
894 B

Updated RPCs

  • The following RPCs: gettxout, getrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, decodescript, gettransaction, and REST endpoints: /rest/tx, /rest/getutxos, /rest/block deprecated the following fields (which are no longer returned in the responses by default): addresses, reqSigs. The -deprecatedrpc=addresses flag must be passed for these fields to be included in the RPC response. Note that these fields are attributes of the scriptPubKey object returned in the RPC response. However, in the response of decodescript these fields are top-level attributes, and included again as attributes of the scriptPubKey object.

  • When creating a hex-encoded Dash transaction using the dash-tx utility with the -json option set, the following fields: addresses, reqSigs are no longer returned in the tx output of the response.