--- name: "darkcoin" suites: - "precise" architectures: - "amd64" packages: - "mingw-w64" - "g++-mingw-w64" - "git-core" - "unzip" - "nsis" - "faketime" reference_datetime: "2014-01-10 00:00:00" remotes: - "url": "https://github.com/darkcoin/darkcoin.git" "dir": "darkcoin" files: - "qt-win32-4.8.5-gitian-r5.zip" - "qt-win64-4.8.5-gitian-r5.zip" - "boost-win32-1.55.0-gitian-r6.zip" - "boost-win64-1.55.0-gitian-r6.zip" - "bitcoin-deps-win32-gitian-r13.zip" - "bitcoin-deps-win64-gitian-r13.zip" - "protobuf-win32-2.5.0-gitian-r4.zip" - "protobuf-win64-2.5.0-gitian-r4.zip" script: | # Defines export TZ=UTC INDIR=$HOME/build OPTFLAGS='-O2' TEMPDIR="$HOME/tempdir" NEEDDIST=1 # Qt: workaround for determinism in resource ordering # Qt5's rcc uses a QHash to store the files for the resource. # A security fix in QHash makes the ordering of keys to be different on every run # (https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtbase/commit/c01eaa438200edc9a3bbcd8ae1e8ded058bea268). # This is good in general but qrc shouldn't be doing a traversal over a randomized container. # The thorough solution would be to use QMap instead of QHash, but this requires patching Qt. # For now luckily there is a test mode that forces a fixed seed. export QT_RCC_TEST=1 for BITS in 32; do # for architectures # STAGING=$HOME/staging${BITS} BUILDDIR=$HOME/build${BITS} BINDIR=$OUTDIR/$BITS if [ "$BITS" == "32" ]; then HOST=i686-w64-mingw32 else HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 fi mkdir -p $STAGING $BUILDDIR $BINDIR export PATH=$STAGING/host/bin:$PATH # cd $STAGING unzip $INDIR/qt-win${BITS}-4.8.5-gitian-r5.zip unzip $INDIR/boost-win${BITS}-1.55.0-gitian-r6.zip unzip $INDIR/bitcoin-deps-win${BITS}-gitian-r13.zip unzip $INDIR/protobuf-win${BITS}-2.5.0-gitian-r4.zip if [ "$NEEDDIST" == "1" ]; then # Make source code archive which is architecture independent so it only needs to be done once cd $HOME/build/darkcoin VERSION_TAG=`git describe --tags --exact-match --always | cut -c 2-` git archive HEAD --format=tar.gz --prefix=darkcoin-$VERSION_TAG/ > darkcoin-$VERSION_TAG.tar.gz DISTNAME=`echo darkcoin-*.tar.gz` NEEDDIST=0 fi # Build platform-dependent executables from source archive cd $BUILDDIR mkdir -p distsrc cd distsrc tar --strip-components=1 -xf $HOME/build/darkcoin/$DISTNAME export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/faketime/libfaketime.so.1 export FAKETIME=$REFERENCE_DATETIME ln -s $STAGING $HOME/qt $STAGING/host/bin/qmake -spec unsupported/win32-g++-cross MINIUPNPC_LIB_PATH=$STAGING MINIUPNPC_INCLUDE_PATH=$STAGING BDB_LIB_PATH=$STAGING BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=$STAGING BOOST_LIB_PATH=$STAGING BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH=$STAGING BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mt-s BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX=_win32-mt-s OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=$STAGING OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=$STAGING QRENCODE_LIB_PATH=$STAGING QRENCODE_INCLUDE_PATH=$STAGING USE_QRCODE=1 INCLUDEPATH=$STAGING DEFINES=BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB BITCOIN_NEED_QT_PLUGINS=1 QMAKE_LRELEASE=lrelease QMAKE_CXXFLAGS=-frandom-seed=darkcoin USE_BUILD_INFO=1 USE_SSE2=1 USE_UPNP=1 make V=1 $MAKEOPTS $HOST-strip release/darkcoin-qt.exe cp -f release/darkcoin-qt.exe $BINDIR/ # cd src export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/faketime/libfaketime.so.1 export FAKETIME=$REFERENCE_DATETIME export TZ=UTC make -f makefile.linux-mingw $MAKEOPTS DEPSDIR=$STAGING darkcoind.exe USE_UPNP=1 DEBUGFLAGS="-frandom-seed=darkcoin" USE_SSE2=1 $HOST-strip darkcoind.exe mkdir $BINDIR/daemon cp darkcoind.exe $BINDIR/daemon cd .. mkdir nsis tar --strip-components=1 -xf $HOME/build/darkcoin/$DISTNAME -C nsis cd nsis/src mkdir ../release cp -v ../../release/* ../release/ cp -v ../../src/*.exe . sed "s/${VERSION_TAG}/" -i ../share/setup.nsi makensis ../share/setup.nsi cp -v ../share/darkcoin-*-win${BITS}-setup.exe $BINDIR/ unset LD_PRELOAD unset FAKETIME rm $HOME/qt done # for BITS in # sort distribution tar file and normalize user/group/mtime information for deterministic output mkdir -p $OUTDIR/src rm -rf $TEMPDIR mkdir -p $TEMPDIR cd $TEMPDIR tar -xvf $HOME/build/darkcoin/$DISTNAME | sort | tar --no-recursion -cT /dev/stdin --mode='u+rw,go+r-w,a+X' --owner=0 --group=0 --mtime="$REFERENCE_DATETIME" | gzip -n > $OUTDIR/src/$DISTNAME