// Copyright (c) 2014-2021 The Dash Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool CHDChain::SetNull() { LOCK(cs); nVersion = CURRENT_VERSION; id = uint256(); fCrypted = false; vchSeed.clear(); vchMnemonic.clear(); vchMnemonicPassphrase.clear(); mapAccounts.clear(); return IsNull(); } bool CHDChain::IsNull() const { LOCK(cs); return vchSeed.empty() || id == uint256(); } void CHDChain::SetCrypted(bool fCryptedIn) { LOCK(cs); fCrypted = fCryptedIn; } bool CHDChain::IsCrypted() const { LOCK(cs); return fCrypted; } void CHDChain::Debug(const std::string& strName) const { DBG( LOCK(cs); std::cout << __func__ << ": ---" << strName << "---" << std::endl; if (fCrypted) { std::cout << "mnemonic: ***CRYPTED***" << std::endl; std::cout << "mnemonicpassphrase: ***CRYPTED***" << std::endl; std::cout << "seed: ***CRYPTED***" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "mnemonic: " << std::string(vchMnemonic.begin(), vchMnemonic.end()).c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "mnemonicpassphrase: " << std::string(vchMnemonicPassphrase.begin(), vchMnemonicPassphrase.end()).c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "seed: " << HexStr(vchSeed).c_str() << std::endl; CExtKey extkey; extkey.SetSeed(vchSeed.data(), vchSeed.size()); std::cout << "extended private masterkey: " << EncodeExtKey(extkey).c_str() << std::endl; CExtPubKey extpubkey; extpubkey = extkey.Neuter(); std::cout << "extended public masterkey: " << EncodeExtPubKey(extpubkey).c_str() << std::endl; } ); } bool CHDChain::SetMnemonic(const SecureVector& vchMnemonic, const SecureVector& vchMnemonicPassphrase, bool fUpdateID) { return SetMnemonic(SecureString(vchMnemonic.begin(), vchMnemonic.end()), SecureString(vchMnemonicPassphrase.begin(), vchMnemonicPassphrase.end()), fUpdateID); } bool CHDChain::SetMnemonic(const SecureString& ssMnemonic, const SecureString& ssMnemonicPassphrase, bool fUpdateID) { LOCK(cs); SecureString ssMnemonicTmp = ssMnemonic; if (fUpdateID) { // can't (re)set mnemonic if seed was already set if (!IsNull()) return false; if (ssMnemonicPassphrase.size() > 256) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": Mnemonic passphrase is too long, must be at most 256 characters"); } // empty mnemonic i.e. "generate a new one" if (ssMnemonic.empty()) { ssMnemonicTmp = CMnemonic::Generate(256); } // NOTE: default mnemonic passphrase is an empty string // printf("mnemonic: %s\n", ssMnemonicTmp.c_str()); if (!CMnemonic::Check(ssMnemonicTmp)) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": invalid mnemonic: `" + std::string(ssMnemonicTmp.c_str()) + "`"); } CMnemonic::ToSeed(ssMnemonicTmp, ssMnemonicPassphrase, vchSeed); id = GetSeedHash(); } vchMnemonic = SecureVector(ssMnemonicTmp.begin(), ssMnemonicTmp.end()); vchMnemonicPassphrase = SecureVector(ssMnemonicPassphrase.begin(), ssMnemonicPassphrase.end()); return !IsNull(); } bool CHDChain::GetMnemonic(SecureVector& vchMnemonicRet, SecureVector& vchMnemonicPassphraseRet) const { LOCK(cs); // mnemonic was not set, fail if (vchMnemonic.empty()) return false; vchMnemonicRet = vchMnemonic; vchMnemonicPassphraseRet = vchMnemonicPassphrase; return true; } bool CHDChain::GetMnemonic(SecureString& ssMnemonicRet, SecureString& ssMnemonicPassphraseRet) const { LOCK(cs); // mnemonic was not set, fail if (vchMnemonic.empty()) return false; ssMnemonicRet = SecureString(vchMnemonic.begin(), vchMnemonic.end()); ssMnemonicPassphraseRet = SecureString(vchMnemonicPassphrase.begin(), vchMnemonicPassphrase.end()); return true; } bool CHDChain::SetSeed(const SecureVector& vchSeedIn, bool fUpdateID) { LOCK(cs); vchSeed = vchSeedIn; if (fUpdateID) { id = GetSeedHash(); } return !IsNull(); } SecureVector CHDChain::GetSeed() const { LOCK(cs); return vchSeed; } uint256 CHDChain::GetSeedHash() { LOCK(cs); return Hash(vchSeed.begin(), vchSeed.end()); } void CHDChain::DeriveChildExtKey(uint32_t nAccountIndex, bool fInternal, uint32_t nChildIndex, CExtKey& extKeyRet) { LOCK(cs); // Use BIP44 keypath scheme i.e. m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index CExtKey masterKey; //hd master key CExtKey purposeKey; //key at m/purpose' CExtKey cointypeKey; //key at m/purpose'/coin_type' CExtKey accountKey; //key at m/purpose'/coin_type'/account' CExtKey changeKey; //key at m/purpose'/coin_type'/account'/change CExtKey childKey; //key at m/purpose'/coin_type'/account'/change/address_index masterKey.SetSeed(vchSeed.data(), vchSeed.size()); // Use hardened derivation for purpose, coin_type and account // (keys >= 0x80000000 are hardened after bip32) // derive m/purpose' masterKey.Derive(purposeKey, 44 | 0x80000000); // derive m/purpose'/coin_type' purposeKey.Derive(cointypeKey, Params().ExtCoinType() | 0x80000000); // derive m/purpose'/coin_type'/account' cointypeKey.Derive(accountKey, nAccountIndex | 0x80000000); // derive m/purpose'/coin_type'/account'/change accountKey.Derive(changeKey, fInternal ? 1 : 0); // derive m/purpose'/coin_type'/account'/change/address_index changeKey.Derive(extKeyRet, nChildIndex); } void CHDChain::AddAccount() { LOCK(cs); mapAccounts.insert(std::pair(mapAccounts.size(), CHDAccount())); } bool CHDChain::GetAccount(uint32_t nAccountIndex, CHDAccount& hdAccountRet) { LOCK(cs); if (nAccountIndex > mapAccounts.size() - 1) return false; hdAccountRet = mapAccounts[nAccountIndex]; return true; } bool CHDChain::SetAccount(uint32_t nAccountIndex, const CHDAccount& hdAccount) { LOCK(cs); // can only replace existing accounts if (nAccountIndex > mapAccounts.size() - 1) return false; mapAccounts[nAccountIndex] = hdAccount; return true; } size_t CHDChain::CountAccounts() { LOCK(cs); return mapAccounts.size(); } std::string CHDPubKey::GetKeyPath() const { return strprintf("m/44'/%d'/%d'/%d/%d", Params().ExtCoinType(), nAccountIndex, nChangeIndex, extPubKey.nChild); }