Evan Duffield bbd869589c Collateral issues / Exact denoms / Disabled denoms
- When attempting to connect to a masternode for submission into the pool a recursive call to DoAutoDenominate was used. This could possibly take more than 1 minute to complete if it found a string of bad masternodes, in which case the correct masternode was overwritten and replaced with an invalid one. Upon submission, the DS TX was given to the incorrect node causing collateral to be charged.
- To fix this I've removed the recursion and added a critical section to DoAutoDenominate.
- Exact input denominations are matched in PrepareDarksendDenominate to remove the possibility of having change in the pool
- Removed disabled denominations, not needed anymore
2015-01-20 10:33:52 -07:00

440 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#ifndef DARKSEND_H
#define DARKSEND_H
#include "core.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "masternode.h"
#include "activemasternode.h"
class CTxIn;
class CDarkSendPool;
class CDarkSendSigner;
class CMasterNodeVote;
class CBitcoinAddress;
class CDarksendQueue;
class CDarksendBroadcastTx;
class CActiveMasternode;
#define POOL_MAX_TRANSACTIONS 3 // wait for X transactions to merge and publish
#define POOL_STATUS_UNKNOWN 0 // waiting for update
#define POOL_STATUS_IDLE 1 // waiting for update
#define POOL_STATUS_QUEUE 2 // waiting in a queue
#define POOL_STATUS_ACCEPTING_ENTRIES 3 // accepting entries
#define POOL_STATUS_FINALIZE_TRANSACTION 4 // master node will broadcast what it accepted
#define POOL_STATUS_SIGNING 5 // check inputs/outputs, sign final tx
#define POOL_STATUS_TRANSMISSION 6 // transmit transaction
#define POOL_STATUS_ERROR 7 // error
#define POOL_STATUS_SUCCESS 8 // success
// status update message constants
extern CDarkSendPool darkSendPool;
extern CDarkSendSigner darkSendSigner;
extern std::vector<CDarksendQueue> vecDarksendQueue;
extern std::string strMasterNodePrivKey;
extern map<uint256, CDarksendBroadcastTx> mapDarksendBroadcastTxes;
extern CActiveMasternode activeMasternode;
//specific messages for the Darksend protocol
void ProcessMessageDarksend(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv);
// get the darksend chain depth for a given input
int GetInputDarksendRounds(CTxIn in, int rounds=0);
// An input in the darksend pool
class CDarkSendEntryVin
bool isSigSet;
CTxIn vin;
isSigSet = false;
vin = CTxIn();
// A clients transaction in the darksend pool
class CDarkSendEntry
bool isSet;
std::vector<CDarkSendEntryVin> sev;
int64_t amount;
CTransaction collateral;
std::vector<CTxOut> vout;
CTransaction txSupporting;
int64_t addedTime;
isSet = false;
collateral = CTransaction();
amount = 0;
bool Add(const std::vector<CTxIn> vinIn, int64_t amountIn, const CTransaction collateralIn, const std::vector<CTxOut> voutIn)
if(isSet){return false;}
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn v, vinIn) {
CDarkSendEntryVin s = CDarkSendEntryVin();
s.vin = v;
vout = voutIn;
amount = amountIn;
collateral = collateralIn;
isSet = true;
addedTime = GetTime();
return true;
bool AddSig(const CTxIn& vin)
BOOST_FOREACH(CDarkSendEntryVin& s, sev) {
if(s.vin.prevout == vin.prevout && s.vin.nSequence == vin.nSequence){
if(s.isSigSet){return false;}
s.vin.scriptSig = vin.scriptSig;
s.vin.prevPubKey = vin.prevPubKey;
s.isSigSet = true;
return true;
return false;
bool IsExpired()
return (GetTime() - addedTime) > DARKSEND_QUEUE_TIMEOUT;// 120 seconds
// A currently inprogress darksend merge and denomination information
class CDarksendQueue
CTxIn vin;
int64_t time;
int nDenom;
bool ready; //ready for submit
std::vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
nDenom = 0;
vin = CTxIn();
time = 0;
ready = false;
bool GetAddress(CService &addr)
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode mn, vecMasternodes) {
if(mn.vin == vin){
addr = mn.addr;
return true;
return false;
bool GetProtocolVersion(int &protocolVersion)
BOOST_FOREACH(CMasterNode mn, vecMasternodes) {
if(mn.vin == vin){
protocolVersion = mn.protocolVersion;
return true;
return false;
bool Sign();
bool Relay();
bool IsExpired()
return (GetTime() - time) > DARKSEND_QUEUE_TIMEOUT;// 120 seconds
bool CheckSignature();
// store darksend tx signature information
class CDarksendBroadcastTx
CTransaction tx;
CTxIn vin;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
int64_t sigTime;
// Helper object for signing and checking signatures
class CDarkSendSigner
bool IsVinAssociatedWithPubkey(CTxIn& vin, CPubKey& pubkey);
bool SetKey(std::string strSecret, std::string& errorMessage, CKey& key, CPubKey& pubkey);
bool SignMessage(std::string strMessage, std::string& errorMessage, std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig, CKey key);
bool VerifyMessage(CPubKey pubkey, std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig, std::string strMessage, std::string& errorMessage);
class CDarksendSession
// Used to keep track of current status of darksend pool
class CDarkSendPool
static const int MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION = 70053;
// clients entries
std::vector<CDarkSendEntry> myEntries;
// masternode entries
std::vector<CDarkSendEntry> entries;
// the finalized transaction ready for signing
CTransaction finalTransaction;
int64_t lastTimeChanged;
int64_t lastAutoDenomination;
unsigned int state;
unsigned int entriesCount;
unsigned int lastEntryAccepted;
unsigned int countEntriesAccepted;
// where collateral should be made out to
CScript collateralPubKey;
std::vector<CTxIn> lockedCoins;
uint256 masterNodeBlockHash;
std::string lastMessage;
bool completedTransaction;
bool unitTest;
CService submittedToMasternode;
int sessionID;
int sessionDenom; //Users must submit an denom matching this
int sessionUsers; //N Users have said they'll join
bool sessionFoundMasternode; //If we've found a compatible masternode
int64_t sessionTotalValue; //used for autoDenom
std::vector<CTransaction> vecSessionCollateral;
int lastSplitUpBlock;
int splitUpInARow; // how many splits we've done since a success?
int cachedLastSuccess;
int cachedNumBlocks; //used for the overview screen
int minBlockSpacing; //required blocks between mixes
CTransaction txCollateral;
//debugging data
std::string strAutoDenomResult;
//incremented whenever a DSQ comes through
int64_t nDsqCount;
/* DarkSend uses collateral addresses to trust parties entering the pool
to behave themselves. If they don't it takes their money. */
lastSplitUpBlock = 0;
cachedLastSuccess = 0;
cachedNumBlocks = 0;
unitTest = false;
splitUpInARow = 0;
txCollateral = CTransaction();
minBlockSpacing = 1;
nDsqCount = 0;
void InitCollateralAddress(){
std::string strAddress = "";
if(Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::MAIN) {
strAddress = "Xq19GqFvajRrEdDHYRKGYjTsQfpV5jyipF";
} else {
strAddress = "y1EZuxhhNMAUofTBEeLqGE1bJrpC2TWRNp";
void SetMinBlockSpacing(int minBlockSpacingIn){
minBlockSpacing = minBlockSpacingIn;
bool SetCollateralAddress(std::string strAddress);
void Reset();
void SetNull(bool clearEverything=false);
void UnlockCoins();
bool IsNull() const
return (state == POOL_STATUS_ACCEPTING_ENTRIES && entries.empty() && myEntries.empty());
int GetState() const
return state;
int GetEntriesCount() const
return entries.size();
} else {
return entriesCount;
int GetLastEntryAccepted() const
return lastEntryAccepted;
int GetCountEntriesAccepted() const
return countEntriesAccepted;
int GetMyTransactionCount() const
return myEntries.size();
void UpdateState(unsigned int newState)
if (fMasterNode && (newState == POOL_STATUS_ERROR || newState == POOL_STATUS_SUCCESS)){
LogPrintf("CDarkSendPool::UpdateState() - Can't set state to ERROR or SUCCESS as a masternode. \n");
LogPrintf("CDarkSendPool::UpdateState() == %d | %d \n", state, newState);
if(state != newState){
lastTimeChanged = GetTimeMillis();
if(fMasterNode) {
RelayDarkSendStatus(darkSendPool.sessionID, darkSendPool.GetState(), darkSendPool.GetEntriesCount(), MASTERNODE_RESET);
state = newState;
int GetMaxPoolTransactions()
//if we're on testnet, just use two transactions per merge
if(Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::TESTNET || Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::REGTEST) return 2;
//use the production amount
//Do we have enough users to take entries?
bool IsSessionReady(){
return sessionUsers >= GetMaxPoolTransactions();
// Are these outputs compatible with other client in the pool?
bool IsCompatibleWithEntries(std::vector<CTxOut> vout);
// Is this amount compatible with other client in the pool?
bool IsCompatibleWithSession(int64_t nAmount, CTransaction txCollateral, std::string& strReason);
// Passively run Darksend in the background according to the configuration in settings (only for QT)
bool DoAutomaticDenominating(bool fDryRun=false, bool ready=false);
bool PrepareDarksendDenominate();
// check for process in Darksend
void Check();
// charge fees to bad actors
void ChargeFees();
// rarely charge fees to pay miners
void ChargeRandomFees();
void CheckTimeout();
// check to make sure a signature matches an input in the pool
bool SignatureValid(const CScript& newSig, const CTxIn& newVin);
// if the collateral is valid given by a client
bool IsCollateralValid(const CTransaction& txCollateral);
// add a clients entry to the pool
bool AddEntry(const std::vector<CTxIn>& newInput, const int64_t& nAmount, const CTransaction& txCollateral, const std::vector<CTxOut>& newOutput, std::string& error);
// add signature to a vin
bool AddScriptSig(const CTxIn& newVin);
// are all inputs signed?
bool SignaturesComplete();
// as a client, send a transaction to a masternode to start the denomination process
void SendDarksendDenominate(std::vector<CTxIn>& vin, std::vector<CTxOut>& vout, int64_t amount);
// get masternode updates about the progress of darksend
bool StatusUpdate(int newState, int newEntriesCount, int newAccepted, std::string& error, int newSessionID=0);
// as a client, check and sign the final transaction
bool SignFinalTransaction(CTransaction& finalTransactionNew, CNode* node);
// get block hash by height
bool GetBlockHash(uint256& hash, int nBlockHeight);
// get the last valid block hash for a given modulus
bool GetLastValidBlockHash(uint256& hash, int mod=1, int nBlockHeight=0);
// process a new block
void NewBlock();
void CompletedTransaction(bool error, std::string lastMessageNew);
void ClearLastMessage();
// used for liquidity providers
bool SendRandomPaymentToSelf();
// split up large inputs or make fee sized inputs
bool SplitUpMoney(bool justCollateral=false);
bool CreateDenominated(int64_t nTotalValue);
// get the denominations for a list of outputs (returns a bitshifted integer)
int GetDenominations(const std::vector<CTxOut>& vout);
void GetDenominationsToString(int nDenom, std::string& strDenom);
// get the denominations for a specific amount of darkcoin.
int GetDenominationsByAmount(int64_t nAmount, int nDenomTarget=0);
int GetDenominationsByAmounts(std::vector<int64_t>& vecAmount);
void ConnectToDarkSendMasterNodeWinner();
void ThreadCheckDarkSendPool();