mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 13:32:47 +01:00
Previously if bitcoind is linked with an OpenSSL which is compiled without EC support, this is seen as an assertion failure "pKey != NULL" at key.cpp:134, which occurs after several seconds. It is an esoteric piece of knowledge to interpret this as "oops, I linked with the wrong OpenSSL", and because of the delay it may not even be noticed. The new output is : OpenSSL appears to lack support for elliptic curve cryptography. For more information, visit https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/OpenSSL_and_EC_Libraries : Initialization sanity check failed. Bitcoin Core is shutting down. which occurs immediately after attempted startup. This also blocks in an InitSanityCheck() function which currently only checks for EC support but should eventually do more. See #4081.
1141 lines
49 KiB
1141 lines
49 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include "bitcoin-config.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "addrman.h"
#include "checkpoints.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "miner.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "rpcserver.h"
#include "txdb.h"
#include "ui_interface.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "wallet.h"
#include "walletdb.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <signal.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/file_lock.hpp>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
std::string strWalletFile;
CWallet* pwalletMain;
#ifdef WIN32
// Win32 LevelDB doesn't use filedescriptors, and the ones used for
// accessing block files, don't count towards to fd_set size limit
// anyway.
// Used to pass flags to the Bind() function
enum BindFlags {
BF_NONE = 0,
BF_EXPLICIT = (1U << 0),
// Shutdown
// Thread management and startup/shutdown:
// The network-processing threads are all part of a thread group
// created by AppInit() or the Qt main() function.
// A clean exit happens when StartShutdown() or the SIGTERM
// signal handler sets fRequestShutdown, which triggers
// the DetectShutdownThread(), which interrupts the main thread group.
// DetectShutdownThread() then exits, which causes AppInit() to
// continue (it .joins the shutdown thread).
// Shutdown() is then
// called to clean up database connections, and stop other
// threads that should only be stopped after the main network-processing
// threads have exited.
// Note that if running -daemon the parent process returns from AppInit2
// before adding any threads to the threadGroup, so .join_all() returns
// immediately and the parent exits from main().
// Shutdown for Qt is very similar, only it uses a QTimer to detect
// fRequestShutdown getting set, and then does the normal Qt
// shutdown thing.
volatile bool fRequestShutdown = false;
void StartShutdown()
fRequestShutdown = true;
bool ShutdownRequested()
return fRequestShutdown;
static CCoinsViewDB *pcoinsdbview;
void Shutdown()
LogPrintf("Shutdown : In progress...\n");
static CCriticalSection cs_Shutdown;
TRY_LOCK(cs_Shutdown, lockShutdown);
if (!lockShutdown) return;
if (pwalletMain)
GenerateBitcoins(false, NULL, 0);
if (pwalletMain)
if (pblocktree)
if (pcoinsTip)
delete pcoinsTip; pcoinsTip = NULL;
delete pcoinsdbview; pcoinsdbview = NULL;
delete pblocktree; pblocktree = NULL;
if (pwalletMain)
if (pwalletMain)
delete pwalletMain;
LogPrintf("Shutdown : done\n");
// Signal handlers are very limited in what they are allowed to do, so:
void HandleSIGTERM(int)
fRequestShutdown = true;
void HandleSIGHUP(int)
fReopenDebugLog = true;
bool static InitError(const std::string &str)
uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(str, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR | CClientUIInterface::NOSHOWGUI);
return false;
bool static InitWarning(const std::string &str)
uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(str, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_WARNING | CClientUIInterface::NOSHOWGUI);
return true;
bool static Bind(const CService &addr, unsigned int flags) {
if (!(flags & BF_EXPLICIT) && IsLimited(addr))
return false;
std::string strError;
if (!BindListenPort(addr, strError)) {
if (flags & BF_REPORT_ERROR)
return InitError(strError);
return false;
return true;
// Core-specific options shared between UI, daemon and RPC client
std::string HelpMessage(HelpMessageMode hmm)
string strUsage = _("Options:") + "\n";
strUsage += " -? " + _("This help message") + "\n";
strUsage += " -alertnotify=<cmd> " + _("Execute command when a relevant alert is received or we see a really long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -blocknotify=<cmd> " + _("Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -checkblocks=<n> " + _("How many blocks to check at startup (default: 288, 0 = all)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -checklevel=<n> " + _("How thorough the block verification of -checkblocks is (0-4, default: 3)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -conf=<file> " + _("Specify configuration file (default: bitcoin.conf)") + "\n";
if (hmm == HMM_BITCOIND)
#if !defined(WIN32)
strUsage += " -daemon " + _("Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands") + "\n";
strUsage += " -datadir=<dir> " + _("Specify data directory") + "\n";
strUsage += " -dbcache=<n> " + strprintf(_("Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)"), nMinDbCache, nMaxDbCache, nDefaultDbCache) + "\n";
strUsage += " -keypool=<n> " + _("Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -loadblock=<file> " + _("Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file") + " " + _("on startup") + "\n";
strUsage += " -par=<n> " + strprintf(_("Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)"), -(int)boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(), MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS, DEFAULT_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS) + "\n";
strUsage += " -pid=<file> " + _("Specify pid file (default: bitcoind.pid)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -reindex " + _("Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files") + " " + _("on startup") + "\n";
strUsage += " -txindex " + _("Maintain a full transaction index (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("Connection options:") + "\n";
strUsage += " -addnode=<ip> " + _("Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open") + "\n";
strUsage += " -banscore=<n> " + _("Threshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: 100)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -bantime=<n> " + _("Number of seconds to keep misbehaving peers from reconnecting (default: 86400)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -bind=<addr> " + _("Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6") + "\n";
strUsage += " -connect=<ip> " + _("Connect only to the specified node(s)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -discover " + _("Discover own IP address (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -dns " + _("Allow DNS lookups for -addnode, -seednode and -connect") + " " + _("(default: 1)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -dnsseed " + _("Find peers using DNS lookup (default: 1 unless -connect)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -externalip=<ip> " + _("Specify your own public address") + "\n";
strUsage += " -listen " + _("Accept connections from outside (default: 1 if no -proxy or -connect)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -maxconnections=<n> " + _("Maintain at most <n> connections to peers (default: 125)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -maxreceivebuffer=<n> " + _("Maximum per-connection receive buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 5000)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -maxsendbuffer=<n> " + _("Maximum per-connection send buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 1000)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -onion=<ip:port> " + _("Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services (default: -proxy)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -onlynet=<net> " + _("Only connect to nodes in network <net> (IPv4, IPv6 or Tor)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -port=<port> " + _("Listen for connections on <port> (default: 8333 or testnet: 18333)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -proxy=<ip:port> " + _("Connect through SOCKS proxy") + "\n";
strUsage += " -seednode=<ip> " + _("Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect") + "\n";
strUsage += " -socks=<n> " + _("Select SOCKS version for -proxy (4 or 5, default: 5)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -timeout=<n> " + _("Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)") + "\n";
#ifdef USE_UPNP
strUsage += " -upnp " + _("Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -upnp " + _("Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("Wallet options:") + "\n";
strUsage += " -disablewallet " + _("Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls") + "\n";
strUsage += " -paytxfee=<amt> " + _("Fee per kB to add to transactions you send") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rescan " + _("Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions") + " " + _("on startup") + "\n";
strUsage += " -salvagewallet " + _("Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat") + " " + _("on startup") + "\n";
strUsage += " -spendzeroconfchange " + _("Spend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: 1)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -upgradewallet " + _("Upgrade wallet to latest format") + " " + _("on startup") + "\n";
strUsage += " -wallet=<file> " + _("Specify wallet file (within data directory)") + " " + _("(default: wallet.dat)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -walletnotify=<cmd> " + _("Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -zapwallettxes " + _("Clear list of wallet transactions (diagnostic tool; implies -rescan)") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("Debugging/Testing options:") + "\n";
if (GetBoolArg("-help-debug", false))
strUsage += " -benchmark " + _("Show benchmark information (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -checkpoints " + _("Only accept block chain matching built-in checkpoints (default: 1)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -dblogsize=<n> " + _("Flush database activity from memory pool to disk log every <n> megabytes (default: 100)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -disablesafemode " + _("Disable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -testsafemode " + _("Force safe mode (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -dropmessagestest=<n> " + _("Randomly drop 1 of every <n> network messages") + "\n";
strUsage += " -fuzzmessagestest=<n> " + _("Randomly fuzz 1 of every <n> network messages") + "\n";
strUsage += " -flushwallet " + _("Run a thread to flush wallet periodically (default: 1)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -debug=<category> " + _("Output debugging information (default: 0, supplying <category> is optional)") + "\n";
strUsage += " " + _("If <category> is not supplied, output all debugging information.") + "\n";
strUsage += " " + _("<category> can be:");
strUsage += " addrman, alert, coindb, db, lock, rand, rpc, selectcoins, mempool, net"; // Don't translate these and qt below
if (hmm == HMM_BITCOIN_QT)
strUsage += ", qt";
strUsage += ".\n";
strUsage += " -gen " + _("Generate coins (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -genproclimit=<n> " + _("Set the processor limit for when generation is on (-1 = unlimited, default: -1)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -help-debug " + _("Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -logtimestamps " + _("Prepend debug output with timestamp (default: 1)") + "\n";
if (GetBoolArg("-help-debug", false))
strUsage += " -limitfreerelay=<n> " + _("Continuously rate-limit free transactions to <n>*1000 bytes per minute (default:15)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -maxsigcachesize=<n> " + _("Limit size of signature cache to <n> entries (default: 50000)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -mintxfee=<amt> " + _("Fees smaller than this are considered zero fee (for transaction creation) (default:") + " " + FormatMoney(CTransaction::nMinTxFee) + ")" + "\n";
strUsage += " -minrelaytxfee=<amt> " + _("Fees smaller than this are considered zero fee (for relaying) (default:") + " " + FormatMoney(CTransaction::nMinRelayTxFee) + ")" + "\n";
strUsage += " -printtoconsole " + _("Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file") + "\n";
if (GetBoolArg("-help-debug", false))
strUsage += " -printblock=<hash> " + _("Print block on startup, if found in block index") + "\n";
strUsage += " -printblocktree " + _("Print block tree on startup (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -printpriority " + _("Log transaction priority and fee per kB when mining blocks (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -privdb " + _("Sets the DB_PRIVATE flag in the wallet db environment (default: 1)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -regtest " + _("Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly.") + "\n";
strUsage += " " + _("This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.") + "\n";
strUsage += " " + _("In this mode -genproclimit controls how many blocks are generated immediately.") + "\n";
strUsage += " -shrinkdebugfile " + _("Shrink debug.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -testnet " + _("Use the test network") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("Block creation options:") + "\n";
strUsage += " -blockminsize=<n> " + _("Set minimum block size in bytes (default: 0)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -blockmaxsize=<n> " + strprintf(_("Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)"), DEFAULT_BLOCK_MAX_SIZE) + "\n";
strUsage += " -blockprioritysize=<n> " + strprintf(_("Set maximum size of high-priority/low-fee transactions in bytes (default: %d)"), DEFAULT_BLOCK_PRIORITY_SIZE) + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("RPC server options:") + "\n";
strUsage += " -server " + _("Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcbind=<addr> " + _("Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. This option can be specified multiple times (default: bind to all interfaces)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcuser=<user> " + _("Username for JSON-RPC connections") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcpassword=<pw> " + _("Password for JSON-RPC connections") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcport=<port> " + _("Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcallowip=<ip> " + _("Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP address. This option can be specified multiple times") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcthreads=<n> " + _("Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4)") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + _("RPC SSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcssl " + _("Use OpenSSL (https) for JSON-RPC connections") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcsslcertificatechainfile=<file.cert> " + _("Server certificate file (default: server.cert)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcsslprivatekeyfile=<file.pem> " + _("Server private key (default: server.pem)") + "\n";
strUsage += " -rpcsslciphers=<ciphers> " + _("Acceptable ciphers (default: TLSv1.2+HIGH:TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES:@STRENGTH)") + "\n";
return strUsage;
struct CImportingNow
CImportingNow() {
assert(fImporting == false);
fImporting = true;
~CImportingNow() {
assert(fImporting == true);
fImporting = false;
void ThreadImport(std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> vImportFiles)
// -reindex
if (fReindex) {
CImportingNow imp;
int nFile = 0;
while (true) {
CDiskBlockPos pos(nFile, 0);
FILE *file = OpenBlockFile(pos, true);
if (!file)
LogPrintf("Reindexing block file blk%05u.dat...\n", (unsigned int)nFile);
LoadExternalBlockFile(file, &pos);
fReindex = false;
LogPrintf("Reindexing finished\n");
// To avoid ending up in a situation without genesis block, re-try initializing (no-op if reindexing worked):
// hardcoded $DATADIR/bootstrap.dat
filesystem::path pathBootstrap = GetDataDir() / "bootstrap.dat";
if (filesystem::exists(pathBootstrap)) {
FILE *file = fopen(pathBootstrap.string().c_str(), "rb");
if (file) {
CImportingNow imp;
filesystem::path pathBootstrapOld = GetDataDir() / "bootstrap.dat.old";
LogPrintf("Importing bootstrap.dat...\n");
RenameOver(pathBootstrap, pathBootstrapOld);
} else {
LogPrintf("Warning: Could not open bootstrap file %s\n", pathBootstrap.string());
// -loadblock=
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::filesystem::path &path, vImportFiles) {
FILE *file = fopen(path.string().c_str(), "rb");
if (file) {
CImportingNow imp;
LogPrintf("Importing blocks file %s...\n", path.string());
} else {
LogPrintf("Warning: Could not open blocks file %s\n", path.string());
/** Sanity checks
* Ensure that Bitcoin is running in a usable environment with all
* necessary library support.
bool InitSanityCheck(void)
if(!ECC_InitSanityCheck()) {
InitError("OpenSSL appears to lack support for elliptic curve cryptography. For more "
"information, visit https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/OpenSSL_and_EC_Libraries");
return false;
// TODO: remaining sanity checks, see #4081
return true;
/** Initialize bitcoin.
* @pre Parameters should be parsed and config file should be read.
bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup)
// ********************************************************* Step 1: setup
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Turn off Microsoft heap dump noise
_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, CreateFileA("NUL", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0));
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
// Disable confusing "helpful" text message on abort, Ctrl-C
_set_abort_behavior(0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT);
#ifdef WIN32
// Enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
// Minimum supported OS versions: WinXP SP3, WinVista >= SP1, Win Server 2008
// A failure is non-critical and needs no further attention!
// We define this here, because GCCs winbase.h limits this to _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0601 (Windows 7),
// which is not correct. Can be removed, when GCCs winbase.h is fixed!
#define PROCESS_DEP_ENABLE 0x00000001
PSETPROCDEPPOL setProcDEPPol = (PSETPROCDEPPOL)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("Kernel32.dll"), "SetProcessDEPPolicy");
if (setProcDEPPol != NULL) setProcDEPPol(PROCESS_DEP_ENABLE);
// Initialize Windows Sockets
WSADATA wsadata;
int ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsadata);
if (ret != NO_ERROR || LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion ) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 2)
return InitError(strprintf("Error: Winsock library failed to start (WSAStartup returned error %d)", ret));
#ifndef WIN32
// Clean shutdown on SIGTERM
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = HandleSIGTERM;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
// Reopen debug.log on SIGHUP
struct sigaction sa_hup;
sa_hup.sa_handler = HandleSIGHUP;
sa_hup.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa_hup, NULL);
#if defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun)
// ignore SIGPIPE on Solaris
// ********************************************************* Step 2: parameter interactions
if (mapArgs.count("-bind")) {
// when specifying an explicit binding address, you want to listen on it
// even when -connect or -proxy is specified
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", true))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -bind set -> setting -listen=1\n");
if (mapArgs.count("-connect") && mapMultiArgs["-connect"].size() > 0) {
// when only connecting to trusted nodes, do not seed via DNS, or listen by default
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-dnsseed", false))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -connect set -> setting -dnsseed=0\n");
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", false))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -connect set -> setting -listen=0\n");
if (mapArgs.count("-proxy")) {
// to protect privacy, do not listen by default if a default proxy server is specified
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", false))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -proxy set -> setting -listen=0\n");
if (!GetBoolArg("-listen", true)) {
// do not map ports or try to retrieve public IP when not listening (pointless)
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-upnp", false))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -listen=0 -> setting -upnp=0\n");
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -listen=0 -> setting -discover=0\n");
if (mapArgs.count("-externalip")) {
// if an explicit public IP is specified, do not try to find others
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -externalip set -> setting -discover=0\n");
if (GetBoolArg("-salvagewallet", false)) {
// Rewrite just private keys: rescan to find transactions
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-rescan", true))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -salvagewallet=1 -> setting -rescan=1\n");
// -zapwallettx implies a rescan
if (GetBoolArg("-zapwallettxes", false)) {
if (SoftSetBoolArg("-rescan", true))
LogPrintf("AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -zapwallettxes=1 -> setting -rescan=1\n");
// Make sure enough file descriptors are available
int nBind = std::max((int)mapArgs.count("-bind"), 1);
nMaxConnections = GetArg("-maxconnections", 125);
nMaxConnections = std::max(std::min(nMaxConnections, (int)(FD_SETSIZE - nBind - MIN_CORE_FILEDESCRIPTORS)), 0);
int nFD = RaiseFileDescriptorLimit(nMaxConnections + MIN_CORE_FILEDESCRIPTORS);
return InitError(_("Not enough file descriptors available."));
if (nFD - MIN_CORE_FILEDESCRIPTORS < nMaxConnections)
// ********************************************************* Step 3: parameter-to-internal-flags
fDebug = !mapMultiArgs["-debug"].empty();
// Special-case: if -debug=0/-nodebug is set, turn off debugging messages
const vector<string>& categories = mapMultiArgs["-debug"];
if (GetBoolArg("-nodebug", false) || find(categories.begin(), categories.end(), string("0")) != categories.end())
fDebug = false;
// Check for -debugnet (deprecated)
if (GetBoolArg("-debugnet", false))
InitWarning(_("Warning: Deprecated argument -debugnet ignored, use -debug=net"));
fBenchmark = GetBoolArg("-benchmark", false);
mempool.setSanityCheck(GetBoolArg("-checkmempool", RegTest()));
Checkpoints::fEnabled = GetBoolArg("-checkpoints", true);
// -par=0 means autodetect, but nScriptCheckThreads==0 means no concurrency
nScriptCheckThreads = GetArg("-par", DEFAULT_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS);
if (nScriptCheckThreads <= 0)
nScriptCheckThreads += boost::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (nScriptCheckThreads <= 1)
nScriptCheckThreads = 0;
else if (nScriptCheckThreads > MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS)
fServer = GetBoolArg("-server", false);
fPrintToConsole = GetBoolArg("-printtoconsole", false);
fLogTimestamps = GetBoolArg("-logtimestamps", true);
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
bool fDisableWallet = GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", false);
if (mapArgs.count("-timeout"))
int nNewTimeout = GetArg("-timeout", 5000);
if (nNewTimeout > 0 && nNewTimeout < 600000)
nConnectTimeout = nNewTimeout;
// Continue to put "/P2SH/" in the coinbase to monitor
// BIP16 support.
// This can be removed eventually...
const char* pszP2SH = "/P2SH/";
COINBASE_FLAGS << std::vector<unsigned char>(pszP2SH, pszP2SH+strlen(pszP2SH));
// Fee-per-kilobyte amount considered the same as "free"
// If you are mining, be careful setting this:
// if you set it to zero then
// a transaction spammer can cheaply fill blocks using
// 1-satoshi-fee transactions. It should be set above the real
// cost to you of processing a transaction.
if (mapArgs.count("-mintxfee"))
int64_t n = 0;
if (ParseMoney(mapArgs["-mintxfee"], n) && n > 0)
CTransaction::nMinTxFee = n;
return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid amount for -mintxfee=<amount>: '%s'"), mapArgs["-mintxfee"]));
if (mapArgs.count("-minrelaytxfee"))
int64_t n = 0;
if (ParseMoney(mapArgs["-minrelaytxfee"], n) && n > 0)
CTransaction::nMinRelayTxFee = n;
return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid amount for -minrelaytxfee=<amount>: '%s'"), mapArgs["-minrelaytxfee"]));
if (mapArgs.count("-paytxfee"))
if (!ParseMoney(mapArgs["-paytxfee"], nTransactionFee))
return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>: '%s'"), mapArgs["-paytxfee"]));
if (nTransactionFee > nHighTransactionFeeWarning)
InitWarning(_("Warning: -paytxfee is set very high! This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction."));
bSpendZeroConfChange = GetArg("-spendzeroconfchange", true);
strWalletFile = GetArg("-wallet", "wallet.dat");
// ********************************************************* Step 4: application initialization: dir lock, daemonize, pidfile, debug log
// Sanity check
if (!InitSanityCheck())
return InitError(_("Initialization sanity check failed. Bitcoin Core is shutting down."));
std::string strDataDir = GetDataDir().string();
// Wallet file must be a plain filename without a directory
if (strWalletFile != boost::filesystem::basename(strWalletFile) + boost::filesystem::extension(strWalletFile))
return InitError(strprintf(_("Wallet %s resides outside data directory %s"), strWalletFile, strDataDir));
// Make sure only a single Bitcoin process is using the data directory.
boost::filesystem::path pathLockFile = GetDataDir() / ".lock";
FILE* file = fopen(pathLockFile.string().c_str(), "a"); // empty lock file; created if it doesn't exist.
if (file) fclose(file);
static boost::interprocess::file_lock lock(pathLockFile.string().c_str());
if (!lock.try_lock())
return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin Core is probably already running."), strDataDir));
if (GetBoolArg("-shrinkdebugfile", !fDebug))
LogPrintf("Bitcoin version %s (%s)\n", FormatFullVersion(), CLIENT_DATE);
LogPrintf("Using OpenSSL version %s\n", SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION));
LogPrintf("Using BerkeleyDB version %s\n", DbEnv::version(0, 0, 0));
if (!fLogTimestamps)
LogPrintf("Startup time: %s\n", DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", GetTime()));
LogPrintf("Default data directory %s\n", GetDefaultDataDir().string());
LogPrintf("Using data directory %s\n", strDataDir);
LogPrintf("Using at most %i connections (%i file descriptors available)\n", nMaxConnections, nFD);
std::ostringstream strErrors;
if (nScriptCheckThreads) {
LogPrintf("Using %u threads for script verification\n", nScriptCheckThreads);
for (int i=0; i<nScriptCheckThreads-1; i++)
int64_t nStart;
// ********************************************************* Step 5: verify wallet database integrity
if (!fDisableWallet) {
LogPrintf("Using wallet %s\n", strWalletFile);
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Verifying wallet..."));
if (!bitdb.Open(GetDataDir()))
// try moving the database env out of the way
boost::filesystem::path pathDatabase = GetDataDir() / "database";
boost::filesystem::path pathDatabaseBak = GetDataDir() / strprintf("database.%d.bak", GetTime());
try {
boost::filesystem::rename(pathDatabase, pathDatabaseBak);
LogPrintf("Moved old %s to %s. Retrying.\n", pathDatabase.string(), pathDatabaseBak.string());
} catch(boost::filesystem::filesystem_error &error) {
// failure is ok (well, not really, but it's not worse than what we started with)
// try again
if (!bitdb.Open(GetDataDir())) {
// if it still fails, it probably means we can't even create the database env
string msg = strprintf(_("Error initializing wallet database environment %s!"), strDataDir);
return InitError(msg);
if (GetBoolArg("-salvagewallet", false))
// Recover readable keypairs:
if (!CWalletDB::Recover(bitdb, strWalletFile, true))
return false;
if (filesystem::exists(GetDataDir() / strWalletFile))
CDBEnv::VerifyResult r = bitdb.Verify(strWalletFile, CWalletDB::Recover);
if (r == CDBEnv::RECOVER_OK)
string msg = strprintf(_("Warning: wallet.dat corrupt, data salvaged!"
" Original wallet.dat saved as wallet.{timestamp}.bak in %s; if"
" your balance or transactions are incorrect you should"
" restore from a backup."), strDataDir);
if (r == CDBEnv::RECOVER_FAIL)
return InitError(_("wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failed"));
} // (!fDisableWallet)
// ********************************************************* Step 6: network initialization
int nSocksVersion = GetArg("-socks", 5);
if (nSocksVersion != 4 && nSocksVersion != 5)
return InitError(strprintf(_("Unknown -socks proxy version requested: %i"), nSocksVersion));
if (mapArgs.count("-onlynet")) {
std::set<enum Network> nets;
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string snet, mapMultiArgs["-onlynet"]) {
enum Network net = ParseNetwork(snet);
if (net == NET_UNROUTABLE)
return InitError(strprintf(_("Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'"), snet));
for (int n = 0; n < NET_MAX; n++) {
enum Network net = (enum Network)n;
if (!nets.count(net))
CService addrProxy;
bool fProxy = false;
if (mapArgs.count("-proxy")) {
addrProxy = CService(mapArgs["-proxy"], 9050);
if (!addrProxy.IsValid())
return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid -proxy address: '%s'"), mapArgs["-proxy"]));
if (!IsLimited(NET_IPV4))
SetProxy(NET_IPV4, addrProxy, nSocksVersion);
if (nSocksVersion > 4) {
if (!IsLimited(NET_IPV6))
SetProxy(NET_IPV6, addrProxy, nSocksVersion);
SetNameProxy(addrProxy, nSocksVersion);
fProxy = true;
// -onion can override normal proxy, -noonion disables tor entirely
// -tor here is a temporary backwards compatibility measure
if (mapArgs.count("-tor"))
printf("Notice: option -tor has been replaced with -onion and will be removed in a later version.\n");
if (!(mapArgs.count("-onion") && mapArgs["-onion"] == "0") &&
!(mapArgs.count("-tor") && mapArgs["-tor"] == "0") &&
(fProxy || mapArgs.count("-onion") || mapArgs.count("-tor"))) {
CService addrOnion;
if (!mapArgs.count("-onion") && !mapArgs.count("-tor"))
addrOnion = addrProxy;
addrOnion = mapArgs.count("-onion")?CService(mapArgs["-onion"], 9050):CService(mapArgs["-tor"], 9050);
if (!addrOnion.IsValid())
return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid -onion address: '%s'"), mapArgs.count("-onion")?mapArgs["-onion"]:mapArgs["-tor"]));
SetProxy(NET_TOR, addrOnion, 5);
// see Step 2: parameter interactions for more information about these
fNoListen = !GetBoolArg("-listen", true);
fDiscover = GetBoolArg("-discover", true);
fNameLookup = GetBoolArg("-dns", true);
bool fBound = false;
if (!fNoListen) {
if (mapArgs.count("-bind")) {
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string strBind, mapMultiArgs["-bind"]) {
CService addrBind;
if (!Lookup(strBind.c_str(), addrBind, GetListenPort(), false))
return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot resolve -bind address: '%s'"), strBind));
fBound |= Bind(addrBind, (BF_EXPLICIT | BF_REPORT_ERROR));
else {
struct in_addr inaddr_any;
inaddr_any.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
fBound |= Bind(CService(in6addr_any, GetListenPort()), BF_NONE);
fBound |= Bind(CService(inaddr_any, GetListenPort()), !fBound ? BF_REPORT_ERROR : BF_NONE);
if (!fBound)
return InitError(_("Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this."));
if (mapArgs.count("-externalip")) {
BOOST_FOREACH(string strAddr, mapMultiArgs["-externalip"]) {
CService addrLocal(strAddr, GetListenPort(), fNameLookup);
if (!addrLocal.IsValid())
return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot resolve -externalip address: '%s'"), strAddr));
AddLocal(CService(strAddr, GetListenPort(), fNameLookup), LOCAL_MANUAL);
BOOST_FOREACH(string strDest, mapMultiArgs["-seednode"])
// ********************************************************* Step 7: load block chain
fReindex = GetBoolArg("-reindex", false);
// Upgrading to 0.8; hard-link the old blknnnn.dat files into /blocks/
filesystem::path blocksDir = GetDataDir() / "blocks";
if (!filesystem::exists(blocksDir))
bool linked = false;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 10000; i++) {
filesystem::path source = GetDataDir() / strprintf("blk%04u.dat", i);
if (!filesystem::exists(source)) break;
filesystem::path dest = blocksDir / strprintf("blk%05u.dat", i-1);
try {
filesystem::create_hard_link(source, dest);
LogPrintf("Hardlinked %s -> %s\n", source.string(), dest.string());
linked = true;
} catch (filesystem::filesystem_error & e) {
// Note: hardlink creation failing is not a disaster, it just means
// blocks will get re-downloaded from peers.
LogPrintf("Error hardlinking blk%04u.dat : %s\n", i, e.what());
if (linked)
fReindex = true;
// cache size calculations
size_t nTotalCache = (GetArg("-dbcache", nDefaultDbCache) << 20);
if (nTotalCache < (nMinDbCache << 20))
nTotalCache = (nMinDbCache << 20); // total cache cannot be less than nMinDbCache
else if (nTotalCache > (nMaxDbCache << 20))
nTotalCache = (nMaxDbCache << 20); // total cache cannot be greater than nMaxDbCache
size_t nBlockTreeDBCache = nTotalCache / 8;
if (nBlockTreeDBCache > (1 << 21) && !GetBoolArg("-txindex", false))
nBlockTreeDBCache = (1 << 21); // block tree db cache shouldn't be larger than 2 MiB
nTotalCache -= nBlockTreeDBCache;
size_t nCoinDBCache = nTotalCache / 2; // use half of the remaining cache for coindb cache
nTotalCache -= nCoinDBCache;
nCoinCacheSize = nTotalCache / 300; // coins in memory require around 300 bytes
bool fLoaded = false;
while (!fLoaded) {
bool fReset = fReindex;
std::string strLoadError;
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Loading block index..."));
nStart = GetTimeMillis();
do {
try {
delete pcoinsTip;
delete pcoinsdbview;
delete pblocktree;
pblocktree = new CBlockTreeDB(nBlockTreeDBCache, false, fReindex);
pcoinsdbview = new CCoinsViewDB(nCoinDBCache, false, fReindex);
pcoinsTip = new CCoinsViewCache(*pcoinsdbview);
if (fReindex)
if (!LoadBlockIndex()) {
strLoadError = _("Error loading block database");
// If the loaded chain has a wrong genesis, bail out immediately
// (we're likely using a testnet datadir, or the other way around).
if (!mapBlockIndex.empty() && chainActive.Genesis() == NULL)
return InitError(_("Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?"));
// Initialize the block index (no-op if non-empty database was already loaded)
if (!InitBlockIndex()) {
strLoadError = _("Error initializing block database");
// Check for changed -txindex state
if (fTxIndex != GetBoolArg("-txindex", false)) {
strLoadError = _("You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to change -txindex");
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Verifying blocks..."));
if (!VerifyDB(GetArg("-checklevel", 3),
GetArg("-checkblocks", 288))) {
strLoadError = _("Corrupted block database detected");
} catch(std::exception &e) {
if (fDebug) LogPrintf("%s\n", e.what());
strLoadError = _("Error opening block database");
fLoaded = true;
} while(false);
if (!fLoaded) {
// first suggest a reindex
if (!fReset) {
bool fRet = uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(
strLoadError + ".\n\n" + _("Do you want to rebuild the block database now?"),
"", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR | CClientUIInterface::BTN_ABORT);
if (fRet) {
fReindex = true;
fRequestShutdown = false;
} else {
LogPrintf("Aborted block database rebuild. Exiting.\n");
return false;
} else {
return InitError(strLoadError);
// As LoadBlockIndex can take several minutes, it's possible the user
// requested to kill the GUI during the last operation. If so, exit.
// As the program has not fully started yet, Shutdown() is possibly overkill.
if (fRequestShutdown)
LogPrintf("Shutdown requested. Exiting.\n");
return false;
LogPrintf(" block index %15dms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
if (GetBoolArg("-printblockindex", false) || GetBoolArg("-printblocktree", false))
return false;
if (mapArgs.count("-printblock"))
string strMatch = mapArgs["-printblock"];
int nFound = 0;
for (map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.begin(); mi != mapBlockIndex.end(); ++mi)
uint256 hash = (*mi).first;
if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(hash.ToString(), strMatch))
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
CBlock block;
ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex);
if (nFound == 0)
LogPrintf("No blocks matching %s were found\n", strMatch);
return false;
// ********************************************************* Step 8: load wallet
if (fDisableWallet) {
pwalletMain = NULL;
LogPrintf("Wallet disabled!\n");
} else {
if (GetBoolArg("-zapwallettxes", false)) {
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Zapping all transactions from wallet..."));
pwalletMain = new CWallet(strWalletFile);
DBErrors nZapWalletRet = pwalletMain->ZapWalletTx();
if (nZapWalletRet != DB_LOAD_OK) {
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corrupted"));
return false;
delete pwalletMain;
pwalletMain = NULL;
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Loading wallet..."));
nStart = GetTimeMillis();
bool fFirstRun = true;
pwalletMain = new CWallet(strWalletFile);
DBErrors nLoadWalletRet = pwalletMain->LoadWallet(fFirstRun);
if (nLoadWalletRet != DB_LOAD_OK)
if (nLoadWalletRet == DB_CORRUPT)
strErrors << _("Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corrupted") << "\n";
else if (nLoadWalletRet == DB_NONCRITICAL_ERROR)
string msg(_("Warning: error reading wallet.dat! All keys read correctly, but transaction data"
" or address book entries might be missing or incorrect."));
else if (nLoadWalletRet == DB_TOO_NEW)
strErrors << _("Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of Bitcoin") << "\n";
else if (nLoadWalletRet == DB_NEED_REWRITE)
strErrors << _("Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart Bitcoin to complete") << "\n";
LogPrintf("%s", strErrors.str());
return InitError(strErrors.str());
strErrors << _("Error loading wallet.dat") << "\n";
if (GetBoolArg("-upgradewallet", fFirstRun))
int nMaxVersion = GetArg("-upgradewallet", 0);
if (nMaxVersion == 0) // the -upgradewallet without argument case
LogPrintf("Performing wallet upgrade to %i\n", FEATURE_LATEST);
pwalletMain->SetMinVersion(FEATURE_LATEST); // permanently upgrade the wallet immediately
LogPrintf("Allowing wallet upgrade up to %i\n", nMaxVersion);
if (nMaxVersion < pwalletMain->GetVersion())
strErrors << _("Cannot downgrade wallet") << "\n";
if (fFirstRun)
// Create new keyUser and set as default key
CPubKey newDefaultKey;
if (pwalletMain->GetKeyFromPool(newDefaultKey)) {
if (!pwalletMain->SetAddressBook(pwalletMain->vchDefaultKey.GetID(), "", "receive"))
strErrors << _("Cannot write default address") << "\n";
LogPrintf("%s", strErrors.str());
LogPrintf(" wallet %15dms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
CBlockIndex *pindexRescan = chainActive.Tip();
if (GetBoolArg("-rescan", false))
pindexRescan = chainActive.Genesis();
CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile);
CBlockLocator locator;
if (walletdb.ReadBestBlock(locator))
pindexRescan = chainActive.FindFork(locator);
pindexRescan = chainActive.Genesis();
if (chainActive.Tip() && chainActive.Tip() != pindexRescan)
LogPrintf("Rescanning last %i blocks (from block %i)...\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexRescan->nHeight, pindexRescan->nHeight);
nStart = GetTimeMillis();
pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(pindexRescan, true);
LogPrintf(" rescan %15dms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
} // (!fDisableWallet)
LogPrintf("No wallet compiled in!\n");
#endif // !ENABLE_WALLET
// ********************************************************* Step 9: import blocks
// scan for better chains in the block chain database, that are not yet connected in the active best chain
CValidationState state;
if (!ActivateBestChain(state))
strErrors << "Failed to connect best block";
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> vImportFiles;
if (mapArgs.count("-loadblock"))
BOOST_FOREACH(string strFile, mapMultiArgs["-loadblock"])
threadGroup.create_thread(boost::bind(&ThreadImport, vImportFiles));
// ********************************************************* Step 10: load peers
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Loading addresses..."));
nStart = GetTimeMillis();
CAddrDB adb;
if (!adb.Read(addrman))
LogPrintf("Invalid or missing peers.dat; recreating\n");
LogPrintf("Loaded %i addresses from peers.dat %dms\n",
addrman.size(), GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
// ********************************************************* Step 11: start node
if (!CheckDiskSpace())
return false;
if (!strErrors.str().empty())
return InitError(strErrors.str());
//// debug print
LogPrintf("mapBlockIndex.size() = %u\n", mapBlockIndex.size());
LogPrintf("nBestHeight = %d\n", chainActive.Height());
LogPrintf("setKeyPool.size() = %u\n", pwalletMain ? pwalletMain->setKeyPool.size() : 0);
LogPrintf("mapWallet.size() = %u\n", pwalletMain ? pwalletMain->mapWallet.size() : 0);
LogPrintf("mapAddressBook.size() = %u\n", pwalletMain ? pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.size() : 0);
// InitRPCMining is needed here so getwork/getblocktemplate in the GUI debug console works properly.
if (fServer)
// Generate coins in the background
if (pwalletMain)
GenerateBitcoins(GetBoolArg("-gen", false), pwalletMain, GetArg("-genproclimit", -1));
// ********************************************************* Step 12: finished
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Done loading"));
if (pwalletMain) {
// Add wallet transactions that aren't already in a block to mapTransactions
// Run a thread to flush wallet periodically
threadGroup.create_thread(boost::bind(&ThreadFlushWalletDB, boost::ref(pwalletMain->strWalletFile)));
return !fRequestShutdown;