- Budgets now store the seen objects locally so they're not overwritten when saving/loading to check validity of budget.dat
- Added safer sync "failure" mode, that will retry an hour later if the sync fails for some reason. This will stop the client from thinking it has budget data and rejecting blocks when they're valid.
- protocol bump
- version bump
- do not call Added....() inside CMasternodeSync::Process() - that was "faking" sync process
- unify "RequestedMasternodeAttempt <= ..." logic and define MASTERNODE_SYNC_TIMEOUT
- add missing masternodeSync.AddedMasternodeList() to CMasternodeMan::ProcessMessage()
- fix "include"s
- don't check vecMasternodesUsed while not synced
- Client bump
- Improved syncing logic (sholud stop hanging issues)
- New spork for turning on super blocks
- Fixed issue with sending old/invalid finalized budgets
- Fixed issue with syncing clients and lack of confirmations with budget items (for IX)