image: "ubuntu:bionic" variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 FAST_MODE: "false" # when "true", only run linter on arm and unit/functional tests on linux64, skip everything else workflow: rules: - when: always stages: - builder-image - build-depends - build - test builder-image: stage: builder-image image: docker:20.10.20 services: - name: docker:20.10.20-dind command: ["--tls=false"] variables: DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://docker:2375" DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" before_script: - echo $CI_JOB_TOKEN | docker login -u gitlab-ci-token --password-stdin $CI_REGISTRY script: - cd contrib/containers/ci - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG || true - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-develop || true - docker build --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-develop -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -f Dockerfile . - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .build-depends-template: stage: build-depends image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG variables: SDK_URL: XCODE_VERSION: "12.1" XCODE_BUILD_ID: 12A7403 MAKEJOBS: -j4 before_script: - echo HOST=$HOST - | if [ "$HOST" = "x86_64-apple-darwin19" ]; then mkdir -p depends/SDKs mkdir -p depends/sdk-sources OSX_SDK_BASENAME="Xcode-${XCODE_VERSION}-${XCODE_BUILD_ID}-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers.tar.gz" OSX_SDK_PATH="depends/sdk-sources/${OSX_SDK_BASENAME}" if [ ! -f "$OSX_SDK_PATH" ]; then echo "Downloading MacOS SDK" curl --location --fail "${SDK_URL}/${OSX_SDK_BASENAME}" -o "$OSX_SDK_PATH" fi if [ -f "$OSX_SDK_PATH" ]; then echo "Extracting MacOS SDK" tar -C depends/SDKs -xf "$OSX_SDK_PATH" fi fi script: - make $MAKEJOBS -C depends HOST=$HOST $DEP_OPTS cache: # Let all branches share the same cache, which is ok because the depends subsystem is able to handle this properly (it works with hashes of all scripts) key: files: - contrib/containers/ci/Dockerfile prefix: ${CI_JOB_NAME} paths: - depends/built - depends/sdk-sources artifacts: name: depends when: on_success paths: - depends/$HOST - depends/SDKs .base-template: image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:builder-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG before_script: - export CACHE_DIR=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cache - echo BUILD_TARGET=$BUILD_TARGET - source ./ci/dash/ # Setup some environment variables - | if [ "$CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_IID" != "" ]; then export PULL_REQUEST="true" else # CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_IID is false every time until is done # Until then, we're using atm to mirror Github pull requests as branches into Gitlab, # which allows us to use Gitlab CI for Github. The following check detects such mirrored branches. if [[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ ^pr-[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*$ ]]; then export PULL_REQUEST="true" # CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA is also invalid until #5667 is implemented, so we need to figure it out by ourself git fetch origin develop export CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA="$(git merge-base origin/develop HEAD)" else export PULL_REQUEST="false" fi fi - export COMMIT_RANGE="$CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA..$CI_COMMIT_SHA" - export JOB_NUMBER="$CI_JOB_ID" - export HOST_SRC_DIR=$CI_PROJECT_DIR - echo PULL_REQUEST=$PULL_REQUEST COMMIT_RANGE=$COMMIT_RANGE HOST_SRC_DIR=$HOST_SRC_DIR CACHE_DIR=$CACHE_DIR - echo "Commit log:" && git log --format=fuller -1 .build-template: stage: build extends: .base-template script: - ./ci/dash/ - ./ci/dash/ # Run unit tests in build stage to avoid creating too many parallel jobs cache: # Let all branches share the same cache, which is ok because ccache is able to handle it key: files: - contrib/containers/ci/Dockerfile prefix: ${CI_JOB_NAME} paths: - cache/ccache artifacts: name: binaries when: always paths: - build-ci # Exclude some less important binaries to reduce the size of the artifacts exclude: - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/bench/bench_dash - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/bench/bench_dash.exe - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/qt/test/test_dash-qt - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/qt/test/test_dash-qt.exe - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/test/test_dash - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/test/test_dash.exe - build-ci/dashcore-$BUILD_TARGET/src/test/fuzz/* expire_in: 3 days .test-template: stage: test extends: .base-template variables: INTEGRATION_TESTS_ARGS: "--extended --exclude feature_pruning,feature_dbcrash" script: - echo "INTEGRATION_TESTS_ARGS=${INTEGRATION_TESTS_ARGS}" - ./ci/dash/ $INTEGRATION_TESTS_ARGS after_script: - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/testlogs artifacts: name: testlogs when: always paths: - testlogs expire_in: 3 days .skip-in-fast-mode-template: rules: - if: '$FAST_MODE == "true"' when: never - when: always ### arm-linux-gnueabihf: extends: .build-depends-template variables: HOST: arm-linux-gnueabihf x86_64-w64-mingw32: extends: - .build-depends-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template variables: HOST: x86_64-w64-mingw32 i686-pc-linux-gnu: extends: - .build-depends-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template variables: HOST: i686-pc-linux-gnu x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-debug: extends: .build-depends-template variables: HOST: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu DEP_OPTS: "DEBUG=1" x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-nowallet: extends: - .build-depends-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template variables: HOST: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu DEP_OPTS: "NO_WALLET=1" x86_64-apple-darwin19: extends: - .build-depends-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template variables: HOST: x86_64-apple-darwin19 ### arm-linux-build: extends: .build-template needs: - arm-linux-gnueabihf variables: BUILD_TARGET: arm-linux win64-build: extends: - .build-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - x86_64-w64-mingw32 variables: BUILD_TARGET: win64 linux32-build: extends: - .build-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - i686-pc-linux-gnu variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux32 linux32_ubsan-build: extends: - .build-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - i686-pc-linux-gnu variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux32_ubsan linux64-build: extends: .build-template needs: - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-debug variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64 linux64_cxx20-build: extends: .build-template needs: - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-debug variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64_cxx20 linux64_fuzz-build: extends: .build-template needs: - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-debug variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64_fuzz linux64_tsan-build: extends: - .build-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-debug variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64_tsan linux64_nowallet-build: extends: - .build-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-nowallet variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64_nowallet mac-build: extends: - .build-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - x86_64-apple-darwin19 variables: BUILD_TARGET: mac ### linux32-test: extends: - .test-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - linux32-build variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux32 linux32_ubsan-test: extends: - .test-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - linux32_ubsan-build variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux32_ubsan linux64-test: extends: .test-template needs: - linux64-build variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64 linux64_tsan-test: extends: - .test-template - .skip-in-fast-mode-template needs: - linux64_tsan-build variables: BUILD_TARGET: linux64_tsan