- do not call Added....() inside CMasternodeSync::Process() - that was "faking" sync process
- unify "RequestedMasternodeAttempt <= ..." logic and define MASTERNODE_SYNC_TIMEOUT
- add missing masternodeSync.AddedMasternodeList() to CMasternodeMan::ProcessMessage()
- fix "include"s
- don't check vecMasternodesUsed while not synced
- Do not rely on local lastTimeSeen and requested fRequested anymore. Use last know (signed) ping instead and base all logic on that. Should reduce mn list difference between
- Rework CActiveMasternode accordingly along with states, errorMessages, rpc etc.
- Clean some related code, move parts from public to private
- drop c_str in LogPrintf that were related to this functionality (todo: drop it for LogPrintf everywhere else)
- Implemented spork for only paying new nodes after a period of time on mainnet
- protocol bump
- fixed a few issues with sporks. Spork show now shows all sporks, instead of the changed ones. IsSporkActive now supports sporks set to 0 as on.
- Fixed a bug causing the broadcasts to be ignored in some situations
- Added some logic to rebroadcast new masternodes, so the rest of the network finds out about unknown nodes quickly
- should help masternode payments to work properly
- Added FindProposal and FindFinalBudget to budgeting class
- Added 2 new sporks for Proposals and Budget payment enforcement. This is outside of the decentralized code so we can turn it off if there's a problem.
- Detect budget blocks and pay correct amounts in super blocks
- Added commands for using budgets "mnbudget" and "mnfinalbudget"
- Supports 100% decentralized budget control and view-only site with json meta data object
- Removed of reference node and replaced with decentralized quorums that pick the masternodes who get paid each block.
- Made a budgeting system, where masternodes can vote on individual budgets and the data is stored perminently on each clients computer
- Added new CMasterBroadcast/CmasternodePing objects, with all of the code required to check each new message. SHould be much easier to tell what's going on now.
- Added nLastPaid to masternode information for persistant storage of the masternode payment cycle
- Masternodes get flagged as just paid when they enter the masternode list and must wait a full cycle to be paid again
- Masternode RPC commands now show short vin string instead of ip address