:34 -04:00
parent 1a9ee5da32
commit 8c222dca4f
2 changed files with 85 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2056,6 +2056,25 @@ bool CBlock::CheckBlock(CValidationState &state, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerk
if (vtx.empty() || vtx.size() > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE || ::GetSerializeSize(*this, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
return state.DoS(100, error("CheckBlock() : size limits failed"));
// Special short-term limits to avoid 10,000 BDB lock limit:
if (GetBlockTime() > 1363039171 && // 11 March 2013, timestamp of block before the big fork
GetBlockTime() < 1368576000) // 15 May 2013 00:00:00
// Rule is: #unique txids referenced <= 4,500
// ... to prevent 10,000 BDB lock exhaustion on old clients
set<uint256> setTxIn;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vtx.size(); i++)
if (i == 0) continue; // skip coinbase txin
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, vtx[i].vin)
size_t nTxids = setTxIn.size();
if (nTxids > 4500)
return error("CheckBlock() : 15 May maxlocks violation");
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(GetHash(), nBits))
return state.DoS(50, error("CheckBlock() : proof of work failed"));

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// Unit tests for block.CheckBlock()
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> // for 'map_list_of()'
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "main.h"
#include "wallet.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "util.h"
read_block(const std::string& filename, CBlock& block)
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
fs::path testFile = fs::current_path() / "test" / "data" / filename;
if (!fs::exists(testFile))
testFile = fs::path(BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(TEST_DATA_DIR)) / filename;
FILE* fp = fopen(testFile.string().c_str(), "rb");
if (!fp) return false;
fseek(fp, 8, SEEK_SET); // skip msgheader/size
CAutoFile filein = CAutoFile(fp, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
if (!filein) return false;
filein >> block;
return true;
// Putting a 1MB binary file in the git repository is not a great
// idea, so this test is only run if you manually download
// test/data/Mar12Fork.dat from
unsigned int tMay15 = 1368576000;
SetMockTime(tMay15); // Test as if it was right at May 15
CBlock forkingBlock;
if (read_block("Mar12Fork.dat", forkingBlock))
CValidationState state;
BOOST_CHECK(!forkingBlock.CheckBlock(state, true, true));
BOOST_CHECK(!forkingBlock.CheckBlock(state, false, false));
// After May 15'th, big blocks are OK:
forkingBlock.nTime = tMay15; // Invalidates PoW
BOOST_CHECK(forkingBlock.CheckBlock(state, false, false));