Wladimir J. van der Laan fe8c18ca77 Merge #10574: Remove includes in .cpp files for things the corresponding .h file already included
a720b92 Remove includes in .cpp files for things the corresponding .h file already included (practicalswift)

Pull request description:

  Remove includes in .cpp files for things the corresponding .h file already included.

  Example case:
  * `addrdb.cpp` includes `addrdb.h` and `fs.h`
  * `addrdb.h` includes `fs.h`

  Then remove the direct inclusion of `fs.h` in `addrman.cpp` and rely on the indirect inclusion of `fs.h` via the included `addrdb.h`.

  In line with the header include guideline (see #10575).

Tree-SHA512: 8704b9de3011a4c234db336a39f7d2c139e741cf0f7aef08a5d3e05197e1e18286b863fdab25ae9638af4ff86b3d52e5cab9eed66bfa2476063aa5c79f9b0346
2020-04-01 12:43:18 -05:00

348 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <key.h>
#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <crypto/common.h>
#include <crypto/hmac_sha512.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <secp256k1.h>
#include <secp256k1_recovery.h>
static secp256k1_context* secp256k1_context_sign = nullptr;
/** These functions are taken from the libsecp256k1 distribution and are very ugly. */
* This parses a format loosely based on a DER encoding of the ECPrivateKey type from
* section C.4 of SEC 1 <http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf>, with the following caveats:
* * The octet-length of the SEQUENCE must be encoded as 1 or 2 octets. It is not
* required to be encoded as one octet if it is less than 256, as DER would require.
* * The octet-length of the SEQUENCE must not be greater than the remaining
* length of the key encoding, but need not match it (i.e. the encoding may contain
* junk after the encoded SEQUENCE).
* * The privateKey OCTET STRING is zero-filled on the left to 32 octets.
* * Anything after the encoding of the privateKey OCTET STRING is ignored, whether
* or not it is validly encoded DER.
* out32 must point to an output buffer of length at least 32 bytes.
static int ec_privkey_import_der(const secp256k1_context* ctx, unsigned char *out32, const unsigned char *privkey, size_t privkeylen) {
const unsigned char *end = privkey + privkeylen;
memset(out32, 0, 32);
/* sequence header */
if (end - privkey < 1 || *privkey != 0x30u) {
return 0;
/* sequence length constructor */
if (end - privkey < 1 || !(*privkey & 0x80u)) {
return 0;
size_t lenb = *privkey & ~0x80u; privkey++;
if (lenb < 1 || lenb > 2) {
return 0;
if (end - privkey < lenb) {
return 0;
/* sequence length */
size_t len = privkey[lenb-1] | (lenb > 1 ? privkey[lenb-2] << 8 : 0u);
privkey += lenb;
if (end - privkey < len) {
return 0;
/* sequence element 0: version number (=1) */
if (end - privkey < 3 || privkey[0] != 0x02u || privkey[1] != 0x01u || privkey[2] != 0x01u) {
return 0;
privkey += 3;
/* sequence element 1: octet string, up to 32 bytes */
if (end - privkey < 2 || privkey[0] != 0x04u) {
return 0;
size_t oslen = privkey[1];
privkey += 2;
if (oslen > 32 || end - privkey < oslen) {
return 0;
memcpy(out32 + (32 - oslen), privkey, oslen);
if (!secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(ctx, out32)) {
memset(out32, 0, 32);
return 0;
return 1;
* This serializes to a DER encoding of the ECPrivateKey type from section C.4 of SEC 1
* <http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf>. The optional parameters and publicKey fields are
* included.
* privkey must point to an output buffer of length at least CKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE bytes.
* privkeylen must initially be set to the size of the privkey buffer. Upon return it
* will be set to the number of bytes used in the buffer.
* key32 must point to a 32-byte raw private key.
static int ec_privkey_export_der(const secp256k1_context *ctx, unsigned char *privkey, size_t *privkeylen, const unsigned char *key32, int compressed) {
assert(*privkeylen >= CKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
size_t pubkeylen = 0;
if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(ctx, &pubkey, key32)) {
*privkeylen = 0;
return 0;
if (compressed) {
static const unsigned char begin[] = {
static const unsigned char middle[] = {
unsigned char *ptr = privkey;
memcpy(ptr, begin, sizeof(begin)); ptr += sizeof(begin);
memcpy(ptr, key32, 32); ptr += 32;
memcpy(ptr, middle, sizeof(middle)); ptr += sizeof(middle);
secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(ctx, ptr, &pubkeylen, &pubkey, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED);
ptr += pubkeylen;
*privkeylen = ptr - privkey;
assert(*privkeylen == CKey::COMPRESSED_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);
} else {
static const unsigned char begin[] = {
static const unsigned char middle[] = {
unsigned char *ptr = privkey;
memcpy(ptr, begin, sizeof(begin)); ptr += sizeof(begin);
memcpy(ptr, key32, 32); ptr += 32;
memcpy(ptr, middle, sizeof(middle)); ptr += sizeof(middle);
pubkeylen = CPubKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE;
secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(ctx, ptr, &pubkeylen, &pubkey, SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED);
ptr += pubkeylen;
*privkeylen = ptr - privkey;
assert(*privkeylen == CKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);
return 1;
bool CKey::Check(const unsigned char *vch) {
return secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(secp256k1_context_sign, vch);
void CKey::MakeNewKey(bool fCompressedIn) {
do {
GetStrongRandBytes(keydata.data(), keydata.size());
} while (!Check(keydata.data()));
fValid = true;
fCompressed = fCompressedIn;
CPrivKey CKey::GetPrivKey() const {
CPrivKey privkey;
int ret;
size_t privkeylen;
privkeylen = PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE;
ret = ec_privkey_export_der(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*) privkey.data(), &privkeylen, begin(), fCompressed ? SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED : SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED);
return privkey;
CPubKey CKey::GetPubKey() const {
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
size_t clen = CPubKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE;
CPubKey result;
int ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_context_sign, &pubkey, begin());
secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)result.begin(), &clen, &pubkey, fCompressed ? SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED : SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED);
assert(result.size() == clen);
return result;
bool CKey::Sign(const uint256 &hash, std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig, uint32_t test_case) const {
if (!fValid)
return false;
size_t nSigLen = CPubKey::SIGNATURE_SIZE;
unsigned char extra_entropy[32] = {0};
WriteLE32(extra_entropy, test_case);
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature sig;
int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(secp256k1_context_sign, &sig, hash.begin(), begin(), secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979, test_case ? extra_entropy : nullptr);
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_der(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)vchSig.data(), &nSigLen, &sig);
return true;
bool CKey::VerifyPubKey(const CPubKey& pubkey) const {
if (pubkey.IsCompressed() != fCompressed) {
return false;
unsigned char rnd[8];
std::string str = "Bitcoin key verification\n";
GetRandBytes(rnd, sizeof(rnd));
uint256 hash;
CHash256().Write((unsigned char*)str.data(), str.size()).Write(rnd, sizeof(rnd)).Finalize(hash.begin());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
Sign(hash, vchSig);
return pubkey.Verify(hash, vchSig);
bool CKey::SignCompact(const uint256 &hash, std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig) const {
if (!fValid)
return false;
int rec = -1;
secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature sig;
int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(secp256k1_context_sign, &sig, hash.begin(), begin(), secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979, nullptr);
secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)&vchSig[1], &rec, &sig);
assert(rec != -1);
vchSig[0] = 27 + rec + (fCompressed ? 4 : 0);
return true;
bool CKey::Load(const CPrivKey &privkey, const CPubKey &vchPubKey, bool fSkipCheck=false) {
if (!ec_privkey_import_der(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)begin(), privkey.data(), privkey.size()))
return false;
fCompressed = vchPubKey.IsCompressed();
fValid = true;
if (fSkipCheck)
return true;
return VerifyPubKey(vchPubKey);
bool CKey::Derive(CKey& keyChild, ChainCode &ccChild, unsigned int nChild, const ChainCode& cc) const {
std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> vout(64);
if ((nChild >> 31) == 0) {
CPubKey pubkey = GetPubKey();
assert(pubkey.size() == CPubKey::COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
BIP32Hash(cc, nChild, *pubkey.begin(), pubkey.begin()+1, vout.data());
} else {
assert(size() == 32);
BIP32Hash(cc, nChild, 0, begin(), vout.data());
memcpy(ccChild.begin(), vout.data()+32, 32);
memcpy((unsigned char*)keyChild.begin(), begin(), 32);
bool ret = secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_add(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)keyChild.begin(), vout.data());
keyChild.fCompressed = true;
keyChild.fValid = ret;
return ret;
bool CExtKey::Derive(CExtKey &out, unsigned int _nChild) const {
out.nDepth = nDepth + 1;
CKeyID id = key.GetPubKey().GetID();
memcpy(&out.vchFingerprint[0], &id, 4);
out.nChild = _nChild;
return key.Derive(out.key, out.chaincode, _nChild, chaincode);
void CExtKey::SetMaster(const unsigned char *seed, unsigned int nSeedLen) {
static const unsigned char hashkey[] = {'B','i','t','c','o','i','n',' ','s','e','e','d'};
std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> vout(64);
CHMAC_SHA512(hashkey, sizeof(hashkey)).Write(seed, nSeedLen).Finalize(vout.data());
key.Set(vout.data(), vout.data() + 32, true);
memcpy(chaincode.begin(), vout.data() + 32, 32);
nDepth = 0;
nChild = 0;
memset(vchFingerprint, 0, sizeof(vchFingerprint));
CExtPubKey CExtKey::Neuter() const {
CExtPubKey ret;
ret.nDepth = nDepth;
memcpy(&ret.vchFingerprint[0], &vchFingerprint[0], 4);
ret.nChild = nChild;
ret.pubkey = key.GetPubKey();
ret.chaincode = chaincode;
return ret;
void CExtKey::Encode(unsigned char code[BIP32_EXTKEY_SIZE]) const {
code[0] = nDepth;
memcpy(code+1, vchFingerprint, 4);
code[5] = (nChild >> 24) & 0xFF; code[6] = (nChild >> 16) & 0xFF;
code[7] = (nChild >> 8) & 0xFF; code[8] = (nChild >> 0) & 0xFF;
memcpy(code+9, chaincode.begin(), 32);
code[41] = 0;
assert(key.size() == 32);
memcpy(code+42, key.begin(), 32);
void CExtKey::Decode(const unsigned char code[BIP32_EXTKEY_SIZE]) {
nDepth = code[0];
memcpy(vchFingerprint, code+1, 4);
nChild = (code[5] << 24) | (code[6] << 16) | (code[7] << 8) | code[8];
memcpy(chaincode.begin(), code+9, 32);
key.Set(code+42, code+BIP32_EXTKEY_SIZE, true);
bool ECC_InitSanityCheck() {
CKey key;
CPubKey pubkey = key.GetPubKey();
return key.VerifyPubKey(pubkey);
void ECC_Start() {
assert(secp256k1_context_sign == nullptr);
secp256k1_context *ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN);
assert(ctx != nullptr);
// Pass in a random blinding seed to the secp256k1 context.
std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> vseed(32);
GetRandBytes(vseed.data(), 32);
bool ret = secp256k1_context_randomize(ctx, vseed.data());
secp256k1_context_sign = ctx;
void ECC_Stop() {
secp256k1_context *ctx = secp256k1_context_sign;
secp256k1_context_sign = nullptr;
if (ctx) {